Moon Song The Guardsman Chronicles, Chapter Six by Rick Federle "I don't need any more money right now!" William yelled. "Why are you being so stubborn!?" Mina yelled back. "What's wrong with me wanting to take care of you!?" With a sigh, William turned away from her and threw himself down on one end of the couch, leaning into the corner, his elbows and chin resting against the cushions. "Nothing." He said quietly. "I just feel like so much dead weight." "Why?" Mina asked in a calmer voice, sitting down behind him. "All I've done is sit around the apartment." William explained quietly. "I feel so useless." "You're not useless. You've been helpful to me and the others. And you came when I needed you the most." Mina put her arms around him and rested her cheek on his back. "Mina, what am I going to do?" "We'll think of something. And when we do we'll make it work." Mina assured him. "Everything will work out fine. I promise." * * * "Brr!" Serena commented as the four girls ducked into the mall, unzipping the front of their jackets as they headed toward the main concourse. "Where did that cold wind come from?" "It's September." Raye commented. "What did you expect? A warm summer breeze?" "No, but why can't it be warm all the time?" Serena whined. "If it was warm all the time, there'd be no snowball fights." Lita reminded her. "That's coming up soon, isn't it?" Serena remarked hopefully. "A couple of months." Amy reminded her. "What to do first?" Serena asked, looking around. "Oh, no." Raye took her arm. "No food." "I wasn't planning on eating until later." Serena stated. "Good, because I wasn't planning on having to drag you away later." Raye commented as she let go of her arm. Serena opened her mouth to reply, but Amy cut her off. "Come on, Serena. I need a new outfit. Greg's due in town shortly." "All right, Amy." Serena agreed as Amy led her off. Raye shook her head as Amy and Serena headed off. "That was smooth." Raye mentioned as she and Lita found an unoccupied bench to sit down on for the moment. "Amy's been practicing." Lita reminded her. "And it shows." Raye agreed. "Is Greg really coming to town shortly?" "Yeah," Lita clarified, "in a couple of weeks." "Those two have definitely got something." Lita sighed. "It must be nice to have someone there for you when you need them." "What about us?" "I mean guy wise." Lita clarified. "Ah." Raye said noncommittally. The two looked over at the sound of a disturbance. "Now what?" Raye frowned. Lita strained up on her tiptoes to see over the suddenly milling crowd, which was hurrying toward whatever exit was available. "Negawarriors." She told Raye as she dropped back down on her heels. The two ducked into the nearest store, which happened to be a bookstore and headed for the back. They ducked into the back section of bookshelves and double checked to make sure no one was around. "Mars Crystal Power, Make Up!" "Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up!" The two Sailor Scouts bolted out of the bookstore and leaped over the heads of the milling crowd. A dozen Negawarriors waited in the center of the main intersection where a stage had been erected. A Negageneral stood in the middle of the group, tapping her left foot impatiently. "Hold it right there, Negacreaps." Mars began. "You are trespassing. And in the name of Mars, I will punish you." "About time you showed up." Azmaria stopped tapping her foot. "Mars Flame Sniper!" Azmaria raised her hand and the fire arrow shattered on the black energy sphere she had created around her. "No fair blocking!" Mars protested. "So you can dish it out but can't take it." Azmaria observed as the sphere vanished. "Now kill them." She commanded her warriors. A volley of Negaenergy globes flew toward the two Sailor Scouts, who narrowly dodged being fried. "Jupiter Oak Evolution!" Azmaria held out her hand with her fingers spread and a black energy wall appeared around her Negawarriors, protecting them from the attacks of the Sailor Scouts. "Mars Flame Sniper!" "Jupiter Oak Evolution!" The attacks shattered on the energy wall with no apparent effect. The Negawarriors responded with a volley of energy globes. The two dodged once again out of the way. "Man, this is getting old." Mars commented. "Tell me about it." Jupiter agreed. "Uh, oh." Mars commented as more energy globes appeared in the hands of the Negawarriors. "Mercury Bubbles Blast!" A fog covered the Negawarriors as Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury stepped into view. A randomly launched volley of globes didn't come near the Scouts. "I put out an all call." Mercury commented as Mars and Jupiter joined the two of them. "Help should be on the way." "That energy barrier is blocking our attacks." Mars told them. "Doesn't seem to be affecting them, though." "Then we'll just have to punch a hole in it." Sailor Moon said. The four turned back to the Negawarriors in time to see the fog begin to dissipate. "Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!" "Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!" "Mars