First Concert The Guardsman Chronicles, Chapter Eleven by Rick Federle "Is that everything?" Mina asked William as he flopped down into the armchair the two had just moved into the living room. "I think so." He looked up at her. "You'd better have it where you want it, because I'm not planning on rearranging the furniture when you move in." "And why not?" Mina curled up in his lap, her arms around his shoulders as he put his arms around her waist. "Because I'll have much better things to do than move furniture." William stated. Mina giggled, then leaned forward and kissed him firmly. He gave her a speculative look when she pulled away. She touched his nose with her right forefinger and he wrinkled it at her touch. "I love you, you know." She giggled. "I know." William smiled back. "I love you, too." "Good." Mina leaned forward and kissed him again. "Hey, we're out of here." Lita poked her head into the living room. "We'll see you at the concert tonight." "Right." The two agreed, looking over at her. Serena waved on the way out, and the two listened until the door closed for the last time. "That's everyone." Mina told him. "Good." William agreed with a nod. "Now that I have my own place, you can visit whenever you want." "What do you mean by visit?" Mina asked. "I practically live with you now." "And we'll correct that in a couple of months." William promised. "You'll be living with me permanently." "That sounds suspiciously like a promise." "Could be." William leaned forward and kissed her. "Let's see, what are our plans for the rest of the week?" "Well, there's your concert tonight, and we're supposed to go to the beach with the rest of the gang tomorrow. It's summer and you need more sun." Mina reminded him. William leaned backward with a groan, resting his head on the cushion. "I absolutely hate that tuxedo." Mina glanced over at the clock. "And you'd better get ready." "Already?" William complained. "Yes, already." Mina stood up, squeezing his hands once before letting go. "You get in the shower and I'll get your tux out." She waggled a finger at him. "Save me some hot water this time. I have to get cleaned up too, you know." "And what are you wearing tonight?" William looked up at her. "It's a surprise." Mina told him. "Now quit stalling." William got to his feet. "As you command, Highness." Mina smacked him playfully on the arm. "Don't even start." She warned. "Or what?" William stopped and turned to look at her. "Shower. Now." Mina pointed. "I'll get your tux." "I think we'll have to go out for dinner later." William commented after he got out of the limo, offering his left elbow to Mina, who was in the process of getting out herself. Mina smoothed a nonexistent wrinkle from her dress before resting her right hand in the crook of his arm, her hand wrapped loosely around his elbow. "Might was well as long as someone else is driving." She agreed as the two started down the walkway toward the entrance. They entered the covered walkway, where a line of people were gathered. They went around the line of people who were purchasing tickets. A number of people eyed the two enviously as they glided toward the main entrance. "Tickets, please." The doorman asked when they neared him. "I'm William Johnson." William stated as the two stopped before the door. "I'm tonight's performer." William caught a glimpse of a photograph on the clipboard before the front disappeared from his sight. "One moment, sir." The doorman checked a clipboard. "Yes, sir. Go right in." He opened the door for them. "You want the second door on the left." "Thank you." William replied and the two walked into the main hallway of the theater where the concert was to take place. "Do you think we should stop and see the gang before we head backstage?" Mina asked. "Probably a good idea." William agreed. The theater was fairly large, probably seating over a thousand. William and Mina walked down one of the center aisles toward the front of the theater. A number of heads turned toward the two of them, but William suspected that it wasn't just because he was the star here tonight. Mina had worn her finest dress tonight, one of ankle length white silk with gleaming white shoes and a full length pearl necklace. It practically shone in the lighting. Of course, the fact that the two of them seemed like the perfect couple only contributed to the image. The couple ignored the murmuring in their wake. "They should be in the front row." William told Mina. "I made it a point to get enough tickets for everyone." "They're over to your left." Mina pointed out, turning him slightly as they walked. "Eating already, Serena?" William asked as they approached the others. Serena hastily stuffed the bag of chips back in her purse. "Well, I was hungry." Serena protested as they joined them. "I wondered why you brought that big purse." Raye commented, adjusting one of Serena's elbow length gloves slightly. "Now I know." She