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My name is Karen and I guess you can see I am a big Kane fan. I am 33 years old and I live in Cincinnati, OH. I also come from a family of 8 so I have always been a ppl person. There is 6 girls and 2 boys in my family I would go into detail about my family but it would take me a long time to. I will tell u this my father is a retired police officer my mother is a RN in Good Samaritan Hospital here in cincinnati she works with the babies all day long. My older sister Anne works at the same hospital doing office work. I have an older brother Matt and Two other older sisters Elaine and Janet. Elaine is a mother of 5 and Janet a mother of 2 and a hairstylists which is cool. Then under me I have two sisters Nancy and Laura and a brother Paul who is cool. Nancy is also a Nurse but she lives in Virgina and so does Elaine cause my brotherinlaw is in the navy and he is stationed there. I have been there Virgina is really nice. I will definitely be going back. The baby of the family Laura is still in college studying to be a medical researcher. Paul is a artist he designs cars and other parts. Well I wont bore u anymore with my family but I want them to know I love them all very much!!!!

I met KANE on April 10,1999. He is cool. I think he is bigger in person than he looks on tv. I would like to actually see kane without his mask but only outside of the show cause then it would ruin his character. KANE IS DA MAN!!!! I have a whole page of pictures of KANE. The ones I have are my favorites. I am sure almost everyone knows by now KANES real name is GlennJacobs. He is almost 7 foot tall not quite but I dont care cause I love every inch of him hee hee!! I would have put a page of just his bio but it seems everyone who has a KANE page has done that so I decided not to and be different and just have a picture gallery. Every Sunday nite I watch Heat and of course Monday Nite RAW. Some of the other wrestlers I like are: Undertaker, Test, Big Show, HBK, HHH, X-Pac, Road Dogg and Stone Cold Steve Austin.

One of my other interests is quarter mile drag. Every Saturday nite I go to Edgewater Sports Park. My roomie's brother-in-law races a motorcycle there. I think the guys who ride the motorcycles are nuts. But they say it is an adrenaline rush to do that going 125+ miles down the track. But I think it is cool. There are alot of cool cars there too that I like. Now my roommate's brother is racing a motorcycle there too but his doesnt go as fast as homer's bike does. So u could say lets keep it all in the family shall we LoL!!!

Another one of my interests is the band KISS. I have been a really big fan since 1980. I have seen KISS two times now and would definitely like to see them again hopefully they come back to either cinti or dayton. They totally rock I love their stage and the theatrics they have especially when Paul flew out to the middle of the audience on the pyscho tour. It ruled-KISS RULES!!! My favorite is Paul Stanley (The Starchild).