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Here is a sweet award...from a beautiful person...THANKS FOR THE AWARD...Melanie...and BLESS YOU BUNCHES!!!...and huge hug to you...

Here's an award, from a great new cyber friend...if you want to have a heart touching moment...visit his site on ALL ABUSE AWARENESS...your heart will not go away untouched...THANKS FOR THE AWARD...Lloyd...big hug to you and your cause...{{{{{{{Lloyd}}}}}}}

This is a friendly award, given to me, by a sweet and "COOL MOM"...from Texas...thanks Norma...big hugs to you!!!...{{{{{{{{Norma}}}}}}}}...

Here's another friendly award, from another sweet Texan...thank you May, for this beautiful award...a big hug to you...{{{{{{{{MAY}}}}}}}}...

Here are two "special" awards, from a great new friend..."Shelia"...thank you so very much!!! are a doll, and a great "Nana"...big hug to you...{{{{{{{Nana-of-5}}}}}}}...

Here is sweet award given to me by one of my cybersister's...she has a beautiful, peaceful and inspirational site...if you need a calming refuse, to a hectic day, this is the place to go!!!...Thank you, Rosemary...and big hug to you...{{{{{Rosie}}}}}...

Here is another award, given to me by a Special Mystical Geisha!!!...for a "FAR EAST ADVENTURE" and more...visit this site...THANK YOU, Cindy...a big hug to you...{{{{{Cindy}}}}}...

These two awards are so special, because they were given to me, by two sweet and cuddley Feline's, one, I am sad to say, has gone on to his "RAINBOW" in the sky, but, you can still share, in the "JOY" of knowing both KeeKee, and Mewpe, by visiting thier cyber home's!!!...thank you, for these lovely awards, they are,
PURRRRRRRRRFECT!!! kitties are so proud to have these!!!...

Here is a wonderful award...from a kind Canadian, that made his way to the USA, bringing along his culture, talents, and skills to share with us, if you like to read about trains and more...please visit his site, you will definately enjoy your stay!!!...THANK YOU!!! much JJ...aka Jim...big hug to you...{{{{{JIM}}}}}...

Here is a sweet award, from a real SWEET LADY...THANK YOU!!! much for this award...BLESS YOU BUNCHES!!!...



