November 9, 1999

Carly: Hey, Johnny. Nice tie.

Johnny: You gave it to me.

Carly: Do I have an eye or what? Sonny home? Johnny: Yes.

Carly: Jason and Hannah aren’t here, are they?

Johnny: No.

Carly: Good. I need to speak to him for a minute.

Johnny: Ok.

Carly: Thanks.

Johnny: Carly's here.

Carly: Hi.

Sonny: How do you know I’m not busy, Carly?

Carly: We’re all busy, Sonny. I know you don’t think I’m entitle to an opinion about anything that you do...

Sonny: That’s right, so why don’t we skip the wit and wisdom of Carly Benson Quatermaine and get right to the point.

Carly: Ok. I’m just curious when you’re planning on getting rid of your FBI girlfriend.


Sonny: How do you know Hannah isn’t upstairs right not listening to us?

Carly: I asked Johnny if she was here.

Sonny: Well, what if he’d been wrong? He’s not out there 24 hours a day.

Carly: Hannah, you here? Guess she’s not here. Can I have have permission to breathe now, sir?

Sonny: So, what are you here for? You want to throw an “I told you so” in my face? Go ahead. You earned it. Just one.

Carly: That’s nothing to gloat about, Sonny. Come on. I’m not that sick. I’m not happy about this. I just have a point to make...just one...and then I’ll leave. I told you the night that you were arrested that Hannah would bring you down. Now, you know that you can prevent it, so why are you letting her? Why is she still here?

Sonny: I don’t owe you squat...apologies, reasons, nothing.

Carly: Fair enough.

Sonny: Besides which, explaining my life, my business to you is like teaching astronomy to a cat. But if you must know, I am taking advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to feed bad information to the Feds. Does that meet up to your satisfaction?

Carly: No. I think it’s a crock. I think you want to hurt Hannah just like she hurt you. I think...I think you want to use her just like she used you. I don’t blame you, Sonny, but it’s not smart, man. She came here with a job to do, and you are giving her all the time in the world to do it. And if you want to go to prison, that’s your deal, you know. It’s your prerogative. It’s a free country. But you’re are not going to take Jason with you.


Sonny: You think the sun needs you to help it rise? You think that if you don’t pay attention, all the oceans dry up? The world doesn’t need you to get on with its business, and neither do I. Just because you don’t know what I’m doing doesn’t mean I don’t.

Carly: What are you doing? Do you know what I like least about you?

Sonny: What?

Carly: Can I tell you?

Sonny: Yeah.

Carly: You’re more of an ingrate than I am Sonny.

Sonny: Oh...

Carly: Oh, no. You have this ego...your ego is everything, man. It doesn’t doesn’t matter who gets in your way or how much you owe them. If they cross you or if you don’t like their tone of voice, they’re dirt.

Sonny: So, how much do you think I owe you, exactly, Carly?

Carly: Well...I’m not talking about me. I’m talking about Jason, for God’s sakes. Look, every second that Hannah is here, every minute, she’s collecting information about you, about Jason, about everybody else that comes through the door. Do you care? Do you care? No, you don’t care. You wanter her here so you can kick her around a little bit more? Never mind whoever else you’re putting at risk, right? Sonny: You think Jason likes you going around behind his back, telling other people how to treat him?

Carly: When it comes to you, that’s what has to be done because when it comes to you, Jason won’t stand up for himself. He loves you too much. He’d let you sell him down the river if you wanted to. But I won’t, Sonny. Not ever. So, here’s the deal either you get rid of Hannah, or I will.


Sonny: You need not to be in this room right now, for my sake and for yours.

Carly: Sonny, tell me that I’m wrong, man. Tell me how you’re figuring you’re going to protect your best friend in all this.

Sonny: Nothing’s going to happen to Jason he can’t be protected from.

Carly: What do you think? What do you think? You think there’s still a chance for you and Hannah? Is that what you think? You think maybe she really loves you, man? Hmm? You think maybe she’ll give up everything and come back, be with you? What if she it doesn’t pay off? What if your little gamble doesn’t pay off? What happens? You go to jail. So does Jason. That makes him what? Your wager. He means a lot to you, but not as much as your little Italian princess?

Sonny: You know nothing about my life, the value I place on things. What jason means to me, what anybody means to know nothing about that, so what are you talking...

Carly: Don’t kid yourself. You’re not complicated. You’re selfish. Sonny: All right, you’re going to walk out of here right now, and you’re going to keep your mouth shut. I know what Hannah Scott is, and I now what she’s going to be left with by the time I’m done with her. Your services in burning the witch at the stake are not required, and Jason doesn’t need you to go mixing it up with the FBI, believe me. If anybody’s going to put him in the federal pen, it’s going to be you. Now, this is my business. You cross me in it, Carly, and you will be one sorry little girl.

Carly: Big man. Maybe you can make me think you’d hurt me, but you’re overestimating yourself, Sonny, if you think you can make a woman who you hate think that you lover her. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Just trust me. And you know what? I don’t know if they’re going to lock you up and throw away the key, but I halfway hope that they do. But if Jason Morgan goes down with you, it’s on your head, man.

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