Unpleasant Surprises The Dark Lord Saga, Chapter Five by Rick Federle As she awoke, Sailor Venus heard the sound of her love signing softly. The words were barely above a whisper, just loud enough for her to hear, and she could feel the vibrations through his chest where her head rested. In the song was a note of sadness, as if something irreplaceable had been lost and could never be again. As he sang, his right hand stroked the hair on the back of her head with a soothing steadiness. His other arm held her close against him, as close of an embrace as she could remember. She left her eyes closed, remaining still so as not to disturb him in any way as he sang. She felt his sadness, his longing for other times, of what should have been but never could be. As the song ended, she felt his love for her once again across the link they shared and the gentle presence of his lips pressed against the top of her head in a love filled kiss. She gave him a reassuring squeeze as he realized that she was awake. "I don't recognize that song." She said quietly, without either opening her eyes or moving her head. "It's a Guardsman's last song." He whispered to her, removing his lips only fractionally from the top of her head. "The song sung when one of us is laid to rest." He told her as he sat up, still cradling her against him. "But they'll be no one to sing it for me when my time comes." She felt a rush of concern as she sensed his hopelessness return. As she sat up he took his arms from around her, folding his hands in his lap, seeming to draw back into himself. She raised her head to look at him, but his eyes remained downcast. She put a finger under his chin and raised his face to look into his eyes. "Nothing's going to happen to you." She promised him. "I'll be there with you." As he pulled his head back away from her hand, she sensed him agonizing over something. He squeezed his eyes closed and his shoulders slumped as he lowered his head again. She felt a wave of love and pain from him as he spoke again. "You shouldn't go with me." He said, his voice barely a whisper. "If something happens to you . . . " "Nothing's going to happen to me." She interrupted, feeling a surge of anger from herself and a rush of shame from him. He looked up at her, his eyes finally meeting hers. He reached across the distance to her, pressing his right forefinger against her lips to still her. "If you go with me, I could lose you forever." He continued quietly, as if she hadn't spoken. "As long as I know that you are safe, only if I know that you are safe, can I defeat the Dark Lord." He lowered his hand back into his lap, resting it over the other. "You once promised me that everything would work out. I promise you that. And that I'll come back to you." She stared wordlessly at him for a moment, sharing his love and concern. She was concerned about him, that she couldn't be there to make sure that he'd be okay. She knew that he was concerned about her and that if something happened to her that he wouldn't be able to do what he must. She wanted to argue with him about it, to raise her voice at him and be upset with him over it. But in the end, she knew that he was right. This could be the most difficult fight of his life and there wasn't anything that she could do to help him with it. All she could do was be supportive of him and to show her love for him. Because in the end, he would have to stand alone. She let all the excess emotions flow from her and let her love and support for him fill her, letting it flow across the link to him. "Do what you must, my heart;" she finally said. "And I will be waiting for you when you return." She leaned forward and put her arms around him, hugging him tightly as she pressed her face against his chest. He hugged her tightly in return, his face buried in her hair. "I promise when I get back I'll take some time off and spend it with you." He whispered into her hair. She squeezed him tighter in acknowledgment then let go of him. "You'd better go now or I'll not want to let you go." She told him as she pulled away from him and her eyes met his. She rose to her feet, taking his right hand in her left as he stood up with her. Without another sound, they walked together outside and they paused there to share a short kiss. She silently watched him walk off into the horizon, headed in the direction that they'd been told the Dark Lord laired. When he was gone from her sight, she went back inside, to the room they'd spent the night. She sat on the bed, the pillow he'd used in the circle of her arms with her face resting against it. The scent of him still lingered in the fabric and as she sat there, her mind began to wander aimless in circles, each circle leading back to the man that shared her life. She reflected on how their relationship had grown since he'd returned. She'd woken up in his arms, expecting to find death, but instead to find that love had returned to her. That he had returned to her like he'd promised her so long ago. It had been like the end of a nightmare, waking