Some Time Alone by Rick Federle William Johnson suppressed a sigh as he listened to his wife Mina, a.k.a. Mina Johnson, a.k.a. Sailor V, a.k.a. Sailor Venus, a.k.a. Her Royal Highness who was currently making a royal pain out of herself. She'd worn a soft cream sleeveless dress to the concert tonight, the casual one with the V-neck cut. He loved her more than life itself, but it was getting well past old. It was the same complaint that she'd had since the tour started three months ago. She was complaining that they hadn't gone anywhere together without an escort since the tour started. His head was tilted to the side slightly, studying his wife's face, not really listening to what she was saying because it was the same thing she'd said every city they'd been in. Right now her brow was furrowed slightly in concentration as she leaned over slightly, her fists resting on her hips, to make sure that he heard what she was saying. He could lose himself in the study of her face, everything from her sparkling blue eyes to the way she set a red bow in her hair It was a delicious distraction from her complaints. And it usually worked. The only problem with it was that her complains grew more specific and longer with every city they stopped at. She'd apparently caught onto what he was doing the last time she'd given this lecture and he could tell by the look in her eyes that she wasn't going to give up until he gave in. He'd lost track of how long she'd been at it, but it had to have been for at least ten minutes. Usually, she waited until they were alone in whatever hotel suite they were staying in before starting up with her routine, but this time, she hadn't even waited until he'd gotten off of stage before she'd intercepted him and started complaining. So, he sat on the piano bench, his hands folded in his lap, turned on the bench to face her as she went on. Occasionally, she'd waggle her finger at him, mainly when she wanted to emphasize some point or another. It was during one of those times that he reached out and took her hand. "Whatever you want, my heart." She paused in mid-word, her mouth hung slightly open as she contemplated how to deal with his abrupt change of heart. After a moment, she closed her mouth and straightened up, a twinkle in her eyes. "Good." She stated as he took her free hand. "I want some time with you. Without an escort and wherever I want to go." That, of course, was the gist of the problem. They were soul-mates. They had to be together. And right now, what little time they did have alone was usually spent sleeping. Not that he didn't want to do more than sleep, but the emotional drain on him was rather significant. He sang about the Moon Kingdom, and every time he went on stage, he remembered all those people who had died there at the hands of the Negaverse. It was painful, and sometimes, Mina was his only refuge, his sole source of sanity, much the same as when he had been a prisoner of the Negaverse. He knew how much she cared, and this little outing would be as much for his sake as hers. "Wherever you want." He agreed. "But let me get out of this penguin suit first. I don't want to go traipsing around town dressed like a mutual friend of ours." Mina giggled at the half joke as he got to his feet. "I love you, you know." "I know." He leaned forward and kissed her. "And I love you, too." "Good." She stepped over to his side as he let go of one of her hands and they began walking together toward the dressing room set aside for his use. They ignored the escort that followed only about two steps behind them. William closed the door to the dressing room to guarantee at least some measure of privacy while Mina went to the room's only chair in front of the lighted mirror that was usually used by a performer to check his or her makeup. She turned the chair to face the middle of the room while he locked the door. She settled into it, resting her elbow on the table in front of the mirror while he went over and began to burrow through the suitcase that he'd brought with him. He hated going anywhere in a tux. He only performed in one because they insisted. Very, very loudly. He paused his rummaging long enough to take off his jacket and drop it on the table next to the suitcase. "That'll wrinkle it, love." Mina commented as she got up and walked over to where he was. "If they insist that I wear it, they can pay to get the wrinkles out of it." He murmured absently, his attention focused on something suitable to wear tonight. She picked up the jacket and went back across the room to the clothes rack, picking a hanger for the jacket and slipping the jacket onto it. She hung the hanger on the rack, leaving the