Doubts and Worries The Dark Lord Saga - Chapter Two by Rick Federle Mina forced her way through the last of the knee high snow, leaning against the doorway of the cabin as she tried to catch her breath. They'd decided to go through the woods on the way back just in case some was following them. That had turned out to be a mistake. Wading through knee high snow was difficult going at best and rather unpleasant in the short skirt she had decided to wear to the dance. She was already soaked to the bone and was glad they'd finally made it back to the cabin. She looked over at William, who leaned against the wall next to her. He gave her a weak smile and she could tell that he was just as tired and cold as she was. Her eyes glanced around the woods to see if anyone had followed them. She didn't see anyone, but a really determined person could have eluded their observation. She felt a sudden pain shoot through the back of her head and instinctively her eyes turned toward William as she heard him collapse to the ground. "Mina." He whispered in a strained voice as she looked over at him. She felt sudden fear that something awful had happened to him. She knelt next to him, her heart pounding. "What is it?" "I can barely feel my arms and legs any more." He whispered, his voice growing weak. "At first it was just a dull ache in my hands and feet, but now I can't hardly feel them at all." Mina took his left hand and pulled it over her shoulders. She slipped her other hand around his waist to support him, helping him back to his feet. "Let's get inside." She stated, steadying her voice as she fought down her rising panic. He gave her a weak nod and she helped him lean against the door. She took her right hand from around his waist and dug the door key out of her pocket. She fumbled with the key for a couple of seconds before getting it into the lock and unlocking the door. "You're going to have to walk." She told him as she returned her hand to his waist. "I'll try." He stated weakly, leaning heavily on her. She waited until she was sure he wasn't going to fall over before she took her hand off of his waist long enough to crack the door. She shoved it open with her foot and tossed the key through the doorway before grasping his waist again to support him. She guided him through the doorway, unsteadily guiding him across the room, supporting him as best she could. She nearly dropped him in the middle of the room when his legs gave out completely. She sat him down on the bed, slipping his arm off of her shoulders. She laid him down on his back, taking her arm from around his waist. She knelt down and tugged off his shoes, throwing them into the middle of the room, then stretched him out lengthwise in the middle of the bed, propping his head up on a pillow. She ran back across the room to the open doorway, hurriedly closing and locking the door. She tugged off her shoes, then yanked off her socks, both of which were thoroughly soaked. She hurried across the room to her suitcase, her wet feet cold on the wooden floor. She fumbled with the latches and flung the lid open, digging for her communicator. She scooped her communicator out and turned it on. "Amy." She called urgently. After what seemed like an eternity, Amy replied. "What is it, Mina? I thought you were on vacation." "There's something wrong with William." Her fear for him bled over into her voice. "I . . . " "Love." She heard William call, his voice barely above a whisper. The communicator fell forgotten from her fingers as she flew to his side, crawling across the bed to him. "I'm here." She said reassuringly as she took his right hand in both her own, her face hovering over his. She saw his eyelashes begin to flutter as he fought the losing battle to stay awake. "I can't feel anything." He whispered, his voice barely audible. She saw that his eyes had begun to glaze over. "Everything's going black and I feel numb all over." "Nothing's going to happen to you." She promised as she clung to his hand. "You'll be fine after some sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." She saw his eyes close and saw him go limp as he lost consciousness. She put her right arm around him and lowered her head onto his chest, curling up into a ball as she fought back the tears. Something had happened and now she didn't know if he was going to live or die. Was this all she was going to get, a brief moment of happiness then an eternity of pain and loneliness? All those years of searching and rejection came to the forefront of her mind as she struggled with despair and suddenly she was unable to hold back the tears any longer. Love warred with despair as she curled up, her head resting on the chest of her true love, her tears soaking his shirt. She clung to his inert form as she cried, clinging to him as if he were her only lifeline. Eventually, she cried herself to sleep, her head resting on the center of his chest, listening to the sound of his beating