You'll usually find Labors in the hands of non-standard units rather than line troops. The Ingram, for example, is designed for police work. Expect to see most of them in that role.
The Crab Labor is pure mil spec. The military and some corp units are likely to use them. Expect them to be in sensitive areas where heavy security is a must. Note that both the UCAS and Tairngire militaries have the Crab. These monsters usually have AP or AV ammunition just to make life interesting.
- Reality Chez
Griffin Labors
"Crab" Combat Labor
- Handling: 3/3
- Speed: 60
- Accel: 20
- Body: 6
- Armor: 7
- Sig: 4
- Autonav: 4
- Pilot: -
- Sensor: 8
- Cargo: 14
- Load: 75
- Seating: 2b
- Setup/Breakkdown: NA
- Entry Points: 1h
- Landing/Takeoff: NA
- Fuel: Diesel/150 gallons
- Economy: 1 km/gallon
- ECM: 6
- ECCM: 6
- ECD: 3
- Template: Large Labor
- Point Value: 9,501
- Cost: 10,000,000 ¥
- Other Features: Two Assault Cannons (belt fed with 100 rounds of ammunition) on two external hardpoints (forward mounted) as standard feature. Has three internal missile mounts (for a total of six missiles).
Rigger Adaption, Smartgun Intergration, APPS, Crash Cage, Cabin Overpressurization with 50 hours of Life Support, Water and Engine Seal, Ejection Seats, Normal and Infrared Spotlights, Contingency Manuver Controls 3
"Ingram" Security Labor
- Handling: 4/4
- Speed: 40
- Accel: 5
- Body: 5
- Armor: 2
- Sig: 8
- Autonav: 3
- Pilot: -
- Sensor: 5
- Cargo: 14
- Load: 55
- Seating: 1b
- Setup/Breakkdown: NA
- Entry Points: 1h
- Landing/Takeoff: NA
- Fuel: Electric/500 PF
- Economy: 1 km/PF (4 min/PF idle)
- Template: Small Labor
- Point Value: 2066
- Cost: 1,600,000 ¥
- Other Features: Assault Cannon or Griffin Penetrator (belt fed), Rigger Adaption, APPS, Crash Cage, Cabin Overpressurization with 30 hours of Life Support, Water and Engine Seal, Ejection Seat, Smartgun Integration Kit, Contingency Manuver Controls 3
It's no surprise that the Ingram is named after it's fictional counterpart. The Ingram is designed for police use first and foremost. The Crab is used for heavier combat situations.
- Fiddler Man
"Gorilla" Construction Labor
- Handling: 4/4
- Speed: 40
- Accel: 5
- Body: 5
- Armor: 0
- Sig: 4
- Autonav: 2
- Pilot: -
- Sensor: 3
- Cargo: 16
- Load: 70
- Seating: 1b
- Setup/Breakkdown: NA
- Entry Points: 1h
- Landing/Takeoff: NA
- Fuel: Electric/500 PF
- Economy: 0.5 km/PF (idle 2 min/PF)
- Template: Small Labor
- Point Value: 1,506
- Cost: 400,000 ¥
- Other Features: Rigger Adaption, Crash Cage, Cabin Overpressurization with 30 hours of Life Support, Water and Engine Seal.
Labor Accessories
Labor Heavy Armored Jacket
Designed primarily for use with the Security Labor, this accessory covers the torso area of the labor and prevents the use of any torso mounted weapons.
- Armor Rating: 11
- Availability: 14/1 month
- Cost: 15,000 ¥
- Notes: Labor armored jackets are considered soft armor for game purposes.
Labor Light Armored Jacket
Designed for use for all Labors, this accessory covers the torso area completely and prevents the use of any torso mounted weapons.
- Armor Rating: 5
- Availability: 12/1 month
- Cost: 5,000 ¥
Labor Legionnaire Heavy Machine Gun
A Griffin Legionnaire HMG modified for use with Labors. The weapon is hand held and can not accept any weapon accessories. Note that this version mounts a type 4 gas vent on the barrel.
- Ammo: 50 (c)/belt
- Mode: FA
- Damage: 10S
- Weight: 27
- Availablity: 18/1 month
- RC: (10)
- Cost: 15,000 ¥
Labor Gladiator Assault Cannon
A Griffin Gladiator Assault Cannon modified for Labor use.
- Ammo: 20(c)/belt
- Mode: SS
- Damage: 20D
- Weight: 33
- Availability: 16/1 month
- RC: (1)
- Cost: 20,000 ¥
Notes: 1) All weapon clips for Labors (regardless of type) cost 25 Nuyen each and weigh 1 kg.
2) Any heavy weapon can be modified for use by a Labor. Multiply cost by 2.5 (so that 6,000 ¥ becomes 15,000 ¥) and increase the weight by 50%.
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