Homecoming by Rick Federle The Guardsman shifted slightly in his seat, trying to reign in his impatience. It'd been months since he'd seen his wife and he was worried. He'd taken a long range, high speed courier shuttle ahead of the fleet in order to arrive back at Crystal Tokyo as fast as he could. He'd ordered the fleet back to Earth when word arrived of the Negamoon's attack, but they were months away by then. He knew then that it would be long since over by the time they got back. Venus been upset that he'd had to leave her side once again and refused to so much as say "goodbye" to him. She'd stood there with her back to him and her arms crossed, refusing to look at him or speak to him. He felt the soft thump as the shuttle landed and focused on controlling his figiting until the ramp on the right side of the shuttle began to lower. He released the catch on the safety belt and rose to his feet, absently adjusting his sword to a more comfortable position. He walked to the doorway and treaded down the ramp, stopping at the bottom. A squad of Endymion's personal guard waited outside the landing circle. "Welcome home, my lord." The head of the honor guard detachment sent to meet him saluted as the squad snapped to attention. He nodded in return and the salutes disappeared. "Thank you. Where are their Majesties?" "Their chambers, my lord. I was told that they would meet you there." The head of the honor guard informed him. He nodded his thanks and began to walk toward the entrance to the palace proper. The honor guard fell in behind him in pairs. As he entered the palace, he felt his wife's emotions through the link they shared, love with an undercurrent of pain and worry. He walked in silence, his worry gnawing on him, heading for Endymion and Serenity's personal chambers. He waited outside the entrance to the chambers until the guard posted there indicated that he could enter. He entered the chamber and he could hear the soft murmur of voices from the next room. He walked across the receiving area and entered the study where the others waited for him. The pair's intent eyes locked with his as he paused just inside the doorway, but before he could speak, Venus flung her arms around him and pressed her face into his chest. He blinked once as he put his arms around her and looked down as he felt her love and concern for him flow across the link to him. His worry vanished at her touch, replaced by relief and his love for her flowed back across the link they shared. "Venus, I . . . " She raised her head and pressed her right forefinger over his lips before he could continue, stilling him. "Ssh." She shushed him. She locked his eyes with hers and the love they shared filled the link between them. "Go back to your chambers." Endymion instructed them. "I'll talk to you later." He nodded slightly in agreement and Venus stepped out of the circle of his arms and took his left hand in her right, lacing her fingers with his. "Come, my heart." They walked in silence to the chambers they shared, and Venus led him to the bedroom without a word. She sat down on one end of the bed and he sat down next to her. She put her arms around him, hugging him, as she pressed her face into his chest. "I missed you so." She whispered. "I missed you, too." He told her quietly as he hugged her close. He closed his eyes as they clung to one another and lowered his cheek onto the top of her head, inhaling the smell of her hair. "I know you had to leave." Venus said after a while, raising her head to look at him and he raised his head in response, locking her eyes with his. "I'm so afraid that something will happen to you and then I'll never see you again." A single tear glistened as it rolled down her right cheek. "I'll always be there for you when you need me." He reminded her. "And I'll always come back to you." He lowered his head as she leaned forward to kiss him and he felt her desire to be with him. He luxuriated in the kiss and reluctantly they pulled away slightly. He rested his forehead against hers. "Now where are the children?" He asked. "Serenity and Endymion said they'd watch them for a couple of days." She told him. "Serenity knew we'd need some time together." "I'll have to thank them later." "I already did." She explained. "I knew you'd be grateful for any time we could get together." Silence lingered for a moment. "Well, since the children are gone, why don't we . . . " He trailed off suggestively. "I thought you'd never ask." She said as she pulled him down onto the bed with her.