Prologue The Dark Lord Saga by Rick Federle A solitary figure sat in a room alone, the only thing visible in the faint lighting was the chair and its occupant. The figure was in a dark robe and the hood was drawn up over its head. A single candle burned on a table next to the chair, hiding the face of the occupant from the casual observer. If one stared into the shadows hard enough, one could see what might be some sort of shelving along the walls, but one could not be certain, as if the figure in the chair somehow blocked the light. The dark robed and hooded figure sitting in the chair examined the crystal that rested in its hand, letting it twinkle in the faint light as it turned it back and forth. Back and forth the crystal went, its twinkle a sharp contrast from the near blackness of the rest of the room. A sphere of black energy materialized a foot or so in front of the head of the examiner and it raised its hooded head to look at the energy sphere. "The Warrior of Light has come." A voice echoed off the walls. The hooded head dipped once in acknowledgment. "Then it is time, master." "Yes." The same voice said. "And now the Dark Lord must rise up and destroy him." The hand holding the crystal closed over it and with a squeeze, crushed it into dust. The grip loosened slightly and the powder glittered as it streamed between the figure's fingers. There was the faint gleaming of eyes as the figure turned slightly in the chair. "Come to me my shadows." The figure commanded and the energy sphere pulsed once in approval. "Our time is at hand."