up to find that all the pain and agony had been only a dream and that now everything was as it should be. He'd held her close, cradling her against himself like she was the most precious thing that ever was, and when she'd kissed him she'd been unable to contain her happiness. The love that she'd thought lost forever was hers to share once again. In that moment, she'd wanted nothing other that to feel his arms around her, to hold him close, to be with him forever. That first evening together they'd been content to simply talk, to re-learn of the other. To see how little the other had changed. Their first night together, feeling of contentment, the glow of warmth that she'd felt simply from being with him again. That next day, she'd learned of his pain. And it had become her own to share. Even then he'd started becoming part of her once again, the beginning of a bond that would tie them together in a way that no one else ever could. The days spent together, the constant flirting, always hovering on the edge of physical intimacy. The nights that they'd shared as he'd fought against the torture that the Negaverse had inflicted upon him. She'd shared herself with him and he'd given himself fully to her in return. He'd denied her nothing, not even himself, nor would he ever. He'd give her anything, do anything for her. She'd become his heart and he'd become hers. She'd become his love, his joy, the center of all that he'd cared about. They'd become like two suns, each orbiting around the other. The existence of one centered around the other, each drawn irresistibly and held to the other in an unbreakable bond. Love had brought them together and made them one. As her mind returned to the present, she breathed through the pillow to inhale his scent again, but time had removed it from the fabric. She glanced up in time to see the doorway open and a surge of hope at his return faded as she caught sight of Jupiter standing uncertainly on the other side of the doorway. "Queen Anna has invited us for dinner and Serenity wants everyone to come," Sailor Jupiter told her hesitantly. "All right." Venus agreed quietly. She kissed the pillow softly, then gently returned it to the place where it had been. She rose to her feet and walked across the room to the doorway. Jupiter made room for her in the hallway and then fell into step with her, leading her toward where Serenity and the others waited for them. The two curtsied minutely at the doorway before crossing the room to take their seats. The room was open with only a round banquet style table with eight chairs about it. Several doorways led from the room, including the one that the two had just entered from. A number of servants stood attentively nearby and two hovered next to a pair of unoccupied chairs, apparently intended for the remaining two members of Serenity's party. As they sat, a butler pushed in their chairs for them then disappeared from their sight. "Forgive me, Majesty." Jupiter said somewhat formally to Queen Anna as she settled herself. "I had some trouble finding our Venus." "Where was she?" Anna asked curiously as the meal was served. "Hiding in her room." Jupiter explained. Venus absently frowned down at the meal, but wasn't hungry enough to bother. "Is your meal not to your liking?" Anna asked after a while. Venus gave her a wane smile. "I'm not really hungry, Majesty." She apologized. "I'm sure that your husband will return shortly." Anna reassured her. A twinkle appeared in the Siriusian queen's eyes. "I was in love once, I know the feeling." A commotion appeared at the doorway, drawing everyone's attention toward it. A pair of Dark Champions roughly shoved the servants and guards out of the way, headed for the table where the group sat. "What is the meaning of this intrusion?" Anna demanded as the two Dark Champions stalked up to the table. One of the Dark Champions produced a cloth covered object, which it tossed into the middle of the table. Venus suddenly had a sickening feeling in her stomach. "The blade of the Warrior of Light." The ringing of the blade striking the table broke the sudden stillness left by the appearance of the Dark Champions, sending the Sailor Scouts, Serenity, and Endymion to their feet. Queen Anna likewise rose to her feet. She looked over at them with narrowed eyes as they prepared to defend themselves. Sailor Venus glanced around in confusion as her friends passed out and collapsed to the ground. Anna's lips pursed in a smile at the sound of bodies striking the floor. "You should have eaten with your friends. Things would have been so much more pleasant for you if you had." "What have you done to them?" Venus demanded, suddenly confused and very angry at the sudden turn of events. "I've just knocked them out." Anna told her. "They're not dead, yet." "Then it's you who is the Dark Lord." "Oh, yes." Anna agreed pleasantly. "And with your husband's death, the universe is mine." Anna gave her a sinister smile. "And so are you." "You witch! I'll kill you!" Venus screamed. She didn't