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Please sign my guestbook after you have looked at my page I hope you enjoy your stay here and you can email me at Thanks again for stopping by.

This Page Is About Me and My Family and what I Like.

Poem that I wrote and Dedicated it to My Love Troy

Emails I have gotten after People read the Wolfprey Troy Page and the Poem page.

Please email me at and I will add yours to this page

This is a Page I made about my best friend in the whole world. He passed away at the age of 34 and I just wanted ppl to know what an important person I lost and if anyone is suffering like I did maybe this will help life does go on hes gone but never forgotten he will always be in my heart.

This is the Drag Track that My brother in law and brothers race at each week it is updated with the winners each week so look for Homer England aka Homeboy or Steven Pasch in Motorcycles or Danny Pasch in Bracket 3. This is where u will find me this summer. :-))

This is all my female friends that I talk to and I just wanted to say thanks for being my friend.

This is for the men on the net and just wanted to say thanks to you all as well for being their for me.

Here are some of my favorite band photos some of them are thru the years i mean if you are going to be a fan might as well like all members instead of some which i know some ppl do not me KISS is KISS no matter who was in the band.

This is my Pic page of one of the frontmen of this band Paul Stanley some new and some old.

Pics of the other frontman of this band Gene Simmons and my personal favorite. HHMMMMmmmmmmm Wonder why??? :-)~~~~~~~~~

Ace Frehley the best axeman in the band by far. Just Pics though.

Peter Criss one of the best drummers I mean their was three but he is one of the best.

Eric Carr This isnt a big page but dedicated to Eric cause he pushed KISS thru the 80's and had a different style of drumming. He will truly be missed by hardkore KISS fans.

Great Midi's here took a while to find some of them I hope everyone likes them.

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