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Ned Condini

A writer, translator, and literary critic, Condini taught English at Westwood High School in New Jersey until 1999. In 1986 he was the recipient of the PEN/Poggioli Award for his translations of poet Mario Luzi. Short stories and poems of his have appeared in Translation, The Mississippi Review, Prairie Schooner, The Partisian Review, Mid-American Review, Negative Capability, Italian Americana, and The Village Voice. In May 1994, Condini's collection of poems, Rimbaud in Umbria, was published by Multigraf (Venice), and in November 1996, his collection quartettsatz was published by VIA (Purdue University). He has translated Ben Jonson's plays and adapted John Marston's The Malcontent. At present, he is completing his third novel, Tornado, and an anthology of Modern and Contemporary Italian Poetry (1855-1955).

Books Available from Via Dolorosa Press:

The Gorgon's Head (vdp46)

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