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Tightly bound in unwrapped features
touches, treasures, each with neither.
Future's dimness bright.
Who's to say that love is gone
Who's to say we carry on...

Piece of paper power plays
toss the treasure out today
Busy mixtures...time to spare
Lives worth living...none to share.

Survive the trauma...realize the truth
Love is gone we carry on
tiny trickles, silky threads
touch my memories...make me beg
Release me from this bittersweet
...ohhh beauty sees heartache
burns a path across my soul
wakeful nights, restless dreams
Was that you I see in me? endless task
We shared a life and lost a love
Each was ours we thought right then
Take the money...yes you win
Sadness seeking its new home
So nows the time to be alone.

Reflect upon the right and wrong
Rules not followed, songs not sung
Another life I start today
Laugh a little, work a lot
repair the damage, mark the spot.
Give away what never was
Imagination played its trick
...and is gone.
Now its time to carry on.