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Background of the Guardsman

A Little Bit About Me

I was born in the last years of the Moon Kingdom, and I joined the Imperial Moon Guard at the age of 14. Due to the unique and unknown nature of my abilities, I was made one of the protectors of Princess Serenity's court. In spite of my rather grim appearance, I tend to be carrying and compassionate. I am also quite intelligent, and I adapt quickly to new situations. Being trapped alone for a millenia has made me somewhat of a loner, but I don't hesitate to ask advise, particularly from Artemis or Darien. I always ask when I don't understand, and I listen to what others say, even if I don't agree.

Me as the Warrior of Light

It is because of my powers that the dark forces fear me so. I use light as a weapon, and nothing can stand against me when I unleash it's full fury. With the help of Sailor Venus, I can destroy and evil, no matter what it's form or powers. Nothing can stand against us when we are together. I carry a sword and use it to protect those around me. On more than one occasion, I have saved the Scouts with it.

My Love Life
I fell in love with a member of Princess Serenity's court during the last days of the Moon Kingdom. She was, and is, the Princess of the planet Venus, a.k.a. Sailor Venus. We were seperated by the fall of the Moon Kingdom, but our love was meant to be, much like Darien and Serena, who are our best friends. Because our love is so strong, we always know when the other is in danger. Even a thousand years and the Negaverse couldn't keep us apart. We were married shortly after I was rescued from the clutches of the Negaverse, and with the help and advise of Artemis, we live quite contently.

Vital Statistics

Name: William Johnson, The Guardsman
Age: 18 when rescued from the Negaverse
Birthday: October 16
Wedding Anniversary: October 22nd
Likes: Music
Dislikes: Bullies
Hobbies: Reading
Special Strength: Natural Tactician
Favorite Food: Fruits
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Animal: Birds
Favorite Subject: Athletics

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