heart. Mina sat up abruptly as she awoke, vaguely aware of a hand sliding off the top of her head. "Good morning." William said calmly, his eyes on her. "I wondered how much longer you were going to sleep." She blinked once as she looked at him. "How are you?" "I'm fine." He told her as he sat up. "No residual numbness or anything." Mina smiled as she leaned forward and kissed him warmly. "I love you." She said after pulling her lips away from his. "I love you, too." He agreed, catching her eyes with his. She looked into his eyes for a moment, then shook her head slightly. "Are you sure you're okay?" "Did you want to check?" He asked with a grin. Mina giggled, a smile appearing on her lips to match his. "I guess I'd better." She leaned forward and kissed him, putting her arms around his shoulders. She felt him encircle her waist with his arms and tug her down on top of him as he stretched back out. Encouraged, she threw herself into the kiss, savoring the taste of his lips. The two froze at the sound of knocking on the door. "This is getting predictable." William commented as Mina pulled her lips away from his. "Yeah." Mina agreed. There was another set of knocks. "Aren't you going to get it?" Mina asked. "Nope." "And why?" "Because you're on top. You'd have to get up anyway so you might as well answer the door." "I'll get you for this." Mina declared, poking him in the chest with a finger as the knocking turned into pounding. "I look forward to it." He agreed with a smirk as she rolled out of bed and went over to the door. She giggled as she hurried over to the door. "I'll remember that." She called, glancing over her shoulder as she opened the door. "About time." Lita protested as the door opened. "I thought we were going to freeze out here first." Mina blinked in surprise, the last vestiges of her smile fading from her lips as she saw Amy, Lita, Raye, and Serena standing on the porch. "Hi, guys. What are you doing here?" "Freezing at the moment." Serena shivered. Mina backed out of the doorway. "Well, since you're here, come in." She waited until the four had trooped inside and the door had been closed before she spoke again. "Why are you all here?" "You called and said that something was wrong with William." Amy spoke up. "Did I?" Mina asked, looking at the four in turn, a puzzled look on her face. "Yes, you did." Serena agreed. "Now, where's the hot cocoa? I'm freezing." "The kitchen's over that way." Mina waved a hand in the general direction of the kitchen. "I haven't looked to see what's there yet." "Cocoa, anyone?" Serena asked as she headed for the kitchen area. "Hi, girls." She felt William's hands on her shoulders as he came up behind her. Automatically, she laid her hands over his. "For someone who's supposed to be dying, you look pretty good." Raye commented. "I thought we were going to drive all the way up here to find that you were half dead." Mina exchanged a confused look with her husband. "I have no idea." She answered the unspoken question. He sighed and hung his head. "All right, Amy." Mina heard the resignation in his voice. "Let's get this over with." Mina heard the sound of footsteps receding as Amy and William went across the room. Mina joined the other girls around the free standing counter where Serena had already broken out the hot cocoa packets. "So, what happened?" Serena ventured, shoving a cup of steaming cocoa into Mina's hands. Mina described the events of the previous night as best she could, starting with the encounter with the Shadow Warrior. "After he collapsed on the porch, it's all a blur." She shook her head. "I only remember bits and pieces." She sighed. "Somehow I got him inside and into bed, then I vaguely recall him calling out to me before passing out and then . . . " She squeezed her eyes closed, her hands tightening around the nearly empty cup. She opened them again as she felt a hand over top of hers. "We're here for you." Serena said, pulling her hand away, her eyes unreadable. "For both of you." Lita added softly. Mina nodded and gulped the rest of her cocoa before setting the cup on the counter in front of her. She walked across the room to where William was sitting on the bed, Amy hovering over him with her computer in her hand. Mina curled up behind William, putting her arms around him protectively. "How is he?" She asked, some of her concern sneaking into her voice. She felt William lay his hands over hers. The other girls formed a half circle behind Amy as the blue haired woman looked up. "There's some residual energy I can't quite identify, as if it's being suppressed by something, but other than that he's fine." Amy shrugged. "He's as healthy as always." Mina rested her head against William's right shoulder in relief. She felt the tension leave William as the news sank in, and she squeezed him reassuringly. She looked up into his eyes and read the relief there. "Umm . . . why don't we go take a look at where these things were. Before