Prologue The Negaverse War by Rick Federle Azmaria paced her chambers, or her cell as she thought of it, often with a grimace of distaste. When the Negaforce had ordered her to capture the Guardsman, she'd been forced to obey. But nothing had kept her from leading his friends to rescue him. Twice the Negaforce had faced the Sailor Scouts. The first time it had possessed Queen Beryl in order to augment her power, leaving behind only a spark of what composed it behind. When Beryl had been killed in battle against Princess Serenity and her guardians, the Negaforce had nearly been obliterated as well. It had taken the Negaforce over three years to regenerate the damage done, and then it only succeeded in repairing the damage so that the Warrior of Light could nearly obliterate it again. The Negaforce's last encounter with the Sailor Scouts had virtually destroyed it altogether. Unfortunately for her, they hadn't finished the job. Life would have been so much less complicated if they had. After the group had left, the Negaverse had broken out into a civil war. Those still controlled by the Negaforce on one side and those who's control had been lost on the other. While most of the servants who served the Negaforce willingly had died with Beryl in her abortive attempt to conquer the Earth, many who had remained after the Queen's death still served the Negaforce willingly. Seduced by the promise of power and the desire to do whatever they wanted to whoever they wanted. Azmaria was disgusted by the thought. She served the Negaforce because she had to, she was compelled to, not because she liked to. Her primary concern now was the people who had twice survived a near destruction of the Negaverse. She'd do whatever it took to keep them alive. And free from the Negaforce.