New Enemies The Dark Lord Saga - Chapter One by Rick Federle The first thing Mina became aware of when she woke was the warmth around her, its comforting presence filling her with contentment. She became aware of the gentle presence of William's arms around her waist, keeping her close to him. She felt the nearness of his body, the warmth of his skin against hers, the gentle pulsing of his heart beating in unison with hers. She felt his skin under her hands and the softness of his hair against her thumbs, the reassuring presence of his forehead resting against hers. The gentle tangle of their legs caused by their sleep, and the touch of her skin against his, every curve of her body molded up against him. She felt the gentle rise and fall of his chest against hers caused by his slow, deep breathing as he slept. She let herself enjoy the nearness of him, his warmth around her, luxuriating in his closeness for a moment before she opened her eyes to look at his face. Her eyes focused on his dark eyelashes then the rest of his face. Her eyes absorbed the look on his face, memorizing every detail, his closed eyelids and his slightly parted lips that indicated that he was still asleep. She leaned forward, her nose coming to rest next to his as she pressed her lips against his, a small smile of contentment on her lips. She felt him gradually return the kiss as he slowly became aware of her, and closed her eyes again as she felt him respond to her. She felt his body respond to the closeness of hers and was aware of the response of hers to his as the kiss lingered. She felt the slow withdraw of his lips from hers and she leaned forward to touch her lips against his briefly one more time as his lips parted from hers. She opened her eyes to gaze into his, aware of the small smile around the corners of his mouth. "Good morning." She greeted him, her lips curling upward to share his smile. "Morning." He agreed, his eyes filled with love and twinkling with amusement. "My favorite wake up call." "I know." She touched her lips against his briefly then snuggled back against him with a content murmur, closing her eyes. "You packed for the trip today?" He asked as she snuggled up against him. "Yes." She murmured into his chest. "I managed to fit it all in one suitcase." "Then we can leave after breakfast." "Good." "Shower?" He asked after a minute. She opened her eyes and looked up at him, gazing into his eyes briefly before answering. "Yes," she agreed. "Last one there has to wait for the soap." He commented, throwing off the sheets and rising out of bed. "Hey, wait!" She called, scrambling across the bed after him. "No fair!" Mina stopped next to her chair at the little table they shared when they dined. "What do you think?" Mina asked as she twirled gracefully around once for her husband's inspection. The hem of her dress spun all the way around until it was tight against her legs, forcing it to stop. It then fell to its proper place just above her knees. William looked up from breakfast at her, his mouth forming a smile as he caught sight of her. "Perfect." He stated as his eyes took her in. Mina giggled happily, then she pulled out her chair and dropped into it. "You always say that." "It's true." He insisted as he leaned back in his chair, the fingers of his right hand curled around his juice glass, his eyes watching her. "You're exactly what I want. You're perfect." Mina swatted his free hand playfully before retrieving her utensils. "Stop it." She commanded lightly, her eyes on her breakfast as she started to eat. "As you command, Highness." She looked up to see the playful twinkle in his eyes before he glanced away to finish his glass of juice. She swallowed her mouthful then waggled her forefinger at him. "You promised me a week in the mountains to do whatever I want." She reminded him. "That was your graduation present to me." "Yes, love." He agreed, not looking at her as he put down the now empty glass. "It was." "So quit it." "Quit what?" He asked, looking up at her, his eyes wide with innocence. "Never mind." She giggled again then resumed eating. * * * "It's so beautiful up here." Mina said from where she was looking out a window. They were checking in at the lodge, which also doubled as an assembly hall. The two rooms were seperated by a wooden door, so as not to mix business with entertainment. They were staying in a cabin for the week. The only phone around was in the lodge, and William hadn't given out the number to it, so she didn't expect anyone to be calling for the whole week. A week for the two of them to be together. Outside, the sun hung just above the tree line, causing the snow seem to glisten, making the forest seem to glow with light. "It looked like it," she heard him agree. Mina crossed back to the counter, taking her place at his side. She slipped her right hand into his left, squeezing his fingers once when he wrapped his fingers over hers. "It is." "And there you go, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson." The clerk interrupted as he placed the key on the counter in front of them. Mina snagged it before William could. "It's cabin twelve, at the end of the trail. The most private one we got, just like you asked." "Thanks." Mina flashed the clerk a smile as she slipped the key into her coat pocket. The couple crossed to the door, fastening their coats, and pulling back on their gloves for the short walk to the cabin. The two walked in silence to the cabin, stopping only briefly over at the car to retrieve their luggage. The cabin was set back a little from the others, down an incline, nestled in a cove of trees. Mina drew to a halt at the top of the incline to take in the view, feeling William stop next to her. "Thank you." Mina whispered as she turned to hug her husband. "Anything for you, my heart." He whispered back, setting down the suitcases so he could put his arms