know how she got ahold of the blade that had been resting on the table a heartbeat before, but she raised it to shoulder height as she flung herself at the Siriusian queen with the intent to cut her to ribbons. Anna thrust her right palm at the enraged Sailor Scout, sending a spray of black energy into her chest. Sailor Venus flew across the room and into the far wall. The blade was flung from her hand as she slammed into the wall with enough force to shatter a normal human's spine. But Sailor Venus wasn't a normal human and she struggled back to her feet, rising unsteadily to confront the Dark Lord, her heart burning for revenge. She paused long enough to wipe away the blood forming at the corner of her mouth. "Venus Love and Beauty SHOCK!" The last word came out a scream and the golden heart she released was brighter than normal, powered by her anger and pain. The Dark Lord made a downward cutting motion with her hand and the golden heart shattered, neatly cut in two. The two halves dissolved as they fell toward the floor, but yet never reached it. "She's not to be harmed." Queen Anna commanded as several of her guards appeared out of the shadows. "Yet." Sailor Venus turned back and forth as the guards began to encircle her and as she launched herself toward one of them, she felt something hard slam into the back of her head, sending her spiraling down into darkness. * * * Sailor Venus forced her eyes open and after a couple of seconds, they focused in the near darkness of the room. She forced herself to sit up, wincing at the pain in the back of her head. She reached back and gingerly touched the sensitive spot at the base of her skull to find a small lump had formed there. She winced again, pulling her hand away, and turned her attention to the room around her. She was sitting on a stone slab, which seemed to be the only feature of the room except for the darkly glowing force field about six or so feet from the slab all around her. The force field provided the only lighting for the room and that was barely adequate to see her hand in front of her face. She stopped to take an inventory and found that she was still powered up and moment determined that they'd taken nothing from her. Nothing but the man she loved and the friends she cared about. She forced herself to concentrate on trying to get out of the cell that the Dark Lord had imprisoned her in and got up so she could walk to the force field that kept her penned up. She reached out toward the field with her right hand, but paused as the field began to crackle and hiss as her hand neared it. After a short hesitation, she decided that it wouldn't be a good idea to try to touch the field. "So the little princess is awake." A mocking voice said. Sailor Venus turned around to find the Dark Lord standing on the opposite side of the cell on the other side of the force field. "What do you want?" Venus demanded. "I wanted to see how badly hurt you were." Anna remarked. "I've never seen anyone able to stand up to me like that." "When I get out of here . . . " Venus began. "You won't get out of here," the Dark Lord interrupted her. "And neither will your friends. But even if you could, it will be too late to save your husband." Anna stepped back from the force field, disappearing from Venus' sight, but left the sound of her mocking laughter behind. "William." Venus whispered, curling herself up on the slab and resting her forehead against her knees. She began to sob uncontrollably as the realization sank in that she'd never see the man she loved again. * * * "Hey, Venus." A familiar voice reached her ears. She ignored it, wanting to be left alone. "Come on, Venus." The voice repeated. "We've got to get out of here." She realized as the speaker continued that it was Jupiter calling to her and not Anna to torment her again. "What?" Venus looked up toward where the voice had come from. Tuxedo Mask and the other Scouts stood nearby, and there was no force field visible. "Let's go." Sailor Mars called to her urgently. "Before the guards wake back up." Venus shook her head. "Just leave me alone." She whispered, resting her head back against her knees. "We're going to find out exactly what's going on around here." Sailor Moon told her. "We've been tricked." Venus told her without looking up. "Anna's the Dark Lord." She continued. "And William's, William's . . . gone." Her voice broke on the last word. Venus looked up as a gentle hand came to rest on her shoulder. She looked into Sailor Moon's eyes, seeing the concern and compassion there. "Then she's going to pay for betraying us." Sailor Moon said determinedly. "And for betraying your love." "Right." Venus agreed softly as Sailor Moon squeezed her shoulder. "She's not going to get away with it." "Let's go, Venus." Sailor Moon urged her and the two moved to join the others Sailor Venus ignored the various looks she got from the others. "Let's go find her and kick her butt." "Before she finds us." Mercury agreed. "Too late," came Anna's voice from the darkness in front of them.