Flame Sniper!" "Jupiter Oak Evolution!" The wall still stood when the fog had fully dissipated. "These guys just get tougher and tougher." Mars commented. Azmaria grinned at them, a rather evil looking smile. "Out with the old, in with the new. Welcome to the new Negaverse." She laughed and the Negawarriors launched another volley of energy globes. "Silence Wall." The volley stopped well short of it's intended targets. "Dead Scream." "World Shaking!" "Deep Submerge!" The combined attack failed to penetrate the protection around the Negawarriors. The Negawarriors replied with a vengeance. "It looks like we have a stalemate." Pluto commented as the Outers ducked behind the protection of the Silence Wall where the Inners waited. "Maybe if we all hit it, we can break a hole in it." Mercury suggested. "Let's do it." Sailor Moon agreed. "Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!" "Dead Scream." "World Shaking!" "Deep Submerge!" "Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!" "Mars Flame Sniper!" "Jupiter Oak Evolution!" "Not a scratch." Mercury said worriedly as she checked the readings on the force shield with her visor. "You'd better think of something quick." Saturn said as another volley of globes slammed into the Silence Wall, causing everyone to flinch. "I can't keep this up forever." ` All eyes turned to Sailor Moon. "Well?" Neptune asked. "Um . . . I don't know." Sailor Moon replied rather lamely. "Oh, great. We're about to get fried and you don't know!" Mars yelled. "I don't have all the answers." Sailor Moon said defensively. "I'd settle for just one right now." Jupiter pointed at the Negawarriors. "Like how to get rid of them." "Venus Love and Beauty Shock!" The golden energy heart passed over the top of the energy wall and through the hole that was in the middle, tearing into Azmaria's hand. Azmaria gave a yelp of pain and cradled her hand to herself. "Who did that?" Azmaria called out. An outline in the upper balcony became a person as she stepped forward. "I'm Sailor Venus and if you're looking to make any trouble, here it comes right back at you." The energy wall around the Negawarriors had begun to fade as Azmaria lowered her hand. "Kill her." Azmaria commanded. "Hit them now!" Mercury called suddenly. "Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!" "Dead Scream." "World Shaking!" "Deep Submerge!" "Silence Glaive Surprise!" "Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!" "Mars Flame Sniper!" "Jupiter Oak Evolution!" The surprised Negawarriors died as the Scout's attacks ripped through their ranks. Azmaria however, had managed to teleport out just as the attack hit. "Not shabby at all." The Guardsman commented and the Scouts looked over to see him leaning against a pillar. "And how long have you been here?" Sailor Moon asked. "Oh, all of about a minute." He answered, straightening up as Venus landed on the floor in front of him. He put his hands on the sides of her waist as she straightened up and she flashed him a smile over her shoulder. "I thought you two had a date." Neptune commented. "We were. Are. Whatever." Sailor Venus explained. "Gotta book it. See ya." Venus rested her hands over the Guardsman's then the two crouched and leaped into the air, vanishing back into the shadows. * * * "You are going out there." Mina insisted as William dug his heels in. "I went to a great deal of trouble to get you this audition." "But I just can't go out there and sing." He protested. "What will they think?" "It doesn't matter." She put her back against his and tried unsuccessfully to push him forward. She gave up and turned toward him. "I know you are a good singer, and so do you. So, go out there and show them that as well." She hesitated as he turned toward her, a questioning look in his eyes. "If you won't do this for yourself, then do it for me." After a second, he nodded. "All right, my love." "Good." She stretched up and gave him a quick kiss. "More when you get back." "I'll consider that a promise." He said over his shoulder as he began walking out onto the stage. Mina giggled but didn't say anything else. "What's this?" Mina picked up the letter William had left on the coffee table. "It's the letter from the studio." William looked up at her. "I've been too nervous to look at it." "I'll open it if you won't." "Go ahead." William waved a hand dismissively and raised the book he was reading in front of his nose, watching Mina over the top of it. Mina tore open the envelope and took out the letter. She unfolded it and began to read, her smile growing as she got further into it. After a moment, she flung herself into his arms. "You got it!" She told him as he put aside the book so he could put both his arms around her. "I did?" "Yes. They want you to come down to the studio tomorrow so you can sign a contract and start recording." She turned the letter so he could read it for himself. "I'd say this calls for a celebration." "Yes, my heart." William agreed as she leaned forward and kissed him. "It most certainly does."