MANIFOLD DESTINY BOOK ONE: Other lives, other paths By: Rick Federle and WolfByte _______________________________________________________________________ Sailor Moon and all associated characters were created by Naoko Takeuchi, and are trademark of Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha Ltd., and Toei Animation Co., Ltd. Usage of them is without permission, and for the sole purpose of entertainment. Solar is property of WolfByte, and if you wish to use the character he requests you ask permission first. The Guardsman/Warrior of Light is the property of Rick Federle, and if you wish to use the character please ask permission before hand. All other characters are joint creations of the two. _______________________________________________________________________ Chapter Seven "Deja Vu" William slowly became aware that his back was cold. He didn't know if it was from the multiple energy blasts that he'd taken trying to protect the woman he loved or from what the Virka had dumped his unconscious body upon. He felt Mina's worry that something might be seriously wrong with him and her warmth seeping down into him from where she was resting on top of him. Her love was a beacon in the darkness of his mind. To love and to cherish, to honor and to protect. The words seemed to echo to him from the back of his head somewhere. He had tried his best to guard the woman that he had sworn to protect, but it wasn't enough. His eyelids felt made of lead as he tried to open them, and every crack was a struggle. When his eyes focused, he found Mina's face over his. Her hair trailing unkempt down both sides of her head, her red bow crooked slightly to the left. Relief filled both her face and the link they shared. His lips parted to speak to her, but she pressed her right forefinger against his lips before he could make a sound. Her hands, gentle and loving, caressed his body as they checked for any signs of serious injury, sending shivers through him. Finally, she smiled at him reassuringly and then lowered her head to rest it on his chest so she could listen to his heartbeat. He curled an arm around her shoulders, holding her reassuringly, closing his eyes once again to savor her presence. Then he straightened her hair bow and soothingly stroked her hair along the back of her head. A content little murmur, barely audible, escaped her lips as they snuggled up together; reassured that everything was as it should be. "Welcome back to the living." Jason commented from nearby. William opened his eyes again, this time with ease, and turned his head to find the other couple seated nearby on a stone slab. He quickly scanned the room and let out a groan. "Not again." Mina stilled his complaints by rubbing her nose against his chest, drawing his attention back to her. "They locked us back in the same cell." She informed him. "It was all a test, the whole thing." Rei snapped from nearby, her eyes flaring angrily. Jason nodded, hugging Rei against him. "It was a set up." He echoed her. "I thought it was too easy." William gave a grunt of agreement. "Now how do we get out of here this time?" He asked, mainly to the other couple. "They're not going to fall for the same trick twice." Mina pointed out. "I know." William sighed, resting his head back on the slab and closing his eyes tiredly. The after effects of the energy weapons hadn't quite worn off all the way. He stopped stroking Mina's hair and put his other arm around her, hugging her close. Silence hung in the air for several moments as they thought through their options. "Maybe we can break the door down?" Mina asked, not really sounding confident about the idea. "I really doubt it, love." William murmured. "The door's made out of some metal alloy that I can't identify and we certainly can't kick it down. I already tried that." "If it's all metal..." Jason said thoughtfully. "Maybe I can do something." "Don't Jason," Rei interrupted him. "You know how hard it was last time. You can't keep it up long enough, and Pauhl's not glowing so it's safe to assume that his power is blocked in here too." "Rei-chan, we've got to try something." Jason tried to sooth her. "If we just sit around and wait for them to come get us, we may not get the chance to escape. Besides, I'm go to try a less direct approach." Tension seemed to crackle in the air between the two in the silence that followed. "All right, Jason." Rei gave up finally. "But be careful not to overdo it." He smiled boyishly at her and nodded before shifting his attention to the spot on the door where he thought that the lock would be. Silence hung in the air as time slowly passed. Jason's attention was focused on the door as he concentrated on melting through the lock. Rei would occasionally glance up at his face to see how he was. The other couple seemed oblivious to the events taking place in the room. Jason's breathing grew labored before the door creaked slightly open to indicate that the lock had given. As the Sun Crystal's glow returned, the door was abruptly shoved open and a pair of feline guards blocked the entranceway, their rifles pointed threateningly into the cell. As if on cue the other couple, which had been still for so long as to have been forgotten, sprang into action. Their bodies shimmered in mid motion, powering up as they moved toward their captors. The guards fired at the oncoming Sailor Venus and Guardsman, but the shots only scorched the wall on the far end of the cell. The