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Missy!!!! You my best friend in the whole world. You have stuck by me thru thick and thin and we haven't killed each other yet LoL!!! Seriously if it wasnt for u i would have gone crazier than i already am. Thank You Missy!! :-)) :-)) (((((((((((((((Missy))))))))))))))))) If u like KISS as much as she does go and check out her site it is kickass!!!!


Dx-BaBy'S DaMn PaGe!!

Thanks Dori for being there when I needed you. You are like a sis to me and will always be. I am glad we met on line now I cant wait to meet in person and tear up Cincinnati with u and Missy. The three of us and this town will never be the same but it will be fun most definitely!!! Luvs ya bunches!!!! (((((((((((((DORI SIS))))))))))))))


ShellyWebster-X's Home Page-your...

Shelly!!!!! u are cool to talk to. You can definitely make me laugh with some of the things u say in the room. C-ya in the chats. (((((((((((Shelly))))))))))))


Penny's Homepage!!

Penny!!!!! You are a sweet person. I would like to meet you one day since you do live in the same town as me!!!! Maybe do lunch one of these days prefferably on a friday lol!!!! (((((((((((((((Penny)))))))))))))))


MOM!!!!!! Thanks for adopting me as one of your children. You are the greatest!! ((((((((((((((((((MOM)))))))))))))))))))


Franny!!!!!!!! Thanks for lending your eyes and ears when I needed it. You truely are a good friends and I hope to meet you someday soon. (((((((((((((((((Franny)))))))))))))))))


You always say hi to me I just wish we had more time to talk. Maybe one day when we aren't so busy.


Jai!!!! Well all I can say is that you finally got me right too I guess we threw you for a loop with our names. Thanks for all the typos in the room we would not feel right if you dont leave a little typo dust around!!!!! LOL!!!!


Monica!!! What can I say you love Kane as much as I do and I will send you your pics as soon as I can you might have to get on me about that. Wish we could have met when you were here but hey maybe lunch next time.


Jenni!!!! Hi jenni u say hi to me every time I come into the room one day we will have to talk to get to know each other and maybe one day meeting in person. You are a sweet person stay that way!!!!


Lora!! what can I say about u well first off u are really sweet and a really great friend. We will always be friends cause we are trio of nuts heh heh u know who the third person is. (((((Lora)))))


Sue!!!!! U are really really nice to me. U always say hi to me when I come into the room. U include me in the convos which is cool. I am glad we are friends. ((((((Sue))))))


Jenny!!! I think u are a great person. U make me and everyone laugh and feel welcome in the chats. Thank U. :-) ((((((Jenny))))))


Kimmy!!! Sorry it took me this long to put you in here but hey I did LOL. I am glad we met the other nite u are as sweet in person as u are online. Chat with u later. ((((((Kimmy))))))


Judy!!! Thanks for saying hi to me when I come into the room. :-)) U are also really nice. ((((Judy))))


Dreamy!!!! All I can say about u is that u are really cool in my book!!! :-)) and u always say hi to me thanks. If u need someone to talk to anytime I am hear to listen. ((((((Dreamy))))))


Leanne!!!! U too are really sweet stay that way. I am glad we met online u are a good friend. (((((Leanne)))))


Chas!!! U are really cool thanks for saying hi to me when I come into the room. :-)) (((((Chas)))))



Thank you Rich for all your help on this page. You are one of my closest friends on here I know we will always be friends we have a special friendship. I will always luvs ya. I know if I need anything all I have to do is email or hell even call and you will do what ever it takes to put a smile on my face. (((((((((((((((((Rich))))))))))))))))))


Thanks Jay for some of the KANE pics they are cool. You are a great friend. And Man I have to tell you those monstrtaco's are wonderful I just hope you get to find out soon just how good they really are hee hee (had to rub it in). Thanks for everything!!! ((((((((((((((((Jay)))))))))))))))))


Steve!!!!!! You are one of my best friends and I know we will stay friends for a long time. You do a pretty mean job on washing dishes LOL!!!! Thanks Steve Luvs Ya !!!! Had to say something about the best bartender in sports wrestling keep em comin steve!!!! (((((((((((((((Steve)))))))))))))))))))


Chris!!!!!!!! Well for starters you are a really good friend to me and a cool guy. I enjoy our conversations when we get to chat. One day we will meet and have one big party u, me, missy and joe. As my man would say Oh Hell Yeah!!!!!! (((((((((Chris)))))))))


Joe!!!!!!!! My Cyber-Perv hehehehehehe. I enjoy our conversations. Like i said in chris's section we definitely need to meet and party and hang out I think it would be alot of fun. And I dont start the conversations u do heheheh I just finish them.((((((((((Joe))))))))))


Thanks Tim for being a good friend and listening to me when I needed another ear hahaha!! Talk to u later!!!


