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vdp02...No Meaning Beyond Hyacinthe L. Raven..The book that started it all; VDP's celebrated first work! An experimental short story about an every-day Christ, laden with hints of L'Absurde.

vdp40...The Main Jeff Johnson.."The story of a man's compelling moral quest for innocence through a contemporary wasteland of casual sex, drugs, and violence. His desire for truth outside tradition, education, cunning, or ambition---trusting only his hedonistic, ecstatic, gut-level aesthetics---transforms his peculiar voyeuristic slumming into an existential search for meaning."... (trade paperback, ISBN 0-9718673-0-5)

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vdp46...The Gorgon's Ned Condini..The essence of Camus and Kafka lives on in this short story of a writer's inner turmoil. Gloriously unsettling literary fiction from a master craftsman.