two guards were abruptly propelled backwards, their rifles flying off down the hallway, as kicks from Venus and Guardsman sent them into the far wall. The guards slammed against the far wall with an audible crack and collapsed bonelessly in a heap. Rei and Jason exchanged a look before turning to their two companions. "How did you do that?" Jason asked, puzzled. "Practice." Venus tossed a misplaced strand of hair back over her shoulder. "Don't tease him, love." Guardsman put his arms around her waist from behind and tugged her back against him. She giggled and snuggled back against him comfortably. "It's because of the Light." Guardsman explained. "Our powers are inherent and don't require any words or objects to use." "And speaking of which," the Light added as it materialized in the middle of the room. "You'd better hurry because there isn't much time." Rei and Jason eyed the white volleyball sized energy sphere. "Now would be good." The Light continued dryly. "Err . . . right." Jason blinked once. 'He must be related to Pauhl.' "Mars Star Power!" "Sun Prism, Power Up!" "Decisions, decisions." Solar asked, looking down each direction of the hallway. "Last time we went left." Guardsman reminded them. "We were herded left, love." Venus pointed out. "So this time-" "We should go right." Mars finished. Solar nodded to indicate his agreement and the four headed down the right hallway, with Guardsman and Venus leading. Solar fell into step with Mars as she watched the rear for any sign of pursuit. The four rounded a corner and found themselves facing a wall roughly half a dozen yards further down. The four came to a halt as they neared the wall. "Of course." Mars sighed, looking at the smooth surface. "There's got to be a door here somewhere." Guardsman disagreed, stepping up to the wall to look for a triggering mechanism. His gloved fingers quickly traced the outline of a feline sized door. "You found the door," Solar stated. "How about the doorknob?" Guardsman shrugged. "There's got to be a trigger somewhere." Mars looked over at Solar and with a slight shrug they began to look on another section of the wall. "It could just open from the other side, love." Venus pointed out as she joined the search. "Thank you, Miss Encouragement." Guardsman said absently. Venus stopped and gave him a pouting look. "Was there something, love?" "I am not Miss Encouragement." Venus pointed out, her tone pouting. "I'm Mrs. Johnson." Guardsman glanced sideways at her, a smirk ghosting the corners of his mouth. "I've noticed that from time to time." He stopped searching to hook an arm around her waist and tug her over for a quick kiss. "I love you." "I love you, too." Venus smiled back at him, her hands resting on his shoulders. "If you two are done making kissy face - " Mars began irritably. The sound of motors cut off Mars' words and the door rose up to reveal one of the feline guards, who was absently cradling an energy rifle in his hands. The guard stopped as he caught sight of the four warriors in the passageway. Solar sprang forward and slammed his fist into the surprised guard's face, sending him sprawling. The guard's head and rifle clattered to the floor, both silent. Solar stepped forward to check on the guard. "Out like a light." Guardsman let go of Venus and walked over. He grabbed the guard's collar and hauled him into the other corridor, propping him up against the wall. Mars moved over to join Solar in watching the corridor. Venus retrieved the rifle and placed it in the guard's lap, composing his hands over it as if he'd just fallen asleep. "I take it you've done this before." Solar said dryly. "Once or twice." Guardsman agreed quietly as the other two warriors moved to join Solar. Mars flipped the feline sized lever down and the door closed. While he was waiting, Solar took a look around and saw the rough-hewn stairs leading upward to the Citadel several paces away. "I believe we go that way." Guardsman nodded in agreement and drew his sword. "I'll lead," he offered as he started toward the stairs. "Love." Venus said, stopping him in mid step. He looked at her inquiringly then walked back over to her. Something seemed to pass between the two and Guardsman slowly nodded. He raised his free hand with the open palm toward his wife. Venus pressed her palm against his and interlaced her fingers with his. "If I should fall this day." Guardsman began formally. "Then I will slay your enemies." Venus continued in the same formal tone of voice. "Or they shall lay my body next to yours." Guardsman squeezed her hand gently and they slowly returned their hands to their sides, staring into each other's eyes. "If death finds us, then it will find us together." Venus stepped forward and hugged him tightly, pressing her face against his chest. He returned the hug, his blade glimmering brightly in the overhead lighting as he lowered his face into her hair. "Rei?" Solar sounded puzzled. "I'm not sure either." Mars said quietly, relaxing back into his arms revelling in the moment of closeness offered by their companions. The rustle of fabric drew their attention back to their surroundings as the other couple withdrew from their embrace. "Ready?" Guardsman asked. Mars and Solar nodded. "Lead the way." Guardsman moved to the stairs with Venus a step behind him. He began to climb with the others following him. * * * Taka glanced around to see if all the other wives that she'd ask to come were present. They were