they start messing with it too much." Serena suggested after a short silence. She looked around as everyone else stared at her. "I'm lazy, not stupid." "We know, Serena." Mina agreed, relieved. "We know." "Why don't you show our guests out?" William suggested to his wife, still looking into her eyes. "Yes, why don't I." Mina agreed, dislodging herself from William and rising out of bed and leading the others to the door. "We'll let you know what we find out." Amy told her as the four bundled back up. Mina nodded. "I'll let you know when we're back in town." "Until then." Lita exchanged a nod with her. Mina sighed in relief as she shut the door behind them. They were good friends, but she wanted to spend time with William right now. She crossed the room once again and sat down next to him. "So, you're going to live, huh?" Mina asked. "Yep." William agreed with a nod. "That's good." She snatched up a pillow and swatted him with it. "That's for letting that thing hit me in the back." She swatted him again. "That's for passing out on me." She swatted him one more time. "And that's for scaring me half to death." "I'm sorry." He said contritely, leaning forward and kissing her sincerely. She shared a smile with him when he leaned back, then swatted him again. "And what was that for?" He protested. "Because," she stated. He looked at her for a second. "Because, huh?" He snatched up the other pillow and clobbered her in the shoulder with it. Mina broke down into laughter as the pillow fight began, the sound of his laughter filling her ears. Finally, he threw his pillow back on the bed. "I surrender." He got out between laughs. "Good." She swatted him one more time for good measure, then tossed her pillow over with his with a giggle. "Come here." He demanded as he put his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap. She snuggled up against him contently, her arms around his torso. "What have I become?" He asked softly after a few moments of silence. "Why are creatures that I don't even know what they are trying to kill me?" Mina looked up at him, seeing the troubled look in his eyes. She let go of him and sat up. "Because of who you are and what you stand for." "I wish it was that simple." He sighed. "I never knew where my powers came from in the first place, but now that they're stronger, I have things trying to kill me because of a title I don't know where it came from or even what it stands for." His eyes locked with hers. "What am I?" "Mine." Mina declared. He blinked in surprise by the iron in her voice. "You are mine, William." She repeated. "You are my soul mate, the part of me that was missing. You are my love." She reached up and rested her right hand on his left cheek. "No matter what titles or responsibilities you have, you belong to me, just as much as I belong to you." She took her hand from his cheek and rested her fingertips over his lips to keep him from speaking. "The day I married you, I surrendered myself to you, just as you did to me." She reminded him and he nodded. "Yes, you have something trying to kill you, but it's really no different from when the Negaverse was after you." He nodded, his eyes distant as he thought it over. "Does it matter?" She asked after a moment of silence, lowering her hand to her lap. "No, I suppose it really doesn't." He agreed. "There's always going to be something out to kill us because of who we are." "I know." "This is no different, just an enemy who knows your name." Silence filled the room and she felt him draw her to him. She hugged him tightly wanting to banish all his doubts and worries for him. "Your bow is crooked." He told her after a moment, changing the subject. "Let me get it." He offered as she sat up. "I'll get it." She stated, reaching up with both hands to straighten it. "It's mine after all." He smiled at her as she worked on it, then a mischievous grin appeared on his face. "Quit that." She protested with a giggle as he tickled her sides briefly, taking her right hand off her bow long enough to smack one of his hands. He flopped over on his back, his arms spread in a submissive gesture. "Now that I'm your prisoner, what are you going to do with me?" She looked down at him, taking her hands off of her bow. She leaned down, letting her body rest on top of his, her palms pressed lightly against his chest. "I'll think of something." She stated as she kissed him. * * * The robed figure turned to the seven Shadow Warriors hovering before it as the one in the middle spoke. "You sent for us, Master?" It hissed. "Yes." The robed figure replied after a moment. "It is my will that you go to Earth and destroy the Warrior of Light." "Your will is mine." The seven hissed in unison and vanished, leaving the already dark room even darker by their absence. "You have a plan." The black energy sphere spoke after a moment. "Of course." The robed figure said. "If my shadows fail to destroy him, then it will bring him here. Into my hands."