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~ ~ ~ Here are my Kitties ~ ~ ~

This first picture is my sweet "CALLIE"...she was my first kittie, that came to live with us in 1989!

This picture is my sweet "Pieface"...he was born in 1990, and is the son of Callie!

This is the big "Magnum"...he was adopted in 1991, and was full grown, so not quite sure how old he is...
UPDATE: Magnum went to the Rainbow Bridge...April 4, 2002...He will be Missed Deeply!!!

This is "Graybear"...we adopted him at four weeks of age, he was born in March's so hard to believe that at one time he fit in the palm of our hand!!!UPDATE Our sweet Graybear went to the Rainbow Bridge On July 25, 2002...He sufferred a brief illness. He had diabetes, and unfortunately we never detected it in time, to possibly save him...He appeared to be very healthy, as you can see in his picture, but in a matter of a few short weeks, he deteriorated rapidly....we will miss him so much..he is now with our sweet Magnum!...

Here is "Josie"...she came into our life in March 2000, her previous human mommy was unable to keep her, after having her for four years (Josie was born in 1996) we tried to help her out, and she moved in with hasn't been easy for her, she lived totally alone (had her other home to herself, very spoiled), and hasn't adjusted well to her new roommates...unfortunately, she has to be in a cage most of the time, due to her aggressive behavior...she will attack the other cat's...we wish she would change, but we have given up on any changes at this we are trying to find her a new home, where she would be QUEEN OF THE HOUSE again!!!'s so sad, because she is so pretty!....looks can be deceiving...:)...UPDATE: Hooooray!!!....Josie has decided to get along with the other cats, and, move in....not sure what brought this sudden change in her personality, but, we are very happy!!!...There may have been a connection with Magnum, he has now gone to the Rainbow Bridge, he was what I would call the alpha cat in the bunch, and maybe because he would not except Josie, the other cat's may have sensed that, along with Josie???, what ever the reason...we are truly glad Josie has finally decided to like us, after two years!!!...see the second picture below, she is still shy, and hides in the cushions of the couch, but, at least she is no longer in jail..:)...UPDATE, AS OF October 2003: Josie was re-united with her former Human Mommie....we are Happy for her, and, she is also VERY Happy!!!...We will miss her, but she is now the Queen of her home again!!!...:-)

This is "Whoopi"...She was adopted in October 1999, (she was born in July of 1999) you can see, she is my beautiful ebony kitty...she has the most loving personality of all my furbabies, she is definitely a momma's girl!

Here is a more recent picture of Whoopi, taken Christmas 2003, Whoopi found my nephew's Christmas gift, "Garfield Pillow Pal" and, has fallen inlove, she sits in Garfield's lap whenever she can...LOL

This is our NEW furbaby...his name is Whiskers...he appeared to be a feral cat that started coming around last October 2001, he looked to be about 7 to 8 months old then...he was a hungry, he found his way to our home...he would not let us pet him, or pick him up for over a month, but with patience, we won his respect!!!...(we think it was the food):) the time, we really weren't sure if he belonged to someone in the, we didn't allow ourself to get attached...also, he was sorta wild...but, we did start leaving food for him...he would come and go, and when winter arrived...we fixed him a bed in our garage...still thinking he may go back to his original home???...he made it through the winter...after Magnum went to the Rainbow Bridge...we decided that this kitty was probably going to stay, so we took him and got him neutered, and checked for feline leukemia, and the rest of his vaccinations..he now has a clean bill of health, and a permanent home...Whiskers, is what is called a Tuxedo kitty, he is also a Manx breed, as he does not have a tail, which he was born this way...he is a cute kitty, his name was chosen because when he meows, his big and full white whiskers move up and, the name just suited him!!!

Will be adding more pics of these "purrrfect kitties soon"...

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