I'm not really sure where to begin in this
section...i just know that i'll probably
always be adding to it. Quite a few people
have influenced my life and have been there
for me when i've been down and feeling lower
than shit. And there are quite a few people
out there who have just been total assholes
with some kind of fucking grudge against me.
But this section is for friends not assholes.
Linden....well...we've been together for 10 months now...its hard to imagine 2 people being together online for that amount of time and staying so completely in love...we've had our ups and downs...our arguments and hell...we've even sorta broken up once...LOL...i say sorta cause us breaking up is an implausability...the things we've shared with each other...from our childhood memories to our worst fears...the times we've cried together and been there for each other...even the times when you've put up with my unfounded jealousy...i just want you to know exactly how much you mean to me and exactly what our relationship over the past months has meant to me...i love you...and i love every milisecond we've spent together...we may no longer go to 'the saloon' but we have our place together and our time together which i would never change...there are some out there that would and do place blame on me for us leaving 'our' place in the world of beseen chat but we know the truth...and irregardless of where we are...whether it be TOGETHER in person...holding each other, kissing each other and making love or a computer based role playing game set in a past time and place to a chat room...we love each other and we will always be together in our hearts...i love you and i will always love you...you are my lover, my confidant, the closest friend i have in the world...and im sorry for repeating myself...but i love you and i need to thank you for being here and putting up with my bullshit...i can't ever repay you...we're at a crucial juncture in our lives together...For anyone that is interested in learning more about this warm and loving woman please visit Warm Southern Hugs. I assure that taking the time to visit her page will put a smile on your face.
Christine....you're one of my best friends...someone i know i can always
count on...someone that will always give me a
shoulder...someone that will ALWAYS have a
special place in my heart...one of the very
few that know me, that love me...I feel so
close to you...we know each other so
well...it amazes me sometimes just how well.
There is nothing in this world that compares
to our friendship...nothing in this world
that would EVER make me stop loving you. I'm
always here for you. And i'll always be your
friend. Be happy...if anyone deserves
it...YOU DO.
have met in person also...looked into each
other's eyes, held each other, talked, shared
our secrets, been there for each other. We
had something special...i hope we still
do...the week we spent together meant alot to
think we've known each other
longer than i've known anyone online...we
probably would've met by now if you didn't
live in Australia...thank you for always
being here for me and supporting me.
known each other for a damned long time...at
least as long as i've known Christine...hell,
we've even met in person...and i
wholeheartedly apologise for just now
including you on this page...i want to say
thank you for being there and helping me with
all that bullshit Sam caused in my life...if
it weren't for you and Christine i
would've went nuts back then in 'e' room. we
have a mutual best friend that either one of
us would die for...you're with her
everyday...i'm not...keep her out of
trouble...and convince her she deserves to be
Joana....I miss
you...we used to be so close...talking almost
everyday. I think it's been close to 4 months
since the last we spoke...you were always
here for me, supporting me, helping
me...listening to my problems, my constant
bitching...being a friend.
close friend that has
taken the time to get to know me. You're a
great woman that can cheer anyone up. You
are a very funny person that definately knows
how to have fun with life...i think i could
take a lesson from you. I highly recommend
visiting her home page to learn more about
this intricate and caring woman.
The Oral
Avenger...you've helped me alot my
friend...especially when it comes to affairs
of the heart. You've taught me to be
happy...to do things that make me happy...not
hurt me.
conversationalist...you and i share so much
in common and think so much alike that it's
kind of scary...i wish we could spend more
time together. You deserve all the credit for
introducing me to M.C. Escher. To learn more
about Sara go to her
home page. I'ts a really good personal
page with her favorite links but the best
part is the story at the beginning about
loss...it's so deep. It's a loss we've all
had or will have.
seems we share alot in common...from our love
of literature and art to our view of drug
legalization...i hope that as time goes by we
only become closer and better friends. Check
out this New Yawkah's page to learn about some of her
thoughts...be sure to take a look at the
Twistahed links.
Pipper....i think
you're the only person i ever really enjoyed
talking to from TalkCity...we used to talk
all the time...tell each other our life
problems...you trying to help me with
Christine...listening to my sob stories and
my bitching...i was always there for you
too...although never as much as i wish i
could've been...i'm hoping we don't lose
touch again...i missed having you in my life
JusticeLove....you are
definately someone i can count on to kill the
boredom...We have pretty much the same ideas
when it comes to that subject. You always
have a way of cheering me up when i'm
down...you're a good friend.
Silly2....we haven't
known each other very long but i like what
i've learned so far...and only hope to learn
more...the closer we get and the more i learn
about you...the more i love what i see...i
hope to keep learning...you're a very special
girl...you mean a lot to me...you're one of
the most important people in my life...plus
we both share a love of piercings...i think
you finally have me convinced to get my
tongue done...i just have to know if it is
don't get to talk as often now...since you've
gotten yourself into trouble at school...but
i still enjoy what time we do talk. And, yes
i'll email you.
don't know each other very well yet...but
after reading your home page i would like to
get inside your mind. We share a love of
poetry and life. Over the past weeks we've
gotten to know each other quite well...i love
every minute we spend together. You're a
special woman and a VERY talented poet.
only spoken on occasion and haven't yet
really gotten to know each other...but i
definately would love to...you are such a
deep and intense person...who also knows how
to have a good time. Your home page is a good start to
getting to know you...it's damn good. Seeing
yours inspired me to do mine.
we really don't know each other that well
yet...you seem to be a loving and caring
woman...we've both been through the hurt of
meeting somone from online and it not going
the way it was supposed to...we share a love
of poetry...i highly suggest checking out
fluff's home page for anyone that wants
to learn about this beautiful woman.
I'm pretty sure that there are more...but
these are the ones right off the top of my
head...if i missed you...please don't take it
personally...i'm sure i'll add you in due