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High Threat Response Team Member

Close Combat Specialist

Body: 6 (8)
Quickness: 6 (8)
Strength: 4
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 4 (6)
Willpower: 4

Reaction: 5 (7)
Initative: 7 + 1d6
Essence: 1.44
Body Index: 1.4
Professional Rating: 4

Karma: 4
Combat: 7 (9)
Task: 1

Active Skills
Athletics: 4
Car: 4
Edged Weapons: 4
Etiquette: 3
Pistols : 6
Stealth: 5
Unarmed Combat: 4
In addition, select one (and only one) of the following
Shotguns: 6
Submachine Guns: 6

Knowledge Skills
Security Procedures: 4
English (R/W): 5(2)
History: 3
Literature: 3
Small Unit Tactics: 4
Corporate Politics: 4
Select four other knowledge skills at a 3 plus one additional language at a 3.

Titanium Bone Lacing
Smartgun Link 2
Headware Memory - 30 MP
Commlink 6 with Radio 6, Telephone, and Transducer
Cyberears with Sound Dampeners, Hearing Amplification, Sound Filter 5, Balance Augmentor, and Spacial Recognizer
Cybereyes with Flare Compensation, Image Link, Low Light Vision, Thermographic Vision, Electronic Magnification 3, and Protective Covers

Muscle Toner 2
Cerebral Booster 2

Typical Gear
HTR Battle Suit or (alternately) Armor Jacket and Armored Vest with Plates
Griffin Marksman with 6 spare clips (4 clips APDS and 2 Gel)
Plus either a Griffin Manticore with 6 spare clips (4 APDS, 2 gel) or a Griffin Juggernaut with 6 spare clips (4 flechette, 2 regular) depending upon skill selection.

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