around her, hugging her in return. She looked up into his eyes, seeing the love and adoration filling them. She hugged him again. "Let's get inside." She suggested as let go of him. "I'm getting cold." She lead the way, pausing only long enough to retrieve the key from her pocket so she could open the door. The inside of the cabin was all one big room, with a curtained area set aside for the bathroom. Mina tugged off her gloves, absently dropping them to the floor as she checked the thermostat near the door to see if it was set at the right temperature. She heard the soft click of the door being closed and locked as she toed off her boots. She shed her coat, hearing the faint thump of their luggage being set on the floor. She headed for the bed, taking in the room as she crossed it. When she reached the bed, she spun around once, then plopped down onto it. She bounced once then flopped on her back, closing her eyes. "Perfect." She whispered. "Yes." She heard William agree as he sat down next to her. She opened her eyes and turned her head to look at him, her eyes meeting his. She read in his eyes just how much he really loved her. "Come here." She demanded softly, holding out her arms to him. She felt her own lips curl into a smile to match his as he lowered himself into her arms and she locked her hands together behind his neck as he entered her embrace. She felt his right hand slide up her left leg to rest on her thigh as their lips pressed together, their hearts suddenly pounding. She threw herself into the kiss, pulling him on top of her, as her desire for him threatened to overwhelm her. The two promptly froze at the sound of pounding on the door. "I forgot to tell you." The clerk called through the door. "There's a dance tonight after dark. Everyone's invited." William pulled his lips from hers and rested his forehead against hers. "Someone's got perfect timing." "And I was just getting warmed up." Mina sighed. "I noticed." He agreed. "Are we going to the dance?" He asked after a minute. "Eventually." Mina declared. "When I'm ready." She explained, raising her head and pressing her lips against his. Mina twirled gracefully to a stop, nestled comfortably in William's arms as the dance finished. She snuggled against him as the two came to a halt, resting her head against his chest. She felt the presence of his lips on the top of her head as the music faded. "I love you, Mina." She heard him whisper. "More than I ever thought possible." She squeezed him tight, giving him a reassuring hug, then looked up into his eyes. She reached up and touched his left cheek with the fingertips of her right hand. "And I you." She whispered back. He leaned toward her ear. "Bathroom break." He murmured. Mina nodded. "I'll be over by one of the banquet tables." "Don't fill up." "Of course not," she agreed. "Then how would I keep you up all night? He chuckled softly, then kissed her on the nose. "I'll be back." "I'll be waiting." She smiled at him. She watched him head toward the back of the building and then moved off the dance floor, headed for one of the tables set toward the front of the room. She began to pick at some of the appetizers while she waited. The main door to the lodge exploded inward and she shielded her face with her arms. A black shadow creature with glowing red eyes hung only inches from the ground just outside the shattered doorway. It was about human sized, and it radiated malice. It looked like one of the seven shadows in their true form, but this was more sinister, more ominous, more evil. It had hatred wrapped around it like a cloak, as dark and concealing as the shadows that made up its body. The fingers were curled into claws and ended in sharp nails, which gleamed blackly despite the bright lighting. Mina dived under the table, nearly colliding with a couple in the process of escaping out the patio doors which were toward the back of the building. She ignored the milling panic while she scrambled for a place to transform, ducking into a nearby coat closet and after shutting the door willed her power pen into her hand. "Venus Crystal Power, Make Up!" She commanded and power filled her. Sailor Venus burst from the closet and back into the main room, her eyes looking toward the doorway where she'd last seen the shadow creature. It was just now moving into the main room, moving as if it was looking for something. "Hold it right there." She demanded as she skidded to a stop, leveling her right forefinger at the shadow creature, blocking it from further entering the room. "I am the guardian of love, Sailor Venus! I don't know what you are, but you're not allowed to be here." The shadow drew to a stop and the red eyes grew brighter as they focused on her. "Where is the Warrior of Light?" It demanded, its voice a hiss. "His power enfolds and protects you." "I don't know what you're talking about." Venus declared, a confused look crossing her face for a second only to be replaced by determination. "Leave these people alone." "I'm not after them, only the Warrior of Light." It hissed, seeming to gather the shadows of the room to itself. "I am here to destroy him." "Over my dead body." "As you wish." The shadow agreed, its eyes suddenly glowing brilliant with power. Fragments of shadow burst from the creature's body, hurling towards her. Venus leaped up and over the creature, avoiding the attack. She somersaulted in midair, landing facing the creature. "Try this;" she stated. "Venus Cresent Beam Smash!" The golden energy beam leaped toward the shadow creature at blinding speed, but not fast enough to hit it. "A parlor trick." The shadow stated as it drew to a halt. "I am a Shadow Warrior in the service of the Dark Lord. My power is greater than yours." It declared, starting to draw the shadows from the room into itself. "I'm not impressed." Venus disagreed. "Venus Meteor Shower!" The spray of golden