straightened up, adjusting her own slightly. "You've still got half an hour before I start." William commented. "Try to keep the volume down a little." "I'm not that loud." Serena pouted. "Maybe not, but with the acoustics of this place you can never be sure." "Nice skirt, Alexandra." William remarked. "Goes with the blazer." Mina smiled and elbowed him gently in the ribs. "Don't even start." "Yes, dear." William agreed with a smile. "We match today." Darien changed the subject. "Yeah." William agreed with a chuckle as Mina drifted off of his arm to go talk to the girls for a minute. "Don't expect it to stay that way, though." He dug a pair of keys out of a jacket pocket. "Mine and Mina's apartment keys to your place." He explained as he offered them to him. Darien nodded and took them, slipping them into a jacket pocket. "Have you got everything for tomorrow?" "I think so." William said with a slight frown. "We can always run out if we forget something or run out of something." "Sounds like a plan." Darien agreed. "Last minute details tend to take care of themselves." William commented. "Speaking of which, we're planning on going out for dinner after the concert and maybe you and Serena would like to come along." "Who's buying?" "Me, of course." William assured him. "But we'd better check with the girls before we make any plans." Darien nodded and the two turned toward the girls, who were clustered together. "Serena." "Hmm?" Serena's head appeared out of the circle where the girls were chatting. "Dinner with William and Mina tonight?" "Sure, that'd be fine." The clearing of someone's throat pulled everyone's attention away from their conversation. "Mr. Johnson? It's time." William nodded and the attendant disappeared. "Come along, love." Mina disengaged herself from the cluster and took his elbow again. "See you later tonight, Serena." Mina promised over her shoulder as she and William headed for backstage. "And don't forget the surprise tomorrow." William raised an eyebrow, but didn't break stride. "I won't." Serena called back. "Do I want to know?" William murmured. "You'll find out." Mina smirked. "Now I'm worried." "Stop it." Mina giggled. Mina's eyes took on a worried look as William began the last song on the program. He'd been singing for just under an hour, and Mina could tell he was ready to crack at any time. Singing about the Moon Kingdom was difficult for him and she knew if she hadn't spent the entire concert standing where he could see her, he'd have already broken into tears. The pain of his loss. Mina repressed a sigh. She could feel it, so strong was it. He'd lost everything when the Moon Kingdom was destroyed; his home, his family, everything. Or rather everything but her, that's why he clung to her like he did. She was all he had left and she meant everything to him, even more so than before. And she felt the same about him. While she didn't remember everything about the Moon Kingdom, she knew he'd meant more to her than life itself even then. She just wished he wasn't about to do what he was about to. He'd need her there to comfort him once he sang that last song. It wasn't on the program, but he was going to sing it anyway. He'd told her he needed to hear those words one last time, the promise of peace that the Moon Kingdom had stood for. She raised a hand to stop the curtain before the attendant could start to close it. As the notes of one song began to fade, he began the next, his voice strong and clear. For the first time in a millennia, Lunarian would once again be spoken on this planet. For possibly the last time. William locked his eyes with hers and she banished the worry from them, filling them with her love for him. He smiled bravely as the song ended, letting the echo fade slowly away as Mina gestured for the curtain to be closed. When the curtain snapped fully closed, Mina bolted from her place in the wing and to William, setting herself in his lap. He broke down all at once, clinging to her as he cried, his face buried in her stomach. She whispered soothingly to him, cradling his head tenderly. She glanced up and around once, her eyes and posture unconsciously protective, absently noting their friends were waiting nearby for them, before returning her attention to the man who meant everything to her. Finally, he raised his head and gave her a faint smile. She returned it, relieved that for the moment he would be okay. She took the handkerchief from his pocket and used it to clear away the ravages left behind by his grief. She folded it back up and tucked it back in his pocket, then leaned down and kissed him once for reassurance. "Thank you." He whispered. "I don't know what I'd do without you." "You're welcome." She stated. "I'll be here for you when you need me just like you'll be there for me." She cradled his head against her again, his eyes closed as he rested his cheek against her stomach with a content sigh. "I love you."