Reaction: 5 (7)
Initiative: 5 (7) + 1d6
Essence: 1
Bio Index: 1
Professional Rating: 4
Karma Pool: 6
Combat: 8 (10)
Task: 1
Active Skills
Athletics: 5
Car: 4
Computer: 3
Electronics: 3
Etiquette (Corporate): 3 (5)
Pistols (Griffin Marksman): 6 (8)
Stealth: 6
Unarmed Combat (Savate): 4 (6)
In addition, select one (and only one) of the following
Rifles (Barret 121a): 6 (8)
Shotguns (Griffin Juggernaut): 6 (8)
Submachine Guns (Griffin Manticore): 6 (8)
Heavy Weapons (Griffin Penetrator): 6 (8)
Knowledge Skills
Corporate Politics: 5
English (R/W): 5 (2)
History: 3
LIterature: 3
Security Procedures: 6
Small Unit Tactics: 6
Select one additional language at a rating 5 and three additional knowledge skills at rating 4.
Delta grade Cyberware
Synthetic Cyberskull
Synthetic Cybertorso
Two Synthetic Cyberarms with Strength and Quickness enhancement of +4.
Two Synthetic Cyberlegs with Strength and Quickness enchancemnt of +4.
Smartgun Link 2
Cyberears with Sound Dampeners, Hearing Amplification, Sound Filter 5, Balance Augmentor, and Spacial Recognizer
Cybereyes with Flare Compensation, Low Light, Thermographic, Image Link, Electronic Magnification 3, Retinal Clock, Microscopic Vision, and Protective Covers.
Internal Air Tank
30 MP of Headware Memory
Commlink 10 with Radio 10 and Transducer. Includes rating 10 Encryption.
Cerebral Booster 2
Mnemonic Enhancer 1
Typical Gear
High Threat Response Team Battle Suit.
Griffin Marksman with 6 spare clips (all HEAP).
Plus one additional weapon according to skill selection.
Should a PC seek such a conversion, the cost is twenty million including surgery and hospitalization. (That's right, sign that lifetime contract).