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Oh that I had wings
With which
To escape my earthly ties
But on that heav'nward flight
I learned
The Earth's where Destiny lies...

Ok, so I'm a flaming idealist. But hey, at least I'm in good company - these are some little shpiels about people who are equally driven, others who just inspire me, and random links that I think are good.

Global awareness -- We humans are pretty well-connected. Now if we could just use that to understand each other... (Hey, this is my page and I can sound as wishful as I Want!)

  • ·  I hope they don't 
mind me using this :]Horizons 2000 Horizons.- Have you ever wanted see faces in another part of the world? To hear their voices and know their thoughts? This is an absolutely amazing project that I was lucky to be a part of. It involves four globetrotting French guys travelling around the world, speaking to students at various universities to learn their thoughts on their societies, the world, and the future. I met one of them, Olivier, when they were here in Berkeley, for an interview.

      The site's initially in French, but you can click for the English version. They've got pictures, letters, and descriptions of their travels (that last one's totally in French. But hopefully I'll be able to contribute a little there, because I'm translating them into English for them). You can be a part of it if you're a university student by filling out their online survey which is available in both languages. They're planning on finishing by 2000, and presenting the results of their surveys to their sponsors.

  • ·   Donate foodThe Hunger Site- GO HERE right now before you do one more thing on my site! You get to donate food AT NO COST TO YOU by just clicking a button. How does it work? Afterwards you see a table of sponsors, so in exchange for this advertising, they provide the money to purchase the food. And it helps me pick what sites I want to make use of (like Blue Mountain cards for example). A good scheme if you ask me.

  • ·   And away we Go here if you're interested in humanitarian issues such as hunger, human rights, refugees, debt etc. and any environmental issues at all. They've only just got started but seem promising and their mission is the sort of thing I'd like to see more of. They've also got tons of links and reports from location, and suggestions of things you can do that are more than just your garden-variety "tip-of-the-day" type things (they've got those too if you're interested).

  • ·   UNICEFUNICEF- The United Nations Children's Fund. This organization's sort of special where I'm concerned. The first I remember of it is when I was little I was given a jigsaw puzzle that had the UNICEF logo on it. It said a little bit about it, and then I learned on TV and elsewhere that it had to do with kids. The picture on the puzzle was of a carnival and had been drawn by a kid. I still have it, but I hadn't thought about it much until recently. Childhood is important.

      In certain areas with political trouble, there are children who are denied such a simple thing as a birth certificate. I had never even considered there being a problem like this until I saw it explained here. It seems so simple, but without this piece of paper you have no way of proving your identity or age, nor can you recieve benefits such as healthcare, or even be acknowledged citizenship in your home country. There are other issues like these - do you know what they are? If you're interested in helping, or or even just learning more about children's rights issues, please pay them a visit.

    "We're a bunch of raw materials that don't mean to have any process upon us, don't mean to be made into any product, don't mean to end up being bought by some clients of the university".

    -- Mario Savio, Berkeley Free Speech Movement 1964.

    Environment -- I'm no extremist, but I do feel responsibility.

  • ·   SOURCE - The group I'm involved with on campus
    1. The World Wildlife Fund - Self-explanatory
    1. Widow's Web
  • Inter-species Communication Research - This is similar to the dream I'm chasing. "If I could walk with the animals and talk to the animals..." I wonder what they'd have to say?


    Worthy of Visit--

    -- The Causes advocated by Meg's Place.

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