Prologue The Guardsman Chronicles by Rick Federle The woman in the Negaverse general's uniform frowned at the bleeding form suspended before her. He'd been stubborn, wouldn't say anything. He'd been captured during the assault on the Moon, and they'd sprinted him to the Negaverse to see what they could learn from him. He hadn't given them a thing. She'd tried every trick she knew, from mental interrogation to raw, physical beatings. Amazed by his stubbornness, she'd actually offered him a place in the Negaverse, but his only response was to weakly spit at her. That's why she'd just beaten him nearly to unconsciousness just now. "Maybe an extended stay in our temporal cell will make you change your mind." She said, turning on one heel to face the two Negawarriors who were waiting several feet behind her. "Take him away." She commanded as she brushed past the two. Grimly, the two Negawarriors yanked the figure from the air and dragged him through a nearby doorway, and tossed him inside to land with a clatter. "Let's see if a thousand years of isolation has changed his mind any." The Negageneral told the two Negawarriors who stood guard over the temporal cell. With a nod, one of the two guards unlocked and opened the door for her and she stepped inside the cell, pausing just inside the doorway. The figure within paused at her approach, turning toward her, but the Negageneral raised her hand and invisible restraints locked the figure's limbs. "Well, ready to switch sides?" She asked as she lowered her hand. "Not a chance." The occupant replied, struggling against the restraints. "Well, in that case, I'm going to have to change your mind." She raised her hand and an energy bolt slammed into the armored form. He gave a cry of agony. "Well?" "Never." He maintained. "I'll never work with scum like you." "Then you will die." The Negageneral stated. "Eventually." She raised her hand and another energy bolt slammed into him. * * * Mina sat upright on her bed, breathing hard from the vision or some such that she'd just seen. She pulled her knees to her chest and buried her face in the bed sheets to absorb her tears, trying not to sob too loud. She's seen him, she knew. She'd seen her true love and he was being beaten by a Negageneral. She could feel the echoes of his pain and she could feel his love for her still. After all these years of looking, she'd finally had a glimpse of him, and the glimpse she got was one from a nightmare. But it was no dream, she knew. Just as surely as she knew it was him and that he still loved her. And she knew she still loved him. They'd hidden their love from everyone on the Moon for years, and to her knowledge, no one, not the other Scouts, not even Luna and Artemis knew about it. She knew now that he'd survived the destruction of the Moon Kingdom after all, and that he was still alive. Somewhere. "Mina?" A sleepy Artemis asked, looking up at her in the darkened room. Mina took a ragged breath to control the sobbing for a moment, then lifted her head, pointing her face in the direction the voice had come from. "I'm okay, Artemis. Just a bad dream." Artemis murmured a sleepy reply, which Mina didn't catch because she laid back down and buried her face in her pillow to continue crying. * * * The Negageneral turned her head away from the suspended figure as she heard the Negaforce calling her. With a frown, she turned away toward the door and stepped through it. "Watch him." She thumbed over her shoulder as she walked past the two guards. She didn't hear the acknowledgment of the two guards as she disappeared out of cell block and down the hallway. He raised a weary head to watch the Negageneral leave only to be replaced by a pair of Negawarriors. "I've got to get out of here." He thought. "Rainbow Beam Blaze!" He commanded, and a beam of radiant rainbow light leaped from his palm, tearing through the restraint, and slamming into the cell wall. He dropped to the cell floor as the restraints gave out. The two guards drew their swords as he rose from his crouch, watching him warily. "Can't stay and play today." He said as he leaped forward, arms extended. His tackle carried the two guards into the opposite sides of the doorway and he released them as he started to move through. He rolled to his feet and looked back to see the doorway and his former cell wink out into oblivion, the agonized shrieks of the guards fading into nothingness. "Ookay." He said after a few seconds of staring at the now empty space. "I don't think I want to know where they went." He got back to his feet and automatically adjusted his sheathed sword back to a more comfortable position. With that, he turned to the exit to the cell block and hurried out. He'd find an exit from the Negaverse, eventually. * * * Pluto looked up in alarm as she realized something was shifting in the Time Gate. With a frown, she walked over for a closer look. She'd only come up because she wanted to check something, but this could be a disaster. She watched as the temporal disturbance shifted, settled to a fixed point, then smoothed out. With a start, she realized that it was today that the disturbance was centered around. Something important was going to happen today. She examined the shift and her frowned deepened. The Negaverse was back, all right, and this time, there was something strange going on. She would have to hurry and get the others if they were going to have any effect on it. With a flicker, she disappeared from the Time Gate. She blurred back to her human form as she raised a hand to knock on a door. A ten year old opened the door. "Hi, aunt Susan." The ten year old said. "Hi, Christine. Where are Alexandra and Michelle?" Susan stepped through the doorway as Christine made room for her. Christine closed the door behind her "aunt." "Poppa and Momma are in the bedroom." Christine offered. Susan flashed her a smile of thanks, then walked over to the bedroom door and pounded on it. It was yanked open. "What? I was taking a nap." Michelle complained. "Get dressed. There's work to be done." Susan told them. "The Negaverse is back." She closed the door and walked over to the couch to settle down to wait. She didn't have to wait more than a minute before the two emerged. "The Negaverse?" Alexandra asked as they entered the room. "Yes." Susan turned to them. "They're back and if we don't hurry, they'll tear the others up before they're ready." "All right, let's go." Michelle agreed. "Pluto Crystal Power, Make Up!" "Neptune Crystal Power, Make Up!" "Uranus Crystal Power, Make Up!" "Saturn Crystal Power, Make Up!" Sailor Pluto nodded confidently as the other three formed a circle with her. "Time Teleport!" She commanded and the four disappeared.