jacket hanging on the rack by itself. She turned back as he spoke back up. "What about this?" He asked, having turned toward her so he could hold up a white shirt and a pair of brown slacks. She frowned, examing the set. "That's just fine." She said after a moment of contemplation and walked back across the room as he put the clothes back on the table. "Here, let me help." She said as she walked up next to him and reached over toward him. He turned toward her and she began to undo the bowtie. "You just can't keep your hands off of me, can you?" He asked, taking the tie out of her hands and tossing it onto the table. "Of course not." She agreed, resting her wrists on his shoulders as he put his arms around her waist. He leaned forward and kissed her. "You'll just have to wait until we get back to the hotel." "That sounds suspiciously like a promise." "Could be." He agreed, taking his hands off of her and reaching back to unbutton his shirt. "Now, go sit down so I can change." "Do you need any help?" "Not right now." "Spoilsport." Mina pouted. He smiled slightly then leaned forward long enough to kiss her briefly on the nose. "I love you, you know." She giggled, dropping the pouting look. "I know." "Now, get." He said. "The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we can get started." "All right." She agreed, stepping away and settling back into the chair, watching him intently. He changed in silence, neither of them saying anything. "Ready?" She asked as he began to dig back thru the suitcase. "Can't find my power pen." He commented, his head half buried in the suitcase. "That's because I've got it." She told him, holding it up for him to see when his head turned to look. He walked over to her and reached out for it. "What do you say?" She asked, pulling it backwards. "Gimme." "Your power pen, Milord." She offered it to him. "Your Highness is too kind." He accepted the pen from her and tucked it away. He offered her his elbow. "Shall we?" He asked. "Of course." She slipped her hand into his elbow and they headed for the door. They paused before the door while he reached up and unlocked it. He opened it to present the escort's still face. "Where to, sir? Back to the hotel?" The escort asked. "Not tonight." William answered. "We're going out tonight." "Of course, sir. I'll have the car brought around." "Absolutely not." Mina put in. "We're going out alone." "But, sir, this is unusual." The escort began. "Get over it." William said flatly. "We're going out tonight by ourselves." "But the concert tomorrow . . . " "Will have to wait." William interrupted. "I need to spend some time with my wife." He glared at the escort. "Am I going to have to plow you over or are you getting out of the way?" The escort got, muttering something to himself about crazy entertainers as the couple walked down the hall. Once outside, Mina let go of William's elbow so he could flag down a taxi. William held the door open so Mina could climb in first. "Where to?" The taxi driver asked. "Well?" William asked as he took the seat next to his wife. "Somewhere with food and dancing." Mina told the driver. The driver glanced at her with the rearview mirror. "Anyplace in particular?" "Not really, no." William echoed his wife. "Just somewhere we can spend some time together." The driver turned to them, resting his elbow on the top of the bucket seat he sat in. "You're that entertainer that's been performing here for the past couple of days, aren't you?" Mina and William exchanged a look. "What makes you think that?" Mina asked. "I was at the opening night. I recognize you. You're the author of the Silver Millennium series." William nodded slightly in answer and the driver went on. "And I bet they don't give you much time together, do they?" "No, they don't." William admitted reluctantly. "Sit back and relax, Mr. Johnson. I've got just the place." He said and he turned back around. "Old Charley here knows exactly what you want." With that, Charley put the taxi in gear. * * * "That was perfect." Mina commented as the two emerged from the dance club later that night holding hands. "Exactly what we needed." "Oh, yes." William agreed. "Any other requests?" "Yes." Mina stopped and put her arms around his neck. He turned to her and placed his hands on her hips. "You can take me back to the hotel and join me in the hot tub for some more entertainment." "Mm. Sounds promising." "It will be." She promised. "It most certainly will be." She stretched up on her tiptoes and kissed him. "I can hardly wait." The two looked back at the dance club as the sounds of screaming came from within and people began to pour out. "Monster!" One man called as he ran past