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Special Powers and Abilities

Transformation Sequences

Guard Crytal Power, Make Up!
He holds the brown star pen in the air and shouts, "Guard Crystal Power, Make Up!" White light spreads from the pen extending downward. The light covers him from the shoulders down as he thrusts his arms out and begins to turn. The light melds itself into his armor and at half turn, his brown cape appears, billowing. At three quarter turn his left hand drops to his side as the sword materializes. His left hand grasps the sword as he completes the turn and the cresent moons on his boots and breastplate flare. A white cresent moon appears in the background.

Warrior of Light Transform!
He holds the white power pen in the air and shouts, "Warrior of Light Transform!" White light spreads from the pen extending downward. The light covers him from the shoulders down and he begins to turn. The light melds itself into white armor with gold trim and at half turn, a white cape appears, billowing. At three quarters turn, his left and drops to his side as the sword materializes. His left hand grasps the sword as he completes the turn. At the end, the symbol of the Warrior of Light is in the background.


Rainbow Beam Blaze!
He sweeps his right hand, palm up and fingers spread, from far left to far right at chest level. He calls out, "Rainbow Beam..." as he does so and a swirl of rainbow light follows his hand across. After reaching far right, he thrusts his hand all the way forward, fingers still spread, and calls out, "Blaze!" causing a beam of focused rainbow light to emerge from his outstretched palm.

Rainbow Beam Shatter!
He sweeps both arms, right over left, as he in Rainbow Beam Blaze. He calls out, "Rainbow Beam..." As he does so, and rainbow light fills the space between his arms as they seperate. he thrusts both hands forward and calls out, "Shatter!" causing a spray of rainbow light to fly from between his arms.

Sun Fire Flare!
He raises his right hand into the air, saying "Sun Fire..." circling his index finger causing a stream of light to follow it. Then, he points at his target, and calls out "Flare!" and a blinding white light beam spears from his finger.

Light Shield Barrier!
He presents a clenched fist before himself, saying "Light Shield..." causing his hand to glow with white light. He gestures to where he wants it to appears, saying "Barrier!" and a white wall of light appears.

Sun Fire Illuminate!
He raises both hands into the air, palms out, saying "Sun Fire..." as he does so. Then, he drops both hands to shoulder level, fully extended, calling out "Illuminate!" as he does so. Blinding white light spreads from his hands in the shape of a sphere.

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