Weapon Catalog
Our fine line of firearms are made of a ceramic alloy capable of handling even the roughest of treatment. Virtually undetectable to all but the best of weapon detectors due to the use of highly sophisticated materials and state of the art technology, Griffin firearms are unparalleled for covert operations the world over. All members of the Griffin Arms line are only available firing caseless cartridges and include an easily customizable grip.
Game Effects: Every Griffin firearm regardless of class is made up of state of the art non-metallic materials that render it undetectable to metal detectors. This also provides a +2 bonus on concealablity for detection tests by Automatic detection systems (such as magnetic anomaly detectors) but with no bonus for physical searches. All Griffin label firearms have level 1 ceremic components except for the Wyvern, which has level 3. Note that all Griffin arms include a Personalized Grip.
Authors Notes: While I am aware that these weapons are not quite Cannon Companion legal, they are fairly close. Each weapon includes the Personalized Grip and Custom Finish mods; all weapons except the Sharpshooter include the Heavy Barrel mod.
The calibers given for the weapons are an approximation intended only for in character use. They are not canon. Finally, there is no FCU space available on any of these weapons.
Griffin Arms
| Sharpshooter | Marksman | Manticore | Juggernaut | Hellhound | Wyvern |
Type: | Light Pistol | Heavy Pistol | SMG | Shotgun | Assault Rifle | Sniper Rifle |
Conceal: | 8 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 2 | None |
Ammo: | 12(c) | 18(c) | 30(c) | 15(c) | 36(c) | 18(c) |
Ammo Type: | LP (9mm) | HP (10mm) | SMG (10mm) | SH (10 gauge) | AR (7.62 mm) | SN (20 mm) |
Mode: | SA | SA/BF | SA/BF/FA | SA/BF | SA/BF/FA | SA |
Damage: | 7L | 9M | 7M | 11S | 9M | 14D |
Weight: | 1.25 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5 |
Mounts: | Top | Top | Top, Under | Top | Top | Top, Under |
Availablity: | 6/36 hours | 6/36 hours | 6/36 hours | 8/36 hours | 8/36 hours | 12/7 days |
Cost: | 1,500 ¥ | 1,800 ¥ | 3,500 ¥ | 3,000 ¥ | 5,000 ¥ | 5,000 ¥ |
Street Index: | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Legal: | 6P-E | 4P-E | 3-G | 4P-F | 1-G | 1-K |
RC: | 1 | 3 | 5 (6) | 3 | 10 | 2 |
Griffin Sharpshooter
The easiest to use of the Griffin line, the Sharpshooter is a weapon designed for the situations where a larger weapon might be a poor choice. With a small clip size, the Sharpshooter also makes an ideal backup weapon.
Game Effects: The Sharpshooter includes choice of smartgun link (either type) or laser sight. It also includes a Personalized Grip and Custom Finish.
Griffin Marksman:
Designed and made in the UCAS, the Griffin Marksman is the first pistol designed within the past ten years specifically for covert operations use. This weapon features a series of micro-gyro recoil absorption system that allows you easily to keep control of it even when firing off three round bursts.
A built in silencer minimizes barrel exhaust, reducing muzzle flare, and softens the noise level to a whisper even when in burst fire mode. The Marksman can accept any top mounted accessories and includes either a smartgun link or underbarrel laser sight for no additional cost.
Game Effects: The Marksman includes 3 points of recoil compensation, a built in silencer, and smartgun link of either type or an underbarrel laser sight. In addition, use of the burst fire mode is a complex action.
Personally, I like the Marksman. It comes with the same matte black finish as the rest of the Griffin line and is about the size of your average light pistol. It's got the stopping power of a Savalette Guardian with the recoil and handling of a Walther PB-120. Almost completely noiseless when fired. It's an ideal covert ops pistol and well worth the money.
Griffin Manticore
The Manticore is quickly becoming popular among the urban predator. Capable of accepting almost all weapon accessories and includes an intergral sound suppressor. An advanced micro-gyro recoil absortion system coupled with a folding shoulder stock allows for easy handling even when firing fully automatic.
Included in the price is an optional smartgun link of either type or an underbarrel laser sight.
Game Effects: The Manticore includes 5 points of recoil compensation plus an additional point from the folding stock. Includes an integral sound suppressor and choice of smartgun link (either type) or underbarrel laser sight.
Griffin Juggernaut
The Juggernaut is rapidly becoming the combat shotgun of choice among police and mercenaries today. Unlike most combat shotguns, the Juggernaut is fed by a clip rather than a tube magazine, allowing easier and faster reloading as well as a larger payload.
In addition, it includes a micro-gyro recoil compensation system similar to that of the Marksman and is also equipped with a shock pad for better control. An optional smartgun link of either type is available for no additional price.
Game Effects: The Juggernaut has three points of recoil compensation and laser sight option is not available.
Griffin Hellhound
The Hellhound represents the cutting edge in firearms technology. Equiped with a six round underbarrel grenade launcher makes it an ideal weapon in virtually every imaginable combat situation.
A shock pad backing an advanced micro-gyro recoil absorption system is also included to allow better handling while firing and an optional smartgun link of either type or a top mounted laser sight is included in the price.
Game Effects: The Hellhound includes a non-detachable underbarrel grenade launcher holding a maximum of six microgrenades firing in single shot (SS) mode. Includes internal gas vent type 4 and smartgun link (either type) or top mounted laser sight.
Griffin Wyvern
The Wyvern represents the last of the Griffin Arms line. Popular because of the clip feed and ease of breakdown, the Wyvern is one of the finest sniping rifles on the market. It is equiped with an integral silencer and a micro-gyro recoil absorpion system.
The Wyvern includes choice of smartgun link (of either type) or a highly sophisticated starlight/infared scope.
