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Poem to my Best Friend

written by: Melissa Pasch

Eight years ago you came into my life.

When I met you, you were married.

She never understood the friendship we had.

We really were just friends.

After one year I came to see you, you told me something that would change my life forever.

You opened your heart to me and told me you had fallen in love with me.

I was shocked at first, but deep down I felt the same.

Over the years our love deepened.

But we made a promise to be friends till the very end.

The day before Thanksgiving 1999 I had to say goodbye.

God needed a angel, I didn't know why.

Why at 34 did he take you from me.

It's been hard for me not having you around.

You made me laugh and now cry.

But when I'm down alone and blue.

I close my eyes and think of you.

Now I know why God wanted you, to watch over me for the rest of my life.

I know your always protecting me.

When I think of how much I love you I remember what you always said to me.

I love you, I have always loved you and I always will love you.

Dedicated to my love Troy Wayne Davis

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