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June 30, 1999
NEW YORK - Ohio State quarterback Joe Germaine had to wait until Day Two of the 1999 NFL Draft to get selected, but he was thrilled to go to the St. Louis Rams in the fourth round.

Q) Hey, nice season for the Buckeyes. How does it feel to get drafted?

A) Joe Germaine: It's a great feeling to be drafted. We have a great class coming out this year and we already have six guys who have been picked up. It says a lot about Coach Cooper.

Q) How do you feel about going to a team with an accomplished quarterback?

A) Trent Green is proven, and did very well last year. I am excited to go there and learn from him and do whatever I can to help him and learn. I watched Green play last year and he can move the team very well, throws a nice ball. He'll play for a long time. I'm happy with St. Louis. It is a great opportunity for me. This team should be improving each year.

Q) Joe, congrats. We are all proud of you here in Columbus. What did you do to pass the time yesterday during the draft?

A) I spent the day with my family. We sat around and watched the draft a little bit. My mom made us some sandwiches. It was a little disappointing to not be picked yesterday, but it wasn't a priority. It was more important to go someplace where I was wanted, where I can fit in.

Q) Joe, do you feel that some day you will have a chance to be a starter in this league? If so, how long do you think it will take for you to get the chance?

A) I hope to someday start in this league - it is a goal. Right now, I just want to learn the system and work hard to attain that goal. That's the main goal.

Q) Joe, what current NFL quarterback would you compare yourself to?

A) Well, I would say, humbly, a Joe Montana type as far as doing what I have been coached to do, and relying on my accuracy and quick feet. Maybe Trent Green from today. I can learn a lot from Trent Green. It might be better to play behind him and learn.

Q) Thanks, Joe. Any final thoughts today?

A) I'd like to say thanks for all the support and I am glad I have the opportunity to be a Ram. Hopefully I can have a good future.