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My Name is Melissa I am 30 years old I live in Cincinnati, Ohio. I love the band KISS as you can see but my other interest below are watching wrestling on monday and thursday nights and going to the track. I like someone who is honest with me and can make me laugh. I love a good sence of humor on a person if you cant joke about things then that makes me think ppl are dull and i hate dull and anyone that knows me knows i can come up with some really off the wall stuff sometimes. I love to read every chance that i get. I love to write too but nothing i write will ever be publised or nothing but it helps me get my feelings out if i am happy or sad or whatever i am feeling.

My Family

Want to say thanks to my mother. I think the older I get the cooler she gets. She has always been there for me no matter what and I love her for that.

My dad well all i have to say is that it takes on special person to marry my mom and then take me in as your own daughter. In May 1986 you leagally became my dad even thought you have been my dad for almost 26 yrs now.

My sister Anita well she is the oldest of all of us and we have had our share of fights but when all said and done you have been there for me and I love you for that. She and I have become close and I am so glad she is my sis.

My brother Danny ok I hate to admit but you are growing up which is scary. I remember when you were born i was so upset cause i was always the baby. But you know I love You and you know that if anyone messes with ya I am there.

Steve and Me

Ok the baby of us all Steve You are the baby thats for sure even though you are now 22. I guess we were a little protective of you I know you are also getting to the age of really growing up you know I love you too and you know if anyone picks on you I will be there for you too.

My uncle Terry thanks for helping me out when i needed it. If it wasnt for you i would be up a creek as they would say your a cool uncle and the biggest football fan i know. I love ya too.

Couldn't make this webpage without saying something about my grandma even though she is not alive I still love her very much and will always remember the summers I spent down in Benton, KY. She was a wonderful woman and so sorry she died I love you so much still.

KISS Shows

I love the Band KISS. I have seen the band three times in concert. My first concert was In 1990 it was the Hot in the Shade tour the opening act was Little Ceaser and Slaughter. It was really a great show. They Had a great laser show at the concert and it was good and all but i always wanted to see them in Make-up. So when the reunion tour came here in Aug. 1996 was second time i saw them it was the first time I had ever seen the original memebers. The stage show itself was worse the price i paid for the tickets. They are very loud but it just blew my mind i could not talk after i got out of there but it was ok it was a small price to pay for RockNRoll. But nothing could have prepared more for the most recent concert the Psycho Circus tour it blew all the other ones off the stage the whole stage show was incredable and I loved the 3-D screen they brought. Gene was great he came out to do God Of Thunder and of course he had to spit the blood and that first but then he was lifted up into the air on a platform and the flames on the stage just shot up around him it was so great. Paul's voice was powerful he flew out into the crowd to a little stage in the middle of the Arena. Ace well all I can say about Ace is that his voice has become powerful and his guitar playing just kicked ass. Peter his drum riser was cool it just like flew through the air and his drum solo was more intence than what i remember seeing he had the crowd going wild. I am definetly going back to see them if they come back here to Cincinnati. YaY!!!!!!!!!! May 13, 2000 The Farewell tour I saw KISS in Columbus Ted Nugent and Skid Row opened up for them didn't get to see Skid Row but saw Ted now he rocked. Kiss came on and the place exploded and it was the first time i had ever seen kiss in a Pavillion so that was kind of new for me they played for over two hrs and it rocked. I am so sad that these guys are hangin up the platforms but thats life. Glad i got to go one last time.

Other Than KISS

Well on Saturday night you can usually find me at Edgewater Sports Park. My brother in law races a motorcycle His name is "Homeboy" Homer England and my sister is of course the "Homegirl" and that is how they annoucne it too. Homer has was the motorcycle champ 2002. Also King of the track. My brother Steve is racing his dodge dakota in the sportsman class series. But he used to race in the bike class. Until someone needed parts. No names will be mentioned. Here are some photos of them in action.

Other than going to the race track i watch Monday Night Raw and Thursday Smackdown love wrestling you can ususally find me in prowrestling.It gets pretty hecktick in there after monday night raw and especially on PPV. But it all good and i love chatting to alot of ppl in there.