The Perks of Being a Nitro Girl

Yes, contrary to popular belief, there are perks to being a Nitro Girl.. being popular, dancing, diong something you love, but most of all, THE GUYS!!

Want more proof?

Chae, Buff, and Spice. See?! What I wouldn't give to be Spice of Chae right there!! I love Buff. Aren't they lucky? Wait, there's more..

Spice and Buff Bagwell. Again. Look! That's more proof! I wish I were Spice. I wish I was a Nitro Girl. I wish I was a Nitro Girl. I wish I was a Nitro Girl.

The final straw. SPice and Kidman. I WANNA BE A NITRO GIRL! WAAAAH! I always told my mom I wanted to be a Nitro Girl. I will be. The guys.. oh my god.. I can handle it. Yes, I can.