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China's Techno Toolbox

Hi everyone! The fact that you found this place means you're way kewl. If you are wondering how to be as "clickable" as me...hehe...check out my *Toolbox*. Here you will find useful tips that will help overcome simple html problems. Then check out the really keen links page. There you will find everything you need to create dynamite webpages. So...enjoy!

Its fun to play with java, dhtml, applets and all the different tricks in today's technology. If you would like to share a *secret*...please email! I loooove to learn new this great new guestbook. It was mucho mundos fun to fix up. I suggest you get one today!

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Or...if you want to share a helpful hint for all to see...leave it and I will include it on the "helpful hints" page :o) check out my email form page. This is totally new and easy to use and coming soon. Plus anything you need to build a webpage including a color chart, script writers, copy/paste codes, midi links, pageset and graphic directories

:: so what are you waiting for? lets get started ::

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