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Personal Details of: Janet Crocker

Date of Birth: November 7,1979
Height: Five feet and an inch (maybe)
Weight: That's a rude question for a lady! *g*
Hair: Medium length, dirty blonde *g*
Eyes: Grey-blue

Shampoo or Conditioner: Both
Number of Pillows: Two
Nicknames: Janny, Janissimo, Juanita, Speedy, Beautiful, Angel and more!
Hometown: Cambridge, Ontario
Present Residence: Kingston, Ontario
Fav Food: Cheese, seafood, Chinese and Japanese

Fav Salad Dressing: Ranch, French, Caesar
Skinny Dipping?: Nope. Sorry. *g*
Make Fun of People?: Sometimes.
Fav Colours: Blue, Purple, Green, Black (wait...that's a shade...), Red, Silver and Gold
Top or Bottom?: No comment. *g*
Pets?: None yet.

Fav Music: I luv the Tea Party!!!!! *cough* I also enjoy Garbage, Radiohead, Live, Pulp, Bjork and some Celtic stuff.
Hobbies: Reading, writing and chatting with people
Toothpaste: Whatever's on sale and in the cupboard
Fav Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Parents?: Yes, I have two. *g* And I get along with them just fine.

Fav Drink: Coca-Cola, Mudslides, Assorted Bailey's drinks. I like chocolate martinis too.
Bedtime?: Whenever I'm tired.
Perfume?: Vanilla scents, 'Ninue' and Victoria Secret ones
Fav Website?: Mine of course! *g* But Pages of Prophecy and Dragonmount tie for second.
Fav Watering Hole?: AJ's Hanger for now

Fav Subject?: English
Least Fav Subject?: Philosophy
Fav Sport?: I like to watch soccer and football.
Craziest/Silliest Person You Know: Sorry Carla. It's you.
Anything Else To Say?: You people are really nosy, aren't ya? *g*

Anyway, that's all that you need to know about me. Please look around the site for pictures of me and information on things that interest me.

Here's lookin' at chu, kid. *G*

The Crocker family has a thing with Rabbits.
(*giggle* They're sooo cute!)

For some reason, that just struck me as funny. *g*

Shopping!!!!! I luv shopping!!!

Music from Final Fantasy III, Celeste's Theme.

Poems Written For ME!

I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

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