Do you really enjoy this site? Do you want other people to know about Gorgeous George's Gang? Do you want to help us get members?
Then, LINK US! If you link us, e-mail us, and give us YOUR webpage address and it will go on our special "People Who Have Linked Us And Have Great Pages" section!
Now, you're asking "Wow! How do I link to this great page?" Well, I'll tell ya!
note: change all "("'s to "<"'s when putting the HTML on your page!
(a href= src="http:/" alt="Check it out!")(br)Gorgeous George's Gang!(/a)
This is what it should look like:
Gorgeous George's Gang!
Spiffy huh? Without further ado, here it is, the dark background banner! Same rules as above apply!
(a href= src=" alt="Check it out!")(br)Gorgeous George's Gang!(/a)
And what it will look like?
Another one! This is one for people with white backgrounds.
(a href= src=" alt="Check it out!")(br)Gorgeous George's Gang!(/a)
It looks like this:
Yet another banner (Strawberry Angel was busy today!)
(a href= src="" alt="Check it out!")(br)Gorgeous George's Gang!(/a)
This one, btw, is for people with dark backgrounds.
A new banner! Strawberry Angel was bored, and well, she really likes this one. It's her favourite!
(a href= src="" alt="Check it out!")(br)Gorgeous George's Gang!(/a)
It will look like this:
Here we go.. the newest banner, it goes with our new slogan...the Millennium Gal...
(a href= src="" alt="Check it out!")(br)Gorgeous George's Gang!(/a)
It will look like this:
Gorgeous George's Gang!
There you have it! And from what I understand, Gingersnaps will be making a few banners too! So, you will have a wide selection to choose from. Enjoy!