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Quotes from Buckeye Football's Top Players

Inside analysis of gridiron squad.

September 16, 1998

Rob Murphy on changes he's seen in Joe Germaine from last year to this year: "One thing I've noticed, especially in the spring, is that Joe is playing with a lot of confidence. You can tell byhis presence in the huddle that he has a lot more confidence than he's ever had."

Dee Miller on Joe Germaine: "He's fitting into his leadership role well. He always did a good job coming off the bench, and now he knows the job is his."

Joe Germaine on last year's Missouri game: "Our receivers did a good job and we were able to connect. When Andy Katzenmoyer hit Corby Jones, we were able to gain a little momentum."

Joe Germaine on Ohio State's plans to throw the ball against Missouri: "We put a lot of emphasis on our receivers to make big plays. But their defense has changed a little bit from last year."

Joe Germaine on what changes he's seen in himself since last season: "My leadership role may have changed a little bit. I need to be a little bit more vocal. But for the most part, I'm the same player I've always been."