Time for Everything The Guardsman Chronicles, Chapter Ten by Rick Federle Mina stirred, opening her eyes. She was snuggled up with William, who was apparently asleep. After the battle with Azmaria yesterday, he'd spent part of the night struggling with the nightmares that haunted his sleep. But the worst of his nightmares seemed to have finally passed. She turned her head to read the clock. It read 4:23. It was difficult for her to sleep with William's nightmares, but she'd managed to get a couple of hours after all. Her eyes turned back to meet William's, his eyes studying her. "Did I wake you?" She asked quietly as their eyes met. "No, I was watching you sleep." He confessed, glancing away for a second. "What were you dreaming about? You were smiling." Mina smiled again. "I was dreaming about you." She explained, resting her head against his chest. "I love you." She whispered, surprised slightly by the sudden intensity in her voice. William looked down at her and on impulse Mina raised her head and pressed her lips against his. As she did, she felt a hunger to be one with him, to surrender herself to the passions they shared, to lose herself for just a moment rise out of the center of her being and fill her, threating to consume her completely. She rolled on her back, pulling him up on top of her. She fumbled with the buttons of his shirt then slipped her arms underneath it and around him, her fingers curling into claws at his back. As her fingernails dug into his skin, he gave a soft groan of complaint, pulling his lips away from hers slightly. She raised her head, her lips seeking his, and he replied with a hunger that matched her own as their lips met again. He took his hands from her back as he pressed her into the mattress, his fingers clumsily parting the top button of her blouse. He pulled his lips away from hers and pressed them into the hollow of her neck below her larynx. She gave a soft moan, tilting her head back as his lips caressed her skin. "No . . . wait . . . we shouldn't." He pulled back from her suddenly, rolling off of her, forcing her to let go of him. He turned away from her, his face pressed into a pillow. Mina blinked a couple of times as her breathing slowed to its normal pace and as the realization hit her she bolted from the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. She leaned against the sink, her knees weak from the sudden cascade of emotions. Mina sighed wearily. It was getting more and more difficult. They'd promised each other and themselves that they'd wait until they were married, but they'd almost crossed that line. She felt rather than heard William enter the room after a few minutes. She looked up into the mirror to see him standing in the open doorway, his eyes worried. He'd taken the time to rebutton his shirt before coming to checking on her. "Mina? Are you okay?" He asked after a moment. She turned to him. "Just a little weak in the knees." She admitted, giving him a brave smile. "I'll go sleep on the couch." She told him, starting for the doorway so she could brush by him. He snagged her by the waist, stopping her in mid step. "No." He reached up and refastened the button on her blouse, then offered her his hand. Their eyes met wordlessly, reading forgiveness in each other's eyes. Mina nodded and took his hand. Together they went back and sat on the side of the bed. "Are you sure?" Mina asked after a moment. "Yes." William lowered himself back on the bed, not quite suppressing a shudder. He squeezed his eyes closed for a moment and when he opened them, he read the worry on Mina's face. "Something's not quite right. Can you stay for a while longer?" "I can." Mina decided. She curled up next to him, putting her arms back around him. He put his arms around her, drawing her close as he pulled the sheets back over top of them. "Thank you." He whispered, resting his forehead against hers. He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the nightmares that rose to fill the void left behind. * * * Azmaria smiled slightly as she glanced around. Several dozen Negawarriors were assembled. Azmaria had decided this would be a sufficient group to take the Scouts out of the picture once and for all. The Negawarriors would pound on the Scouts until they were too exhausted to fight. Then they'd kill the Scouts. With a nod, Azmaria and her warriors teleported across dimensions. * * * "What happened, Mina?" Serena asked as she, Amy, Lita, and Raye came up to the table where Mina and William were sitting. "You weren't in school today." "Long night." Mina glanced back at William, who hung his head and she gave a soft sigh. "A very long night." "One of those." William explained, drawing a nod from the four girls. He closed his eyes. "And it's not over yet." Mina reached across the table, taking his hands in her own, squeezing them once for reassurance. He opened his eyes and looked at her. "Let's go." She told him and William nodded. "Sorry, gang." Mina smiled slightly by way of apology, her eyes sober. The two rose and Mina dropped a tip on the table before the two disappeared into the crowd. The four girls exchanged a glance then headed back out into the mall. "I don't know how they stand dealing with those nightmares." Serena commented after a moment. "They do because they have to." Raye said quietly. There was a sudden explosion of light and noise at the main stage