Violet eyes, completely natural in spite of what might be drawn from a casual glance, conceal a razor sharp intellect. She wears tres chic clothing of the highest quality and latest fashions when not active in the field, giving most people the impression of a corporate power player.
Her face and body are unscarred, her movements too smooth, and her reactions too quick to be that of an ordinary suit. But those who face her tend not to find out until too late.
Handle: Sylia
Real Name: Sylia Stingray
Archtype: Bounty Hunter/Vigilante
CIN: 000-000-1579
Race: Elf
Sex: Female
Height: 1.7 m
Weight: 77.5 kilos
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Shoulder length Silver, usually adorned with a blue hair bow
Birthdate: August 12, 2033
Birthplace: Boston, UCAS
Sylia is the daughter of a Fuchi corporate executive. Her training and background, like that of her brother, tends to reflect her youth. A graduate of Harvard, with a bachelors in the field of computers and a minor in business administration. She's fluent in three languages: English, French, Sperethriel.
Sylia's mother died in 2042, the year after Maki was born. Sylia's father told her that it was because her mother had worked too hard. Sylia later learned that she died of a heart attack, ultimately resulting from complications of the second pregnancy.
During the later 2040's, Sylia's father spent long hours away from home, working overtime. The end result of his labors was the creation of the semi autonomous knowbot. Her father was killed in a supposed accident at the facility, leaving her and her brother to more or less fend for themselves. She later discovered that a Fuchi executive (Brian J. Meison) had him killed.
While most of the patents ended up belonging to Fuchi, the original work (and credit) belongs to her father. She believes that he sold copies of most of the data to other corporations, leaving her with a fortune in black accounts. Most of this money is currently tied up in various investments, which should leave her with a hundred million or more in legitimate funds in 2060.
Sylia entered the shadows back in 2055 after completing her schooling and wrapping up various other concerns. Sylia moved shortly thereafter, while her brother stayed in Boston, at least for the time being.
Maki is an accomplished decker and makes a good living at it. Sylia's interests are more combat oriented, but she can (and does) make a good living in the fashion industry.
Sylia has undergone gene therapy to give her a permanent light tan and UV protection. Her ears are the only external feature that define her as elven and those tend to stay covered anyways. She also owns a small high fashion clothing store called the Silky Doll that sells only fine and tres chic clothing.
Sylai's current occupation is that of Griffin Industries elite Delta Team (which is composed of herself, Maki, Nene, Priss, and Linna). As such, she has a Griffin Industries Omega grade clearance.
Body: 5
Quickness: 7 (11)
Strength: 4 (8)
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 7 (9)
Willpower: 6
Sanity: 14
Reputation: 10
Reaction: 7 (11)
Initiative: 11 + 3d6
Essence: 6
Bio Index: 6
Active Skills
Armor (Hardsuits) B/R: 3 (5)
Athletics (Acrobatics, Swimming): 4 (6)
Bike: 4
Biotech (First Aid): 4 (6)
Car: 4
Computer: 4
Demolitions: 3
Electronics: 4
Electronics (Cybernetics) B/R: 3 (5)
Etiquette (Corporate, Street): 5 (8)
Hardsuit Weapondry (Laser Swords): 3 (6)
Leadership: 5
Negotiation: 6
Pistols (Colt Manhunter, Griffin Marksman): 6 (11)
Rifles: 5
Small Unit Tactics: 5
Stealth: 6
Wushu style Kung Fu: 6
(Manuevers: Blind Fighting, Kip-Up, Multi Strike)
Knowledge Skills
Business Administration: 4