them. "Run!" "Of course." Mina sighed, lowering her head onto William's shoulder. "At least this way we'll feel like we earned it." He suggested. "We've earned it, anyway." "I was referring to the hot tub, not the entertainment after." "Oh." He laughed in spite of the situation. "I love you." He stated, letting his arms fall to the side. "Let's go, love." "Right with you, love." Mina agreed, unwrapping her arms from his neck. He glanced around then grabbed her hand. "Over there." They ducked behind some bushes. They crouched down and glanced around. "Clear." He declared. "Clear." She echoed. "Sailor Venus Transform!" "Warrior of Light Transform!" The two stood up in time to see a section of the front of the building explode outward. They instinctively raised an arm to shield themselves from the blast. When they looked back, whatever had caused the explosion stood framed in the opening it had created. A huge blue skinned humanoid with horns coming out of its shoulders stood there. Red eyes that seemed to burn with fire were separated by a large, hooked nose, which was centered over a hideously grinning mouth filled with large black teeth. It huge, bulging muscles that seemed all out of proportion to it's otherwise thin frame. White horns came from the centers of the shoulders as well as out of the elbows and knees. "Ugly, ain't it." The Guardsman observed. "With a capital 'Ug.'." Sailor Venus agreed. "What do you think it is?" She asked, glancing over at him. He frowned. "I'd have to guess a demon of some sort." "Then we can ask Raye when we get back to Tokyo what it was." "Yes." He agreed. "I'll distract it and you flatten it." "Sounds like a plan." Venus concurred. With that, the Guardsman began walking boldly toward it while Venus waited where she was, glancing around occasionally to make sure that there were no more or that nothing was trying to sneak up on them. "Leave this place and return to whatever dimension spawned you, evil one." The Guardsman warned as he approached the demon. "I fear no mortal." The demon snarled. "Your first mistake." The Guardsman said dryly as he stopped about ten feet from the demon. "Your second will be not leaving when you have a chance." "And who are you, puny one, that you can stop the likes of me?" "I am the Guardsman, the Warrior of Light!" The demon recoiled, apparently in fear, at the mention of the last title. "As darkness gives way before the Light, so you must give way before me!" He leveled a warning finger. "This is your last chance. Leave. Now." "Never." The demon hissed. "I alone can destroy even you." "As you wish." The Guardsman acknowledged, drawing his sword. "Venus Love and Beauty Shock!" The demon staggered backward as the golden heart tore through its shoulder. "Where?" The demon asked as it straightened back up, black ichor dripping from between its clawed fingers as it covered the wound with its hand. "Oh, yes. I forgot to introduce you to my wife. Say hello to Sailor Venus." The Guardsman introduced. "Or rather, good bye." "What?" The demon looked up sharply. "Venus Love and Beauty Shock!" The demon toppled over in a spray of black ichor as the golden heart ripped into the demon's face. The Guardsman walked over to check on the now faceless demon to make sure it was dead before sheathing his sword. He walked back over to where Venus was waiting. "Very nice, love." "Thank you, milord." She gave him a minute curtsy. "We'd better start walking." He suggested as he took her hand. "I don't think they'll be a taxi around here for quite a while." * * * Mina sighed contently as she snuggled up next to William in the hot tub. "That was quick." He commented. "Hmm?" She inquired and he pointed at the television they had left on. "They picked up the news of our little battle tonight already." Two sets of eyes fastened on the television to watch the story. "In related news," the announcer continued. "Several of Tokyo's own superheroines and superheros came to the rescue of a number of our citizens here tonight at a local dance club, where, according to eyewitnesses, they confronted and neutralized what authorities are calling a . . . " He frowned down at his script for a second. " . . . a demon'. Authorities believe that they were The Guardsman' and Sailor Venus' although we are unable to confirm if this is the case at this time." Mina reached over and touched the power button on the remote and the television winked off. William raised an inquiring eyebrow as she turned around. "Well?" He asked. She smirked at him and the phone rang. "Come here." She wrapped her arms around him. "What about the phone?" He asked as he took her in his arms. "They can call back later. We're busy."