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A Rough Timeline

A Rough Timeline of the SM Universe

350 B.C.
The planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Earth's Moon, Mars, and Jupiter form an alliance. It is formally refered to as the Moon Kingdom and is ruled from Earth's Moon.

220 B.C.
Saturn joins the Moon Kingdom.

180 B.C.
Neptune and Uranus join the Moon Kingdom.

100 B.C.
Pluto joins the Moon Kingdom.

20 B.C.
The Silver Millenium Begins.

950 A.D.
The Negaverse launches it's first raid on the Moon Kingdom. A state of war exists between the Negaverse and the Moon Kingdom. Skirmishes occur on and off for the next thirty years.

977 A.D.
The Guardsman and Sailor Venus first meet. They manage to keep their relationship a secret for the next three years.

980 A.D.
The Negaverse launches a surprise invasion. Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter are annihalated. Refugees from Mercury, Venus, and Mars begin to arrive on the Moon and Earth.
Selected portions of the Earth are captured by the Negaverse and a formal invasion of the Moon begins, led by Queen Beryl and the Negaforce. The Guardsman is captured and placed in a temporal cell.
Queen Serenity exiles the invading army, and send the children of the Moon into the future on Earth at the cost of her own life.

1963 A.D.
Prince Endymion is reborn and is named Darien. His parents are killed two years later in an automobile accident.
Sailor Pluto is reborn and named Susan.

1964 A.D.
Sailor Neptune is reborn and is named Michelle.
Sailor Uranus is reborn and is name Alexandra.

1966 A.D.
Sailor Mars is reborn and is named Raye.
Sailor Mercury is reborn and is named Amy.
Sailor Jupiter is reborn and is named Lita.
Sailor Venus is reborn and is named Mina.
Princess Serenity/Sailor Moon is reborn and is named Serena.

1972 A.D.
Sailor Saturn is reborn and named Christine.

1978 A.D.
Luna and Artemis appear on Earth. Luna lands in Japan and spends several years looking for Princess Serenity and the Sailor Scouts.
Artemis lands in England and locates Sailor Venus almost immediately. Sailor Venus regains partial memories of the Moon Kingdom, including those of the Guardsman, and begins operating under the alias of Sailor V, gaining immense popularity over the next several years.

1979 A.D.
Sailor Venus hires an agent and gains all rights to the name and merchandise of Sailor V.

1980 A.D. First Season
Luna locates Sailor Moon but fails to realize that Sailor Moon is Serenity. She also fails to remember Serenity's name correctly due to a glitch in the time transfer. Sailor Moon regains partial memories of the Moon Kingdom.
Tuxedo Mask appears.
Sailor Venus moves back to Tokyo.
The Imperium Silver Crystal appears, partially restoring Serenity and Endymion before Endymion is captured by the Negaverse. He refers to himself as Prince Darien until rescued later that year.
Sailors Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter are located by Sailor Moon and Luna. Sailor Venus and Artemis appear several months later during a vicious battle with Malachite and Zoycite.
Sailors Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are killed during the battle with the Doom and Gloom girls.
Sailor Moon rescues Tuxedo Mask, who is killed by Queen Beryl. Sailor Moon confronts and kills an enhanced Beryl at the North Pole. The Negaforce is badly weaked and part of the Negaverse is destroyed as a result.

1981 A.D. Second Season
Sailor Moon reappears after unknown monsters began attacking Tokyo citizens. Sailors Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus reappear several weeks later.
The Doom Tree leaves Earth.
Princess Rini appears from the future, landing (literally) in her future parent's laps. She fails to recognize them, however and spends several months with Serena impersonating her cousin.
The forces of the Negamoon first appear.
Rubeus is killed. The Four Sisters remain on Earth.
The Negaforce begans sending out selected Negawarriors to gather energy. They elude the notice of the Scouts for a time.

1982 A.D. Third Season and Fourth Season
The Outer Scouts appear.

1983 A.D. Fifth Season, The Guardsman Chronicles
The Starlights appear.
Mina and William are married the day after Mina's eigtheenth birthday.
The Guardsman's true identity as the Warrior of Light is revealed.

1984 A.D. The Dark Lord Saga
The Dark Lord is killed.
The first movie starring the Sailor Scouts, Presenting the Sailor Scouts, is released.

1986 A.D.
The second movie starring the Sailor Scouts is released.

1987 A.D.
Serena and Darien are married.

1989 A.D.
Raye and Chad are married.

1990 A.D.
Amy and Greg are married.
The third movie starring the Sailor Scouts is released.

1991 A.D.
Lita and Kenny are married.

1994 A.D. The Negaverse War
No idea just yet.

1996 A.D.
The fourth and last movie starring the Sailor Scouts is released.

2000 A.D. The Siriusian War
Crystal Tokyo appears. Serena and Darien become Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion.

2988 A.D.
Princess Rini is born.

2989 A.D.
Molly and Jeremy are born.

3000 A.D.
The Negamoon attacks Crystal Tokyo. Princess Rini goes into the past via the Time Gate.

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