Cincinnati High Society: 4
Computer Theory: 4
Cosmetics: 4
Cybertechnology: 4
Data Tracing: 4
Elven Society: 3
English (R/W): 5 (2)
Esoteric Trivia: 4
Fashion: 6
French (R/W): 5 (2)
Literature: 3
Megacorporate Politics: 5
Nanotechnology: 3
Psychology: 4
Security Procedures: 5
Sperethriel (R/W): 5 (2)
Tracking: 3
Karma: 6
Combat: 10 (13)
Task: 1
College Education
Exceptional Attribute - Intelligence
Good Looking and Knows It
Good Reputation (2)
Human Looking
Distinctive Style
Mild Phobia - Personal Cyberware
Sensitive Neural Structure
Simsense Vertigo
Note: All contacts are based in Cincinnati, UCAS
Andrew Kaufman - Armorer (Level 1)
Flint McClaren - Arms Dealer (Level 1)
Maki "Boomer" Stingray - Decker (Level 3)
Priss Asagiri - Entertainer (Level 2)
Mr. Kazui - Fixer (Level 1)
Crystal "Phoenix" Whitmore - Griffin Industries (Co-owner) Executive (Level 2)
Nene Romanova - Knight Errant (Special Services) Information Specialist (Level 2)
Nigel Kirkland - Mechanic (Level 2)
Linna Yamazaki - Saeder-Krupp (Prime) Manager (Level 2)
Dr. Shen - Street Doc (Level 1)
Permanent High
Good Karma: 2
Earned Karma: 150
False SIN
Adara Rutlidge - rating 10
Bioware (with four slot reductions)
Muscle Toner 4
Muscle Augmentation 4
Mnemonic Enhancer 3
Extended Volume 3
Cerebral Booster 2
Synaptic Accelerator
Trauma Damper
Enhanced Articulation
Nictating Membranes
Clean Metabolism
Modified Ares Roadmaster ("Mobile Pit") with 6 points of concealed armor and a rating 10 tactical communication system.
Griffin Courier (sports car)
Griffin Stingray (racing bike)
Platinum DocWagon Contract (1 year ppd)
Half Body Form Fit (Non-Conductive 3)
Demure Clothing
Demure Jacket
Walther PB-120 with 10 APDS rounds
Griffin Marksman with 80 regular rounds, 20 gel round, 13 AV rounds, and 5 spare clips.
Survival Knife
Armor Kit
Armor Shop
Electronics Kit
Electronics Shop
Cybertechnology Shop
Microtransceiver 5 with Encryption 4 and subvocal microphone
Handset Phone
Pocket Secretary
Data Display Unit (100 MP)
Savior Advanced Medkit with 2 sets of supplies
Survival Kit
Ascent/Descent Kit
Ascent/Descent Harness
Rapelling Gloves
Rope (50m)
Grapple Gun with stealth line (100 m) and catalyst stick
Metal Restraints, 6 sets
Thermographic Goggles
Bug Scanner (rating 10)
Dataline Scanner (rating 10)
White Noise Jammer (rating 10)
Maglock Passkey (rating 10)
Armante Starlight Dress
Zoe Futura Line (Blazer/Skirt), 3 sets
Heritage Line (Tir style)
Mortimer Greatcoat, 2
Ordinary Clothing, 8 sets
Armor: 10 (vehicular)
Armor Modifications: Non-Conductive 6, Fire Resistance 6, Thermal Dampening 8. Rutherium Polymers with 10 imaging scanners.
Hardsuit Augmentation: +6 Strength and +6 Quickness. Effective leaping distance and carrying capacity is multiplied by five. Effective movement is tripled.
Movement Augmentation: Flight Pack (accel: 25, speed: 300, range: effectively unlimited (microfusion)), Hydraulic Jacks (rating 6)
Internal Weapondry: A pair of Dikoted Laser Swords.
Communications and Electronics Equipment: Jammer (rating 16), Vidcam, Vidlink (rating 10), Tracking Signal (rating 10), Signal Locator (rating 14), White Noise Generator (rating 16), Bug Scanner (rating 14), Gas Detection System (rating 14), Voice Mask (rating 14), Helmet Transceiver with Encryption(rating 16) and Battletac Master Component. Tactical Computer.
Accessories: Savior Advanced Medkit, Left leg storage compartment (holds 4 AV clips), Right leg holster (Griffin Marksman with AV ammuntion), Flare Compensation, Optical Magnification 3, Sound Dampener, Thermographic Vision, Ultrasound, Heads Up Display (100 MP).
Weight: 79 kilos.
External Weapondry: Griffin Pernetrator (belt fed)
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