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      Since Descartes, the question of the mind's relation to the body has been much speculated. The problem was probably thought of even before him, and has remained with us for centuries, refusing to die. It's tempting to think, as Descartes did, that the mind is a different substance altogether, seperate from the body, ghostly, unextended, unseeable. Yet we would like to think it has certain power over other. But how can that be - how can two such different things ever interact? They seem to be worlds apart, and this is the Cartesian muddle.

      There has been a progression of ideas attempting to clarify the relationship between mind and body - that is, between mind and brain. With today's progress in science, we now know that the brain is the exclusive domain of our ghost, the "Ghost in the Machine" of Descartes.

      You can reasonably trace the evolution of mind/brain theories from Behaviorism to Identity Theory, to Functionalism, to Cognitivism and Artificial Intelligence...Then there's the altogether different Biological Naturalism, and the totally bizarre Eliminative Materialism. Take a deep breath because you're in for a ride.