nearby. "I'm back!" Azmaria called with a laugh. "Tell those Sailor Brats to come and get me!" The crowd dove for cover, heading for the exits. "Let's get her." Lita suggested. "Right." Serena agreed with a nod. The four disappeared into the nearest store, ducking into a set of changing booths to transform. Amy tapped the all call button on her communicator and whipped out her transformation wand. The four Scouts exploded out of the store. "For love and justice, I am Sailor Moon." Sailor Moon began. "And you have interrupted these people's shopping." She leveling a finger at Azmaria, who waited patiently on the stage. "Yeah, yeah, whatever." Azmaria interrupted, waving a hand dismissively. "Hurry up and make your speech so we can get to the fighting part. The four paused, glancing at each other. "I spy four Sailor Brats." Azmaria commented. "Where's the rest of you Sailor Wimps?" She caught sight of the Outers as they came into view near Sailor Moon and the others. "Goody, goody, goody." Azmaria rubbed her hands together. "Main course!" She yelled into the air. The Scouts drew back in surprise and revulsion as the Negawarriors she had gathered materialized around them. "I think we have a problem." Jupiter commented unnecessarily. Mina glanced down at her communicator in surprise as the all call came across. She leaned over to William's ear. "All call." She whispered. He nodded and the two began looking for a place to transform. "Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!" "Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!" "Mars Flame Sniper!" "Jupiter Oak Evolution!" "Dead Scream." "World Shaking!" "Deep Submerge!" Azmaria brushed aside Sailor Moon's attack while half a dozen of her Negawarriors died while closing. The Negawarriors leaped into hand to hand combat, with at least three on each Scout. "We could use some help here." Sailor Moon panted, frantically blocking attacks from three Negawarriors at once. "Tell me about it." Jupiter agreed, her hands moving skillfully to block the attacks of several Negawarriors. "Jupiter Oak Evolution!" The Negawarriors leaped over the attack before pressing her again. "Venus Meteor Shower!" The energy beams tore into the ranks of the surprised Negawarriors, sending several of them crashing to the ground. Some of them turned only to find the Guardsman among them, his body a blur as he went through their ranks like a hot knife through butter. The Negawarriors tried to swamp him, but they just died faster. "Hi, gang." Venus flashed them a smile as she landed next to Sailor Moon. "Man, can that guy move." Mars commented, impressed. "Does he plan on leaving any for the rest of us?" Uranus asked. "Probably not." Venus said. "He's getting himself some payback." Azmaria frowned as she watched the Guardsman tear the ranks of her Negawarriors to shreds. She'd been expecting him to show up, but not until after she'd trashed the Scouts. Time to take him out, then. The Guardsman looked up at Azmaria, leveling the point of his sword at her. "You're next." He said and began to advance toward her. "Hardly." Azmaria waved a hand at him. His left fist clenched and unclenched several times as he drew to a halt. "Now kill her." She pointed at Sailor Moon. The Guardsman slowly turned toward the Scouts, his eyes blank. He raised his sword and began to advance toward Sailor Moon. "You die now." His voice was hollow, empty. "What are you doing?" Venus asked, stepping in front of Sailor Moon. "Must kill her." He continued his slow advance toward the two of them. "Must obey master." "Snack time!" Azmaria called with another laugh and another dozen Negawarriors materialized around the Scouts. "Problem." Mars said as the dozen Negawarriors closed on them. "Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!" "Mars Flame Sniper!" "Jupiter Oak Evolution!" "Dead Scream." "World Shaking!" "Deep Submerge!" Saturn tried to cut one in half with her Glaive only to have the Negawarrior sidestep the attack. "Stop it." Sailor Venus said. "It's me. What's wrong with you?" "He belongs to me now." Azmaria said, her eyes narrowed in concentration. "I control him." "Not if I can help it." Venus disagreed as she stepped toward the Guardsman. He hesitated when she reached him and she pushed the blade out of her way. She stretched up and kissed him, throwing her arms around his neck, pouring all her love for him into the kiss. He lowered the blade, his arms hanging limply at his side. Azmaria's eyes narrowed as she fought to keep him under control. The sword fell to the floor with a clatter as he put his arms around her. Azmaria shook her head as she staggered back, her control lost. Venus pulled her lips away from his. "Thanks." The voice was his own again. She smiled and nodded. "That was low." Sailor Moon said, stepping around the couple. The other Scouts advanced to join her. "Well, look at the time." Azmaria gave her a smile. "Gotta go." She vanished. * * * "Mina?" William asked as he clung to Mina that night. "Yes, William?" "Will you marry me?" "I already said I would." "I mean formally." He clarified. "Mina, will you marry me? Will you be my wife?" Mina looked up into his eyes, realizing how serious he was. "Yes, William. I will marry you. I will be your wife." With that, she closed her eyes and curled up against him, feeling content and happy. She was where she belonged, in the arms of her love.