here but had no real idea why she had asked them to come. Taka thought that the rooms back at the Citadel were comfortable enough, but they seemed more like a luxurious cell than home. The storage room where they had gathered was filled with the soft babble of female voices. She had gathered them near the back of the room, where they would be safe from curious eyes. The half dozen wives she'd gathered represented the eldest of their families. The gentle rustle of heavy fabric whispered to her ears in the background behind their soft voices. "Hush," Taka calmed the babble around her with the soft-spoken word. Being the eldest wife of the Third Fel gave her status among the others, even if it did derive from her husband. The voices stilled and every eye in the room turned to her. "Those of you that have met the aliens remember how they were?" Several nods answered her question. "They were not like any of the others that we have met before." Several more nods. "Their males treated them with respect and as equals, not as inferiors or slaves. And the females fight along side of the males, protecting them." "Why have you reminded us of this?" One of the other wives, Habel asked. "Because these aliens prove that we should be treated with respect and not locked in gilded cages. We should not be loved only at the whims of our husbands, to be cast aside when we become unwanted. We should not be slaves to our husband's desires." "My husband loves me and treats me with respect." Another of the wives disagreed, raising her chin defiantly. "Is that why he beats you regularly, Jerez?" Taka asked pointedly. "And is that why your face is marked with the scars left by his claws?" The other looked down at the floor. Taka waited a moment in the silence that followed. "We should be treated with respect and as equals." Taka continued finally. "We are not inferior because we are female." "How do we make them listen?" Habel asked. "In the only way they understand." Taka answered cryptically. "How is that?" Jerez asked. "We are Virka," Taka stated. "We'll force them to respect us." Taka waited until her suggestion had fully sunk in. She looked at each shocked face before continuing. "I will not be treated as an inferior any longer. I will no longer be a slave." She declared. "Will you?" * * * Guardsman paused at the top of the steps, looking around carefully for any signs of waiting guards. Venus crept up next to him, taking a place at his left elbow almost automatically. "Which way?" Mars asked as she and Solar paused at the top step. "This way." Guardsman declared, moving forward. The passage forked and without hesitation Guardsman selected the right fork, Venus padding softly at his side. The group came to a halt as they neared a door just before the passage ended in another corridor. "The throne room is over that way." Guardsman said quietly, indicating to the left. Mars shot him a 'duh' look but kept quiet. Venus peeked around the corner then ducked her head back and held up two fingers. Guardsman nodded but Solar touched him on the shoulder. Solar indicated the door and cracked it open before ducking inside. The other three followed. The room was a storage closet and was fortunately both empty of Virka and possessing enough free space for the four to squeeze inside. "Could you have picked something smaller?" Guardsman asked. "Oh, I don't know, love." Venus disagreed, rubbing a shoulder against him suggestively. "It's kinda cozy." "You would." He agreed, putting an arm around her waist and tugging her close. "Maybe we should find another closet and leave the two of you alone." Solar suggested. Venus' eyes twinkled in amusement as she leaned against her husband. "Don't tempt me." "Too late." Guardsman added, drawing a giggle from Venus. "What's up?" He asked Solar. "I've got this." Solar held up the communicator he had picked up from the feline guard during their first escape. "I'd forgotten about that." Guardsman admitted. "Can you make it still work?" Venus asked, resting her head against her husband's shoulder, her eyes intent upon Solar. "I think so." Solar replied absently, his concentration on making the unfamiliar device work. The four stood in silence for a moment before the device admitted a squawk of static. Solar looked around the dimly lighted room apologetically before returning his attention to the device. After several more seconds, the device emitted a feline voice. "The Third Fel has arrived at the throne room." "Pela." Venus whispered her voice angry. "That one's mine." "Not if I get him first." Mars disagreed. Venus opened her mouth to argue but paused as her husband whispered something in her ear and kissed her lovingly on the temple. She looked over at him for a moment and he nodded to her. "Payback." Guardsman stated. Venus smiled in agreement, her eyes taking on the look of a hunter on the prowl. "Let's go." The four left the closet with Venus and Guardsman in the lead. The two sprang around the corner and went after the guards. Solar and Mars went around the corner to find the other couple stepping away from the dead guards. "That was a bit excessive." Solar commented to Guardsman, pointing at the loose head of one of the guards. "He tried to hurt my Venus." Guardsman stated flatly, wiping the blood off of the blade of his sword. "He won't ever be doing that again." "We'll have to move fast." Venus tossed one of the guard's rifles to Solar. "Cover us." She ordered as she handed the