Game Effects: The Wyvern includes two points of recoil compensation and an integral silencer. In addition, the weapon has a Barrel Extension modification which increases the effective range by 10%. Optional smartgun link (either type) or a Mag 3 scope with thermo and low light features. The weapon breaks down in three complex actions and the parts can fit into a large briefcase and is virtually undetactable by MAD systems with level 3 ceramic components (+6 total).
Heavy Weapons
Griffin also produces heavy weapondry for a reasonable price. These fine weapons are made in a similar fashion as the rest of the Griffin line.
Game Effects: Both Griffin Heavy Weapons feature meele hardening that provides a +1 power when used an meele combat. Has no silencer/sound suppressor. Except as noted has the same features as the rest of the Griffin line.
Heavy Weapons
| Legionnaire HMG | Gladiator Cannon |
Type: | Heavy MG | Assault Cannon |
Conceal: | None | None |
Ammo: | 50(c)/belt | 20(c)/belt |
Ammo Type: | HMG (12.7 mm) | AC (30 mm) |
Mode: | FA | SS |
Damage: | 10S | 20D |
Weight: | 18 | 22 |
Availablity: | 18/14 days | 16/14 days |
Cost: | 6,000 ¥ | 7,500 ¥ |
Street Index: | 2 | 2 |
Legal: | 2-H | 2-H |
RC: | 6 | 1 |
New Ammunition
Explosive Armor Piercing (EXAP)
Exploding armor piercing ammunition is an oldie but a goodie. If you can find it, of course. Griffin produces these otherwise hard to find rounds at a fairly reasonable price.
Explosive Armor Piercing Ammunition
Concealbility: 8
Damage: +1 power and +1 Damage Code. Half ballistic armor for damage resistance tests.
Weight: 0.75
Availablity: 14/14 days
Cost: 120 ¥ for a box of 10
Street Index: 3
High Velocity Sabot(HVS)
High Velocity ammuntion is a rarely found item (but not as rare as true AV ammunition) even in today's market. A high density sabot round is propelled at impressive speeds which prove capable of puncturing through all but the very heaviest of armor plating.
High Velocity Ammunition
Concealbility: 8
Damage: -1 power and is consided anti-vehicular.
Weight: 0.25
Availablity: 14/14 days
Cost: 150 ¥ for a box of 10
Street Index: 4
HVS Firearm Modification
Mount: -
Concealbility: -
Weight: .25
Availablity: 10/14 days
Cost: +1,000 ¥ or double the base cost of the gun, whichever is higher.
Street Index: 4
Rules: For every ten rounds of HVS ammunition fired, the gun aquires a +1 target modifier. A +1 or +2 target modifier require 25% of the weapon's base cost to repair. +3 or +4 requires 50% of the weapon's base cost to repair. A +5 can be repaired, but the weapon will have to be rebuilt (i.e. base cost). A +6 target modifier renders the weapon useless. An attempt to use such a weapon will require a damage resistance test as per exploding ammunition.
A gun with the HVS modification only aquires a target modifier penalty on a roll of 1 on a d6 test for every ten rounds fired. The gun can likewise be repaired as above.
Optional Rule: Unmodified weapons break down as listed above while modified weapons do not.
You won't see High Velocity modifications on many firearms in the pistol and submachine gun range. It's simply too expensive to be practical.
State of the Art Weapondry
Plasma Shock Weapondry
Plasma shock weapondry is a step up from the bulky and dangerous flamethrower (dangerous to the user, that is). Firing a round of high intensity plasma over assault rifle ranges, this weapon will burn through all but the heaviest of armor plating.
Griffin Annihilator
Type: Plasma Shock Rifle
Concealability: 2
Ammo: 18(c)
Mode: SA/BF
Damage: 15D
Weight: 6 kg
Availablity: 16/1 month
Cost: 250,000 ¥
Street Index: 3
Note: Three points of recoil reduction. Optional Smartgun link (either type) at no additional cost.
Annihilator Ammo
Weight: 1 kg
Cost: 500 ¥
Availability: 14/14 days
Street Index: 2
Rail Guns
While rain gun technology has existed since before the turn of the century, practical application in the form of a man portable version was considered effectively impossible. No more.
Brand new to the market is the practical application of magnetic propulsion systems. No more worry about exploding ammunition. With the appearance of the Penetrator on the market, portable long range firepower is at your fingertips. Capable of throwing an untra heavy sabot round through even the heaviest of armor over ranges only matched by an assault cannon class weapon, the Penetrator will supply stopping power for any user and will revolutionize the weapon industry.
Griffin Penetrator
Type: Rail Gun
Concealability: None
Ammo: 60(c)/belt
Mode: SA/BFM
Damage: 12D (AV)
Weight: 30
Availablity: 24/1 month
Cost: 150,000 ¥
Street Index: 4
Note: Burst fire is a complex action. This weapon has no recoil when fired. Optional Smartgun link (either type) at no additional cost. Burst fire is a complex action. Detachable power pack has enough power for 60 shots before requiring recharging or can be hooked into vehicle power plant for unlimited usage.
Additional power packs weigh 3 kilos and cost 2,500 ¥ and hold the equivalent of 1 PF of power.
Griffin Penetrator Ammo
Weight: 1.5 or 15 for a belt of 100
Cost: 350 ¥ a box or 3,000 ¥ for a belt of 100
Availability: 14/14 days
Street Index: 2
The first time I handled one of these, I thought it was an autocannon with an extra clip. The "extra clip" was the power supply, of course. It's smooth firing, although definitely on the heavy side. And there's absolutely no recoil even in burst fire mode. Noisy as all get out, though.
Corp Guard
Not surprising, given it throws sabot rounds at supersonic speeds.
The Smiling Bandit
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