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Well, it's December right now, and it's hard to believe Christmas is around the corner. I love Christmas, don't you? I love walking through the crowded malls, seeing the holiday decorations, and throwing tufts of pubic hair into random strangers' faces while yelling, "merry Christmas to you!"

What made this Christmas even sweeter, was that I accidently received a letter in my mail that was addressed to a "Santa Claus." Naturally, I did the right thing: I threw it away. Of course, not before I opened it, read it, and used it as toilet paper. It was really sweet, here it is:

Dear Santy,

Hi! My name is Nathan and I'm 9 years old. I can't believe I remembered to write to you this time! I totally forgot last year, probably because my mommy smoked angel dust while she was pregnant with me :(

Anyway, I been really really good this year except for that one time when I did a double arson-homocide. Therefore, this year I have a really long wish list. I hope you can bring me alot of the stuff, because you never know, there could be an arson homocide at the North Pole if you get my drift. Anyway, here's my list:

Anyways, that's all the stuff that I want this year. I understand that you're probably really busy and all, but let me make myself clear: BRING ME MY SHIT, FATMAN, OR I WILL HURT YOU, YOUR WIFE, AND YOUR ELVES VERY VERY BADLY. THERE WILL BE ELF BLOOD EVERYWHERE. THEN I WILL BUTTFUCK YOUR REINDEER LIKE I DID TO MY FRIEND, TOMMY.


Your pal Nathan

before you exit this page, there's something i want to tell you. 2 + 2 does not equal 4. you've been lied to all your life. also, you're ugly