BUM!!!!!! Now you know who I am you can call me by my name when I come into the room. You are the funniest person I ever met. I love your email's keep em coming. (((((((((((((((Bum)))))))))))))))


DarkReiGnS PlaCe

You are really a nice guy. I know you will always yell my name when I come in LOL!!!!!! C-ya in the chats.


Thanks Coopy for being a great friend. You can always make me laugh and u make me :-)) You are always there when I need someone to talk too. ((((((((((((((Coopy))))))))))))))


Ron!!!!! You are a really nice guy. I like our convos. Stay sweet and being a good friend. ((((((((((Ron))))))))))


Thanks Dave for everything!!!!! You always know how to make me feel better when I am a bad mood. Wish we had more time to talk. ((((((((((Dave))))))))))


Hi Jason!!!! :-)) This is a cool site please go and visit and sign his guestbook!!!


DXLeaders Domain

If u like DX u will defintely like Mikey's homepage it is informative about DgenerationX and it also has cool pics and music and more!!!! Go check it out!! Mikey!! I know u dont know me that well but missy says u are cool so in my book u are cool. Hopefully one day we get to chat more. Talk to u later. :-))


Ray!!!!! You have always been a friend from day one. Thanks :-)) I have known you since before Thanksgiving and you make me laugh telling your stories in the room and going to the boiler room and your grammy being undefeated. We will always be friends if you need me you know where to find me luvs ya!!!! (((((((((((((((Ray)))))))))))))))


Jason!!!! I Have known you for a long time now. You are really sweet and you are one of my little brothers now. Hopefully soon I will get to come back to see you and Rich. Luvs Ya (((((((((((((Jason)))))))))))))))


Marty!!!!! Even though we dont get a chance to talk much anymore its always great to see you come into the room and thanks for the IRC you gave me when I first got on here. You will have to check out my favorite Pics of Paul!!!!!



WRATH!!!!! The comedian of all of us you can make me laugh really hard sometimes. And you love KISS so that makes u very cool!!!! and you know you could start sharing your beer! LOL!!!!


Brent you are another kane freak just like me!! You and I always chat when you come into the room. Stay sweet!! :-))


John!!!!!!!!! I think you are really sweet and I enjoy the time we get to chat I hope we can meet soon. Loves ya!! And by the way what volume are you on now are you going forward or backwards!!!!!! LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (((((((((((((((John)))))))))))))))


Chwinnys World

Eric!!!! I hope u dont mind I linked ur page on to this. I wanted all Metallica fans to see this!!!! Plus all my other friends to check it out cause it is a cool page well I think so anyway!!! You are and have been a good friend to me. I know we will stay that way and one day we will meet each other ( I would like to anyway). Loves Ya :-))!!! (((((((((((((((Eric)))))))))))))))


JD!!!!! Thanks for all ur help on this page cause u helped get this page done with the way they were changing things around. U are really sweet and cool. Also thanks saying Hi to me in the room. :-)) (((((((((((((((JD)))))))))))))))

For those I know and chat with on occasions :-))

HipFDC, ACE--FREHLEY(Keith), Rowdy-MP(Michael), H-e-N(Hen), MonNiteJericho(Joe), DOGFACE_GREMLIN(Scott), S-y-X-X, KANEFREAK(Chuck), NwoBigPoppaPump, RawisJericho(Joey), The-Crippler(Paul), StoneCold-(Steven), Joshness(Josh), JimMorrison_, KaneAustinTaz(Kat), PsychoticJer(Jer). Thanks for saying hi to me in the room and U guys are all really cool in my book. Thanks for including me in ur friends pages. Stay the way u are!! :-)) I hope to get to talk to you all more.