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" I am known as The Great Wrath Of The Universe. I know no equal. I know no superior, except God. You may call me Wrathstar." Fear The Wrath!

The Universe is a cold place for those who have warmph in their souls and love in their hearts. Men in iorn machines from another galaxy exercise all their warmaking powers aganst people who are among the innocent. Is it because these men have to conquer and push outward to survive? They feel they must. If they practiced the way of peace, the Universe would be a far better place, indeed.

The Universe will never know why these people do what they do. If they knew, they would never understand.

Worlds have been conqured, people have died; the stars ran red with blood. It went on for year after year, century after century. This mad war is now a millenia old. How did it start?

Over a sword.

The myserious and all powerful Sword of Mystics is a symbol of leadership and power. One side claims it is an artifact of their culture. The other claims this sword ran in their culture for generations. No one knows for sure its origin. Both sides do know that it does have within it the power to change the course of history.

He who wields this sword is the leader of the Areowarriors and supreme admiral of the Areowarriors' Republic of Spyketon.

Leaders have come and gone through the millenia long Spyketon-Rodension War, but most have been in the F'lar family.

The time is the present.

The place is a galaxy named Cygnus-Draconia, a galaxy that is deep within the universe. A galaxy that has been plunged into a dark age because of the war. A galaxy waiting for a deliverer, a defender to deliver them from the dark age and give them their hope and their faith. They are waiting for the Great Wrath Of The Universe.

They are wating for Wrathstar.

Wrathstar, who has been called by many, "The Great Wrath of the Universe", "The Great Wrath of God", and "The Keeper of the secrets of the Universe", has not been seen for sixteen years. From the time Wrathstar and a being only known as Ultra defended the world of T'Ginn from a Rodension Dragonstar Imperial attack, the power was so intense, Ultra lost both arms and legs. Wrathstar was nowere to be found. All that was left was his sword. The sword of mystics survived the attack.

The Universe is plunged further into darkness.

Now, sixteen years later, the responsibility lies on the sholders of a new hero.

....A reluctant hero.

Deathmaiden (Gold)

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