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Schedule of Services
Sunday School
Sunday Worship
Sunday Evangelistic
Prayer Meeting
Mid-week Bible Study
and Youth Service
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
6:00 PM
7:00 PM

7:00 PM

Carrothers Chapel
circa 1920

The Carrothers Chapel Church of God of Prophecy
can be located on Ohio State Route 4
approximately 4 miles south of U.S. Route 224 in Attica
or 13 miles north of U.S. Route 30 in Bucyrus.

Our Mission

The mission of the Church of God of Prophecy is to bear witness for Christ and His truth and to spread the gospel of the Kingdom in all its fullness and power, so that the rule of God is brought about in the hearts of men.

Our Objectives

In order to accomplish our mission we will pursue four primary objectives:
  • Worship God.
  • Evangelize the lost.
  • Equip believers.
  • Prepare for Christ's return.

Our Commitments

We will worship God with all our being by:

  • Acknowledging Him as the Sovereign of all creation
  • Submitting to the headship of Christ over the Church
  • Practicing fervent, Spirit-led corporate worship
  • Allowing the full manifestation of spiritual gifts in our lives
  • Modeling personal worship through sacrificial living

We will evangelize the lost with all our resources by:

  • Utilizing every available means to take the gospel to all people
  • Depending on the Holy Spirit to empower our witness
  • Dedicating ourselves to a lifestyle of evangelism
  • Cooperating with other Bible-believing Christians in outreach efforts
  • Examining every major corporate decision in light of the Great Commission

We will equip believers, using all our gifts by:

  • Faithfully preaching and teaching the whole Word of God
  • Providing a loving environment for individual spiritual growth
  • Fulfilling the command to "bear one another's burdens"
  • Administering the scriptural ordinances
  • Applying biblical church discipline with love

We will prepare for Christ's return with all our hearts by:

  • Covenanting to the inerrant Word of God
  • Committing ourselves to lives of biblical holiness
  • Being agents of reconciliation in a fragmented world
  • Modeling and promoting unity among all God's children
  • Helping to take the gospel to every people group on earth

Our Covenant Relationship

We have joined ourselves together in Christ as a fellowship of believers by covenanting to accept the Bible as the Word of God, promising to believe and practice its teachings rightly divided with the New Testament as our rule of faith and practice, government and discipline, and agreeing to walk in the light to the best of our knowledge and ability.

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Carrothers Chapel website by E.A.Kraft © 1999