Wedding Bells The Guardsman Chronicles, Chapter Fourteen by Rick Federle The group materialized at the temple, behind the main building, where there was plenty of privacy. The sun had just set and the shadows were fading into night. The Guardsman turned to look at the Scouts, who stood watching him warily. Venus took a hesitant step forward, her eyes questioning. "It's really me." He told her, holding out his arms to her. Venus took another hesitant step than ran to him and jumped into his arms. He spun her around as she pressed her lips against his, spinning her around once before setting her back on her feet. "I love you." Mina whispered quietly as the kiss broke and their transformations shimmered away. "I love you, too." William agreed, resting her forehead against hers. The two raised their heads as the other approached. "Thank you." Mina told them, turning her head to look at the other girls. "I'm sorry I went off like that earlier." Mina apologized. "I kinda lost my head." "It's okay, Mina." Serena told her. "We forgive you." The others echoed Serena with a nod. "Let's get married." William drew Mina's attention back to him. "We will." Mina promised. "I mean right now." William clarified. "There's no reason to wait." Mina looked at him for a heartbeat. "We'll need some witnesses." "What about the girls?" "What about a best man?" Mina asked. "Will I do?" A voice asked, causing the others to look over at the speaker. "Darien!?" Came the chorus. "But how did you get here so fast?" Serena asked. "I was in Japan anyway and William called me and told me something was going on so I hurried to get here." Darien explained, joining the group. "Anything else?" William asked. "What about rings?" Mina stalled. "I think I can find a jeweler open even at this time of evening." William exchanged a smile with Mina. "All right. Let's do it." Mina kissed him again. "Mina!" Mina's parents ran out of her house as she stepped out of the car. They flung their arms around her, hugging her. "When Amy called and said you had run out on them crying, we were worried." "I'm fine." Mina reassured them. "You remember William." Mina said as William came up behind her. Her father's eyes darkened as Mina's parents let go of her. "So this is the man who's been keeping you away from us." "It's not like that, papa." Mina stated. "We love each other." "Sure you do." Her father agreed. "Why don't you come inside and we'll talk about it?" "Actually," William put his hands on Mina's shoulders, drawing a frown from her father. "We were on our way somewhere and wanted to ask you to come along." "And where is that?" Her father asked defensively. "We're getting married." Mina stated, reaching up and resting her hands over William's. Her parents stared at her in shock. "That's nice, dear." Her mother said after a moment. "But are you sure? I mean, have you thought it over? It sounds rather sudden." "Yes, mother." Mina shook her head. "We decided a long time ago to get married. We were just waiting for the right time. Now that I'm eighteen there's no reason to wait any longer." She looked at her father. "Will you come?" Her father nodded slowly. "If that's what you want, then we'll go along with it." "And so I pronounce you Mina and William . . . " "Johnson." Mina interrupted, causing a number of raised eyebrows at the choice of last name. "Johnson." The person performing the marriage agreed. "You may kiss the bride." Mina threw her arms around William neck as he leaned forward to kiss her. The kiss was enthusiastic and very passionate. "Save some of that for tonight." William murmured to her, causing Mina to giggle. "I love you." She smirked at him. "I know, and I love you too." William agreed. "Good." Mina kissed him again, just as enthusiastically. "I can't process these until the morning." The chapel owner told them on the way out. "You won't be legally married until tomorrow." "That's fine." William agreed, one arm around Mina's waist. "Just mail them to me." The two emerged from the chapel to find their friends waiting outside for them. Darien held the passenger door of William's car open for them. The two paused and Mina kissed William again. "Just throw the bouquet already." Lita called. Mina tossed it over her shoulder without removing her lips from William's. "SERENA!!!!" Mina smiled as she stood looking out the window of William's or rather their bedroom, watching the sunlight reflect off the tree leaves as they rustled in the autumn wind. Her parents hadn't meant for her never to come home again, she'd found out when she had a chance to talk to them at the reception. Her parents had agreed to have the reception back at the house and once they had gotten over the initial shock of her being married, they were delighted that she'd married someone who could take care of her. Her father was happy that she'd finally found someone who would be there for her. Mina and William had come to what was now their home and collapsed into bed, the entire ordeal had been exhausting for both of them, physically, mentally, and emotionally. They'd slept all night and she'd just gotten up to look outside. She leaned back against William as he put his arms around her waist from behind, resting her head against his shoulder. After a moment, she turned to take him in her arms. They looked wordlessly into each other's eyes for a moment. "The nightmares are gone." William told her. Mina smiled, drawing one from him as well. "I figured when you weren't thrashing in your sleep like you used to." She snuggled up against him and he rested his cheek on top of her head. "You need a shower." Mina commented suddenly, raising her head to look at him. "And breakfast." William agreed. "And breakfast." Mina echoed. "But I think we can skip all that. I have something else in mind." "Like what?" William looked at her, meeting her eyes. Mina smirked at him. "Let's go back to bed. It's our honeymoon, after all. And you know what couples do during their honeymoon."