Sirius The Dark Lord Saga, Chapter Four by Rick Federle Sailor Venus felt the crunching of the snow under her boots as she shifted her weight to get more comfortable. She felt her hair flow in the swift wind and as she caught sight of the manor house before her a chill walked up and down her spine. She shrank back against her love as he put his slightly trembling arms around her, wanted to reassure her, but yet at the same time be reassured by her closeness. She pressed her back against him, resting her hands over his as he folded his cape about the two of them. It was a European style manor house such as those she remembered seeing from England and it sat in the shadow of a mountain. Despite trepidation that she shared with her love, there was nothing that overtly suggested any sort of either danger or hostility in the appearance of the manor house. In fact, there was no one besides the group of them around. No guards or servants visible despite the fact that it seemed to be in the middle of the day. She glanced up, looking for the sun to judge the approximate time of day only to find that some sort of fog or smoke seemed to hug the upper atmosphere. While it allowed sunlight to illuminate the planet, it also prevented her from figuring out what time of day it was. Or even if it was day. For all she knew, the entire planet was constantly lit like this and it was actually the middle of the night here, which would explain why there was no one else about. She felt the trembling in his hands still as he regained control of himself and his anxiety faded as he hugged her tight against himself. Reassured by his nearness and by the fact that his own anxiety was fading, she felt her own sense of dread fade away into nothingness. She glanced around, noting that her friends had likewise been powered up by the Light. Probably because they would be better received if they showed up looking like the royalty that they were rather than a group of schoolgirls. "Is this then the place, Warrior of Light?" Neo-Queen Serenity asked from next to Endymion. "I believe so, Majesty." The Guardsman answered. "So who's going to go up and knock?" Sailor Mars asked. "Me, I guess." The Guardsman stated. "It's my quest after all." He let his cape furl back around him as he took his arms from around Sailor Venus. A frown passed her lips as he took his warmth from her. She wasn't cold in the slightest but she preferred having his warmth around her nonetheless. She fell into step behind him, aware out of the corner of her eye that the others had formed up around Serenity and Endymion, both of whom were following her. The Guardsman paused at the doorway to knock, but before he could raise his hand, the doorway swung invitingly open and a baritone voice spoke from the other side. "Please enter, My Lord," The voice said; "and your companions as well." With a barely perceptible shifting of his shoulders, which was the only external sign of the apprehension he felt, he stepped forward into the entranceway. Sailor Venus lead the others inside once the Guardsman had cleared the doorway and entered into the manor house. Waiting in the foyer within was a formally dressed servant, standing with one hand resting on the doorknob. The servant, apparently the doorman, closed and bolted the door once everyone was inside. The foyer was pleasant looking, tastefully lit by candlelight. All of the furnishing were of a dark colored wood and without any sign of dust or neglect. The servant bowed formally to them. "If you would come with me," he spoke; "Her Majesty is waiting to receive you." Venus stepped forward to her husband's side, slipping her right hand into his left as she joined him. He squeezed her hand reassuringly, his apprehension dissolving at her touch, and the two of them moved in unison to follow the servant down the hallway. The hallway was also lit with candlelight and was wide enough for two people to move comfortably side by side. She suspected that the entire manor was lit with candles but she couldn't be sure until she had some time to check. The candle lighting was subdued, casting more shadows than light. It gave them enough light to see by, but not much more. Every candle that they passed looked new because she didn't notice any wax drippings running down the side of them. The servant led them past several sets of doors without a word, stopping at the doorway at the end of the hall. "Her Majesty is waiting for you within her study." The servant explained as he opened the door. He moved out of the way, holding the door open for them. The walls of the room were covered with bookshelves, each one filled to overflowing with books, seemingly ready to collapse at any time from under the heavy weight. A small table sat in the middle of the room and a candle sat on it, providing a small circle of light to the person seated in the padded armchair that occupied the