other to Mars. Solar ran his fingers over the unfamiliar weapon for a second before getting a grip on the oversized handle. "Safety's off." Venus added, turning toward the door. "Just point and shoot." "Like this?" Solar pointed the weapon at the door and pulled the trigger. The door exploded in a shower of toothpicks. "Very nice." Solar admired his handiwork for a second. The four sprang into action, charging into the throne room with various assorted weapons ready. A dozen feline heads turned their direction followed an instant later by their weapons. Guardsman leaped into action, his blade glimmering brightly, with Venus at his heels. The guards discharged their weapons at the oncoming couple, hitting them several times. Screams of pain, Venus and Guardsman, were followed by a whirlwind assault that left feline bodies flying away with either large gaping sword wounds or crushed throats and skulls. Mars and Solar added their efforts to that of their comrades, taking potshots at the guards that weren't actively being fought by their friends. It was over in seconds, the smell of burnt fur hanging in the air. Venus collapsed against Guardsman, blood running down left arm from where one of the felines has bitten into her shoulder. A series of parallel slash marks were across her stomach, tearing through her uniform and the skin underneath. Guardsman held her against him, leaning on her. He limped from where a feline had torn into his calf and blood stained the armor all the way down to his boots. His armor was spotted with burn marks and red blood, the latter either his own or that of his wife. Venus slipped her good arm around his waist and let him lean against her, holding him up. He cradled her limp arm against her stomach as he put his free arm around her waist. "Where's Pela?" Mars snapped. Her eyes grew concerned as she took in the appearance of the other couple. "Are you - " "I'm fine, thanks." Pela interrupted. The four looked over to find Pela pointing a rifle directly at Sailor Mars. Solar began to inch his weapon toward the Third Fel. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," Pela said blandly to Solar. "I'm sure that you'd never forgive yourself if you got her killed." An amused smile appeared on his lips, revealing his fangs. "Not that you'd live much longer." Mars' eyes burned with fury and a glance at Solar revealed a similar rage coursing through him. Their eyes met and an agreement passed between them. Mars sprang into action, leaping out of the line of fire as Solar brought the weapon around and pressed the trigger repeatedly. Pela screamed in pain as the first energy bolt tore into him; the successive shots burned the Third Fel down into a pile of ash. "And that is for betraying us and trying to kill Raye." Solar snapped, throwing down the empty weapon. "I never did like him much anyway." The First Fel commented, stepping out from behind a curtain. Numerous curtains rustled and several dozen ready guards stepped into view, weapons leveled at the four warriors. "Drop the weapon, Sailor Mars." The First Fel ordered. Mars threw her rifle to the floor with a loud clatter. Venus and Guardsman collapsed to the floor, badly weakened. "If you're going to kill us, then just do it already." Venus said tiredly as Guardsman leaned his head against hers. "I'm not going to kill you just yet. You've been worthy adversaries and will die in a way that befits you." Jehu declared. "Husband?" A familiar voice called from across the room. Heads turned to reveal Taka standing just inside the doorway. "Remove this female from my presence." The First Fel ordered. "She has no business in my throne room." "I must see my husband, First Fel." Taka stated as two of the guards neared her. "It is urgent." "That is your husband." Jehu pointed to the pile of ash on the floor. "The aliens killed him." "Then I must take it up with you." Taka pulled a rifle out from under her robe and calmly shot the two approaching guards with it. She leveled the weapon at the First Fel. "Your insanity ends here." She declared. "Kill her!" Jehu ordered, diving for cover. The thunder of weapon discharges filled the air as several more of the wives appeared in view of the four warriors, exchanging fire with the guards in the throne room. "Slaughter them all!" Jehu yelled. Most of the guards pushed the wives out into the corridor. The remaining handful of guards turned their weapons toward the four warriors, something else happened. Something that made them pause. A pinpoint of light, followed by a rippling effect in the air, like a pebble dropped into a pool of water. There was a semi bright flash of light then a similar de-rippling effect. When it faded, there stood Sailor Mercury and a black clothed male. The few guards still present leveled their weapons at the six and fired. Time suddenly seemed to move in slow motion, the energy spheres moving at an agonizingly slow speed. "Let the Light be our guide." Guardsman began, his eyes closed. "And love be our strength." Venus finished. Solar closed his eyes as he felt the power surging, his crystal beginning to glow bright yellow. Venus and Guardsman smiled at each other warmly while Mars grabbed her boyfriend's arm, hugging herself close to him. A thin bubble of yellow formed around them, barely visible anyone around them. Solar's eyes snapped open as he shot a momentary glance at the felines. The world suddenly shot back into motion as everything went white.