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Fantasia lives in Florida with her husband (Thomas) of 15 years and their 12 year old daughter, Brittany (who knows EVERYTHING!). Fan is a social worker, with a background in child welfare (NO! I do not steal children in the night!). I work for the State of Florida in Child Support Enforcement. I have many feline friends (5 to be precise) who seem to think they own the place and are quite happy to do nothing but eat and sleep all day. I am a full time wife, mother, employee and student, not necessarily in that order. I hope to finish my latest endeavor in college before becoming eligible for Medicare. I'd like to know who's idea it was for me to go to law school?? My interests are computers, sleeping, IRC chat, computers and passing the latest final exam. Did I mention computers? Fantasia is the twin sister of LawnElf (our own personal internet guru god). She can usually be found harrassing someone in #ParentsKitchen.