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'Document' attempted to capture the world in a realistic light as the band saw it, and it wasn't a pretty sight. R.E.M had just finished work on a song called 'Romance' with producer Scott Litt, and decided to work with him again on their fifth album, at Nashville Sound Emporium. With Litt at the board, Stipe's vocal tracks were more prominent in the mix. The band also decided to co-produce this album with Litt, "We just got greedy in our old age," joked Buck. R.E.M spent three weeks recording the album in Nashville and posted a notice in the studio asking people to help name the record.

The album received favourable reviews and fuelled by the fiery single 'The One I Love' reached number 10 in the US and 28 in the UK.

The front cover of the album shows a multi-exposed picture of Stipe, and if turned to the side, his home and car can be seen. The album also carries of Thirties Works Progress Administration murals.

Other names considered for the album, but later dropped, included No.5, Salt, Table of Contents, Point Of Order and Mr. Evil Breakfast.