energy beams lit the space between the two and the Shadow Warrior, intent on whatever it was doing, failed to dodge the attack successfully. It twitched repeatedly as the beams slammed into it in rapid succession, forcing it backwards. "Venus Love and Beauty Shock!" Disoriented, the Shadow Warrior couldn't get out of the way in time and shattered in a spray of black light. "You're not so tough." Venus commented, lowering her hand to side. She suddenly felt a presence at her back and in the sudden stillness, she tensed as she prepared to turn and face whatever it was. Pain shot through her body as her attacker slammed into her just below her left shoulder, sending her flying, and she let off an involuntary scream of agony as she crashed into the far wall. It was cut short as she collapsed to the floor, her breath knocked out of her by the impact. As she fought for breath, she heard her true love's bellow of rage and pain, feeling his outrage that something would dare strike her like it belonged to her. As she struggled to her knees, she heard the thunder of an explosion and the sharp ringing of his blade striking the ground near her. "Hit my wife in the back." She heard him declare. "I'm going to kill you." His fury washed over her like water, giving her something to focus on besides her own pain. She struggled to her feet and turned toward the middle of the room, pushing aside the pain caused by every movement. Her husband stood a couple of paces from her, his body between hers and whatever had thrown her across the room. Her eyes turned toward the new threat, assessing it. It was a large hairless humanoid, easily eight feet tall. Its body, except for the hands, head, and tail, was encased in a suit of black plate armor. An opaque force field surrounded it, like a second skin, extending several inches from the armor covering it. It's skin, what she could see, was covered with light green scales, snakelike in appearance. The tail had the same snakelike appearance, and was only long enough to touch the ground under it. The nose was triangular, yet flat looking as if it had been scrunched into the face. Small green eyes, too small for the rest of the face, were filled with hatred and locked onto the Guardsman. Dark red nails, the same color as blood, gleamed evilly on the end of the claws that were its hands. It extended those claws toward the Guardsman. "I am the Champion of the Dark Lord, Warrior of Light." It declared. "I am here to destroy you and any who stand with you." The large, hulking form of the Dark Champion shifted it's stance, the red nails gleaming evilly in the lighting. "I haven't had a challenge in a long time." It hissed as it began to move toward it's right. The Guardsman smoothly mirrored the motion, and Venus forced herself to follow him, protecting his back. "Well, I'm not going to bore you to death, that's for sure." The Guardsman agreed, his eyes wary as he continued to circle toward the right, his entire body tensed and ready. The serpentine eyes of the Dark Champion narrowed as it shifted its weight slightly. "I'm going to have some fun with you." It stated, raising its claws from its side. Venus paused as her right foot came to rest next to the hilt of his sword. She backed away from the combatants, then leaned over to snatch the sword from the ground. She backed toward the wall, her eyes shifting between the two combatants and the doorway, her fingers wrapped around the hilt of the sword, holding it ready. "Come and get me, then." The Guardsman challenged, his feet making virtually no sound as he padded softly to his right, placing one foot over the other as he went. With that, the Dark Champion charged, its body an opaque blur as it leaped into motion. The Guardsman spun away from the Dark Champion's claws, his body spinning gracefully to the right in a circle, the motion ending with him slamming his right palm into the back of the Dark Champion. A brilliant display of rainbow sparks appeared as his hand slammed into the force field. The Guardsman winced slightly backward from the display of energy as the Dark Champion went over on its face. The Dark Champion rolled away, uncoiling itself as it rose back to its feet, using the motion of the Guardsman's blow to assist it. It spun toward him before he could press the attack and began circling toward its right. The Guardsman mirrored the motion, their eyes locked as they watched each other. "I'm going to rip you up good." The Dark Champion promised. "You talk entirely too much." The Guardsman complained as he leaped forward in a jump kick, missing as the Dark Champion sidestepped the attack. The Guardsman rolled to his feet, whipping his foot out in a spin kick as he spun around. His right boot smashed into its back and it gave a grunt as it fell over on its face. The Dark Champion lashed out with its tail, which the Guardsman jumped over. The Guardsman closed as the Dark Champion came to its feet and he pressed the attack, placing a sharp triple strike into its abdomen, a right, then a left, then another right. The Dark Champion grunted involuntarily at the impacts. More sparks flew at the touch and both opponents winced backwards from the energy display. "End game." The Guardsman commented as he slammed the heel of his hand into the Dark Champion's throat, and there was another shower of sparks as his hand connected. The snap of bone and cartilage breaking followed and the Dark Champion staggered backward, clutching at the shattered remains of its throat and then began to curl up toward the ground. As the body of the Dark Champion fell to the ground, it vanished. "What the?" Venus began. "Later." He declared, moving toward her. With a wordless nod, she held out the blade to him and he accepted the blade from her then sheathed it. The two vanished out the shattered doorway and into the night, leaving the empty room behind.