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Hockey Terms S to Z

Save-The act of a goalie in blocking or stopping a shot.
Scramble-Several players from both sides close together battling for possession of the puck.
Screen shot-A shot on goal that the goalie cannot see because it was taken from behind one or
more players from either team standing in front of the net.
Shooting angle-The angle determined by the position of the shooting player in relation to the goal at
the moment he shoots the puck.
Shorthanded-A team is below the numerical strength of its opponents on the ice. When a goal is
scored against a shorthanded team the minor or bench minor penalty which terminates automatically is the one which causes the team scored against to be ``shorthanded''. Thus, if an equal number of players from each team is each serving a penalty(s) (minor, bench minor, major or match only), neither team is ``shorthanded''.
Shot on goal-A scoring attempt that is successfully blocked or otherwise prevented by a goalie; a
Shoulder deke-A quick move of the shoulder in one direction and the player in another to fake out
the opponent.
Sideboards-The boards along the sides of the rink.
Slap shot-A shot in which the player raises his stick in a backswing, with his strong hand held low
on the shaft and his other hand on the end as a pivot. Then as the stick comes down toward the puck, the player leans into the stick to put all his power behind the shot and add velocity to the puck; achieves an extremely high speed (up to 120 miles per hour) but is less accurate than a wrist shot.
Slashing-The action of striking or attempting to strike an opponent with a stick or of swinging a stick
at an opponent with no contact being made. Tapping an opponent's stick is not considered slashing.
Sleeper-An attacking player who slips into the center or neutral zone behind the attacking
defensemen; same as a floater or a hanger.
Slot - The area immediately in front of the net between the two faceoff circles, extending
from the bottom of the circles up to the top of them. It is from this zone that most goals are scored and where most furious activity takes place.
Slow whistle-When an official waits to blow his whistle because of a delayed offside or delayed
penalty call.
Solo-A rush by a player without assistance from a teammate.
Spearing-The action of poking or attempting to poke an opponent with the tip of the blade of the
stick while holding the stick with one or both hands.
Splitting the defense-Puck carrier goes between the two opposing defensemen.
Stick deke-When a player’s stick is moved as though for a shot, but instead the player moves the
puck past the defending player; done to fake out the opponent.
Stickhandling-Moving the puck along the ice with the stick blade.
Substitute Goalkeeper-A designated goalkeeper on the Official Scoresheet who is not then
participating in the game.
Substitution-Occurs when a player comes off the bench to replace a player coming out of the game;
can be made at any time and play does not need to stop.
Sudden-death overtime-An overtime period that ends as soon as one team scores a goal,
determining the winner and terminating the game.
Sweep check-A check made by a player with one hand on the stick, and one knee so low it is
practically on the ice, with the shaft and blade of the stick flat on the ice to take the puck away from an opponent.
Team Official-A person responsible in any degree for the operation of a team, such as a Team
Executive, Coach, Manager or Trainer.
Temporary Goalkeeper-A player not designated as a goalkeeper on the Official Scoresheet who
assumes that position when no designated goalkeeper is able to participate in the game. He is governed by goalkeeper privileges and limitations, and must return as a ``player'' when a designated goalkeeper becomes available to participate in the game.
Texas Hat Trick-Four goals scored by a player in one game
Third-man-in rule-The third man in a fight gets a game misconduct penalty and is out of the game for
its duration; created to discourage players from jumping into a fight, even if they are only trying to break it up.
Three on one-A type of break with three attackers coming in on one defenseman; this is a
desperate situation.
Three on two-A type of break with three attacking players skating against two defensive players.
Time-out (Curfew definition)-A curfew game is one in which the game must end by a certain time of
day. Conversely, a non-curfew game is one which will be played to clock time conclusion, regardless of how long the game last.
Trailer-A player who follows his teammate on the attack seemingly out of the action but actually in a
position to receive a backward or drop pass.
Tripping-A minor penalty which occurs when a player places his stick or a part of his body under
or around the feet or legs of an opponent causing him to lose his balance; will also be called if a player kicks an opponent’s skates out from under him, or uses a knee or leg to cause his opponent to fall.
Two-line pass-A team violation occurring when a puck is passed across two or more lines without
being touched; play is stopped for a face-off; a type of offsides.
Two on one-A type of break with two attacking players skating against one defensive player.
Two on two-A type of break with two attacking players skating against two defensive players.
Under-led pass-A pass behind or to one side of a teammate, making it difficult for him to control the
Waffle pad-A large rectangular pad attached to the front of the goalie’s stick hand.
Wash out-A goal that is ruled invalid by the referee or the waving off of an infraction by the linesmen.
Wings-Two players who flank the center on his right and left sides and, with him, make up the
attacking unit or forward line.
Wraparound - When a player skates around behind the opposing goal and attempts to
wrap the puck around the goal post under the goalie.
Wrist shot-A shot made using a strong flicking of the wrist and forearm muscles, with the stick
blade kept on the ice; it is slower but more accurate than a slap shot.
Zamboni-The machine used to clean the ice.
Zones-Three areas made up by the two blue lines; the attacking zone is the area farthest from the
goal a player is defending; the neutral zone is the central area; the defending zone is the area where a player’s goal is (the goal where his team’s goalie is stationed).

Anything in bold was just added. It will remain bold until the next update.
