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Here is a collection of crazy WoT theories. Well, it's a start. Please send in the most craziest of crazy theories to me via email (or icq) and I'll post them as soon as possible. Thanks and enjoy!

Lan is a Darkfriend? (POD spoiler)

Okay, so who killed Adeleas? Everyone has their own theory, but I definitely know that no one has ever suspected one possible murderer...Lan! We have never had a point of view in the books by him. Coincidence? I think not. Oh, yeah, we had one in New Spring, but that was 20+ years before the current events in the books.

In New Spring, Lan was suspected of being the Dragon Reborn otherwise known as a channeling man for his legendary luck (a sign of channeling). Now, what if Lan really could channel? Taking that further, what if he was changed to the Shadow? No on would suspect a man sworn to fight the Shadow of being in the Dark himself. He would be perfect as a spy.

What if Lan's main attraction in Nynaeve is not the innocent love thing, but that she's so powerful in the Power (a good ally to have for the Shadow) and possible Shadow-changing bait. It could happen. After all, Lan's cousin is a Dreamer and he's as deep in the Shadow as a man can.

Yes, I am aware that Moiraine would notice a little change in him if he was turned to the Shadow, but he could maybe fuzz the bond, to speak. I don't know exactly how that would be done, but it could happen in a strange, strange world.

So maybe Lan killed Adeleas because she suspected him or he found when visiting her and her sister with Moiraine that she (or maybe the both of them) knew too much and were too interested in things that they shouldn't be.

Also, he was the one who found Adeleas. So that simple fact makes him a suspect. Remember children, the butler always does it!


1) I think Elayne's going to get raped.
2) Nynaeve and Lan are going to have to stop the Borderlanders from killing Rand.
3) After they help Egwene take back the Tower.
4) Rand is going to heal the taint with help from Min and the philosopher guy's note.
5) The bad Aiel are killed off by the Seanchan.
6) Mesaana will forced to reveal herself at the White Tower by Aran'gar and will die to Egwene and some back-up or Egwene alone with an (sa')angreal.
7) Isam will return!!!! (I hope)
8) Fain will die. (I hope against my sneaky Gollum theory)
9) Lan will have to proclaim himself King of Malkier in order to stop the Borderlanders and will raise a little army of his own.
10) Faile will return to Perrin a better wife. (I hope)

The End

Very rarely do I have these moments, but here goes.

A couple of weeks ago, a guy at PoP posted a theory that made me think. Here it is and an extention of it. I think I know the ending to the series.

Okay, let's not kid ourselves. We all know that Rand is not going to die (as in really-stay-dead-die) at the Last Battle and that he's going to have either full or partial victory. Now here is what the guy at PoP suggested. He said that Rand was going to die at Egwene's hands a la Eggy's Testing Vision and Rand's Portal Stone Dream. His main proof was those visions; that fact that two VIP characters had the same possible future and that RJ himself has said that the ending to WoT will leave many questions and threads opens. (Yes! We get to argue theories forever!) Plus the fact that we all are waiting for the traditional 'Heros Returning To A Safe Place and Happy Home' scene. But I don't think we're going to see it.

Why? Read what RJ said and I guess, use our own experience as readers of his books. Not one of the books ends with a semi-ending; the only one that comes close is EotW and that's because he wasn't expecting to write and publish the rest of the series. Anyway, here starts Blackthorne's theory of The Ending:

Dark One sealed. The world will still be chaotic though. Asha'man running rampant, governments unstable, no trade and no food. World-wide depression. Spadowspawn will still be roaming around, Darkfriends too. Rand will try to fades into 'normal life' with his ladies, yet come on, Avi's going to be top Wise One and Elayne will be Queen one day (or pass it to her daughter or give her rights up for her mother to take her throne back). People will still be afraid of the Dragon, both normal folk and leaders. Egwene will have no choice but to let the Aes Sedai take him in. He panics, the Asha'man panic. Perhaps an uprising of Shadowspawn. The end is clear: Egwene is forced to give him the mercy blow. That is the end.

I believe that RJ will write the Last Battle and Rand's victory as the last chapter; the epilogue being Rand's death. The last paragraph will be the 'Wind and Wheel' bit, the wind blowing across a world slowly recovering in the Light.

Theories, anyone?


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