No this has nothing to do with WWF's G-TV! I just thought it was a cute name :)
Really, though, this is about what happens to GG on Nitro and Thunder and PPV's and stuff.

August 2nd - Nitro
GG wasn't there this week. She was supposed to be, but Macho had her "under lock and key". Umm... I'm scared for GG. I really am.

August 5th - Thunder
Macho has her under lock and key. Again. Poor girl.

August 9th - Nitro
Nope, she wasn't there again. What 's wrong with WCW? But, hey, anyone see the other show? RAW IS JERICHO, BABY! Oh, I am such a mark/Jerichoholic and PROUD OF IT!

August 12th - Thunder
She wasn't there but she graced our TV screens! How? They showed her, Mach and Dennis Rodman (ICK) on Jay Leno from the night before. How cool is that? She was wearing this adorable outfit! Kinda like the cowgirl outfit, only it wa stripes instead of spots! I loved it!

August 14th - Road Wild
She's back! And she's back with a venegence! She came out, and low blowed Rodamn, letting Macho Man pin him! All I have to say is, you go girl!

August 16th - Nitro
Where was GG and Mach? I think WCW is mad at Randy for putting Rodman in the porta potty. Can't say he didn't deserve it. He should have been flushed down cuz he truly is a piece of crap. He whined to Uncle Ted and Bitchoff and look, we are deprived again. When will WCW ever learn?

August 19th - Thunder
Damn.. GG was not on TV again. Is this their punishment because Rodman is a whiny baby? I'm sick of this. In other news, Rey Mysterio Jr..losing cruiserweight Lane? What is the world coming to? I'm first in line to kick Bischoff's ass.

August 23rd - Nitro
Um, Nitro? It sucked. No GG again. Mach is refusing to work. Idiot. Raven, kidman, Konnan and Buff all want releases from their contracts and have asked Bitchoff... arrgh. The minute Rey leaves (I love him) is theminute I don't ever watch WCW again. I'm taking over WCW right now and I'm firing all their asses and hiring back who I want.

August 26th - Thunder
Thunder was okay. I was watching Smack Down though. I did watch Thunder, ya know, the 10:35 repeat? GG was NOT there. When will she be back? I miss her. Rey asked for his release. 2 words, 3 letters. Bye bye, WCW.

August 30th - Nitro
I have NOT seen this yet, but judging from reports, SHE'S BACK! AND SO IS HE! OH YEAH! At the very end of the show, Gorgeous George and Mach were sitting in Hogan's dressing room waiting for him to return. And I will not comment on how sick that is. :)

Spetember 2nd - THunder
I only saw a little bit of this show, during SmackDown commercials and when I remembered it was on.. which wasn't until 12:15 am, but GG and Mach were not there again. Do they have some sort of "We only work Nitro's and PPVs" contract now?! In other news, did anyone catch the "Cat-Bo" promo by the Cat? LOL!