middle of the room. The armchair was the only seat in the room and a brown eyed and haired male hovered silently at the elbow of the woman who was reading, his hands folded in front of him. "Majesty," the male spoke in a light tenor. "The Warrior of Light and his companions have arrived." "Thank you, Seer." A soft alto arose from behind the book, which was lowered to reveal the speaker. Candlelight reflected off a golden coronet as she closed the book then placed it on the table just off to her left, her fingertips resting lightly upon it. The coronet framed curly shoulder length blond hair. Sky blue eyes fastened first upon Sailor Venus, examining her briefly, then shifted to the Guardsman before passing onto the others. The woman's eyes were cold and a chill crawled up Venus' spine as the woman took her eyes from her. The Guardsman, feeling her concern, squeezed her hand minutely in reassurance. "This is the one who can destroy the Dark Lord, my Queen." The Seer said, his eyes fixed on the Guardsman. "We can but hope." The woman agreed. "I am Queen Anna of Sirius." The woman stated after her eyes had taken in them all. "Welcome, Warrior of Light." She said. "And to your companions also, welcome." "Thank you, Majesty." The Guardsman bowed formally as Venus dipped in a curtsy. "I am grateful for such hospitality." Queen Anna inclined her head and nodded slightly in acknowledgment. "And who are your companions?" Anna inquired. "Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion of Earth," the Guardsman introduced, using his free hand to gesture to them. "Their companions and guardians, the Sailor Scouts. The Princess of Mercury, the Princess of Mars, the Princess of Jupiter, and the Princess of Venus," he continued. "The Princess of Venus is my wife." He explained as Anna gave the two of them a curious look. "Royals all, then." The Queen of Sirius rose to her feet. "Welcome to my house. What is mine is yours for the duration of your stay." Anna offered. "Thank you, Majesty." Serenity agreed gracefully. "Unfortunately, I have already eaten a mid day meal or I would offer my company to you. It would be my pleasure to have you as my guests for dinner." Anna continued. "My Seer will show you to the rooms where you may refresh yourselves if you wish." The Seer grimaced, as if being a courier was beneath him, but didn't object. "Thank you for your offer, Majesty; but may I ask something of you?" When Anna inclined her head in agreement he continued. "Would you happen to know where the Dark Lord currently is?" "Yes, Warrior of Light;" Anna stated. "He currently resides in a cavern in the largest mountain about half a days walk from here. If you leave here in the morning, you should be able to reach his residence by mid day." The Guardsman bowed formally. "Thank you, Majesty. Sailor Venus sighed as she plopped down on the overstuffed bed that was in the room they had been given for the duration of their stay. "Can you believe this room?" She asked, covering her eyes with her arm. "Full sized bath, oversized and over padded armchairs, polished wood tables, and a very comfortable king sized bed." She uncovered her eyes and looked across the room at her husband who was examining one of the candles with interest. "Magical lighting." He explained as her curiosity arose. "That's why it's so dim and doesn't drip." He said as he walked across the room to the bed. "Rub my back for me?" She asked as she rolled over on her stomach, stretching all the way out, resting her chin on her arms. "Yes." He agreed and she felt the mattress under her shift as he sat down next to her and the gentle caress of his fingers along her spine. "Mmm," she murmured contently. "Yes, that's it." She told him as his fingers stopped their searching and settled down to massage the same spot. "Did you enjoy dinner?" He asked. She smiled contently, feeling his love for her, his joy to be with her. "It was fabulous." His fingers stopped as she rolled over to look at him. "It's the company I keep." She held her arms out invitingly to him and wiggled her fingers impatiently. "Is that it now?" He asked as he lowered himself into her arms. "That could have something to do with it," she agreed as she folded her arms around his neck. "Now give your loving wife a kiss." With a shared smile, he pressed his lips against hers. After a moment, he pulled his lips slightly from hers, sharing the same smile with her. He stretched out on his back next to her, gathering her in his arms, holding her close to him. She rested her head on his chest, her right hand resting lightly on his hip below his sword hilt, then closed her eyes with a soft sigh of contentment. She felt the warm glow of his love for her, as secure and comforting as his arms around her waist. And then she drifted off with the soft, steady sound of his heartbeat a reassuring guide that all would be well because he was near.